


Oct 17th 2011, 14:02:49

This happens to be something I agree with completely. It doesn't have to be retroactive, but everything in the future should be publicly available.

In another note, I was trying to compile a list of records for the Wiki, but was prevented from doing so by the massive number of "enabled privacy options". All that I am sure of is that llaar ran the country with the highest land and NW, though in an era with different rules. If it says that the country "Drinks" got the highest NW last set, it is still uncorfirmable since it doesn't necessarily mean that the player Drinks was the person who ran that account. (While it can actually be confirmed that llaar did have the highest land since only he has a land total exceeding 90 million)

Edited By: Watertowers on Oct 17th 2011, 14:05:35
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