
hanlong Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 22:33:07

tl;dr alert! read the last paragraph only if you don't have time =)

Ever since I was called back to this game by h4 during the second SOL/LaF war that LaF lost I had a special desire to solve tensions between SOL/LaF that have been on and off since the the early 2000s. I remember fondly chats I had with classic SOL leaders such as NorCal/Les and Mickster to resolve our issues honorably. With that instilled in my memory I sought to seek the same reasonable conflict resolution from the current era of SOL leaders. The biggest goal I had that I made clear to my talks to multiple SOL leaders was for prearranged wars between us when we decide to scratch that once a few resets itch of war between our respective parties. I felt it would be fair to both parties and make this game a better place for all. The result is the same (SOL gets to take turns warring different netgainers every reset), but the path to that result is more honorable and sustainable for all without the bs (L:L vs 1:1, alliance wide escalating retals vs country escalating retals, 48 hour retal window vs 72 hour retal window, etc.)

Let's take things back to the reset before I came back when SOL completely blindsided a much bigger LaF (at that time) over one of their arcane retal policies, which are intended for the sole purpose to blindside netters, and proceeded to destroy us. The next reset, SOL refused to pact us again and there was high probability in h4's mind that SOL was going to war us again and LaF preempted a well prepared and larger SOL and lost again.

SOL then finally agreed to pact LaF and instead used this opportunity to destroy our ally LCN under the safety of this pact over the same arcane "let's use this as a reason to blindside netters" retal rules. As we all remember this lead to the netters saying "enough is enough" and we joined forces to FS SOL a few resets ago. None of us wanted to be isolated, FSed, beg for a pact, and then because of it watch our allies get beat down the reset after. We wanted a more civil approach for warrers and netters to war each other, and to me, a good prearranged war is the best and honorable solution that also helps out the community in a non-toxic way.

Clearly SOL did not get this message, and the very next reset they FSed two of our FDPs again (MD and LCN). The reset after that (aka last reset), SOL played the same game again (pacted LCN) and left LaF open. Knowing how this pattern always worked, the following reset I asked SOL for a uNAP first, which was rejected, and then for a prearranged war, which was also rejected.

True to SOL fashion and pattern, SOL ended up FSing us that reset. To add more insult to the injury, they FSed us while we were already engaged in a 1v1 war by adding not only themselves but a third alliance for an old fashioned 3v1 gangbang. When we called in SoF, despite still being outnumbered, SOL called in our own FDP TIE to indirectly destroy us, creating one of the most unpleasant and awkward situations I had to ever deal with.

I said the same thing that time to some SOL leaders: If you guys wanted to war us, why not just take our prearranged war offer and war us. Otherwise just uNAP us. The funniest thing about that reset was Makinso himself posted on AT that he was looking for a prearranged war for that reset, and when I volunteered LaF, he said no. In the end SOL still FSed us. Think of how much this reset would have been different for everyone if SOL agreed to the prearranged war that they were looking for in the first place. I was definitely not amused to take SOL upon their prearranged war offer that they publicly posted they wanted, only to get rejected so they could gangbang us afterwards.

Every reset SOL uNAPs LaF, they FS our FDPs. Everytime SOL uNAPs LaF's FDPs, they FS LaF. While this is definitely a sound strategy, the biggest problem is this pattern has never been broken by SOL making it extremely predictable.

Remember that saying "fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me"? There is absolutely no way if this pattern happens that I wouldn't act on it.

So let's go to this reset. Knowing full well SOL's pattern, I asked the same two questions to SOL:

Q: Do you want to uNAP pact us?
A: No

Q: Do you want to prearranged war us?
A: No

Therefore LaF declares war on SOL. This isn't personal. I fully expect SOL to have FSed LaF or one of our allies eventually this reset anyways so this was inevitable. I sincerely hope we can sort out a good arranged war-only system between SOL and the various netgaining alliances out there as I personally have tried to push for the past few resets as a result of this war. Good luck to all sides, and please place both LaF and SOL on war DNH.
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 18th 2011, 22:34:43

The actual tl:dr version is that LaF and SoF want to drive players from the game.

hanlong Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 22:36:13

thank you for your input slagpit
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

dagga Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 22:37:27

You morons really are scraping the barrel to justify the fact you aren't a bunch of useless pussies.
signatures are stupid.
Months since LaF netgained: 22

Donny Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 22:38:01

69 v 41 w fs ... .........lame

Dear Asians who say they're not ninjas just because they're Asian,
That's exactly what a ninja would say.



Dec 18th 2011, 22:43:20

not lafs fault SoL didn't prep properly for this Donny.

We've had enough of it and prepared accordingly

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 18th 2011, 22:46:13

Originally posted by dagga:
You morons really are scraping the barrel to justify the fact you aren't a bunch of useless pussies.

dagga, you can do better. This is not even in the top 100 of your troll quotes.
Don of LaF

mdevol Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 22:46:32

how do you justify the multiple RoRs?

or do you simply not care?
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

LaFinglolrik Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 22:47:39

you will all die!
Division: Santa claus iron fist wil fluff you all over!

mdevol Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 22:47:54

1a politics suck. you guys cant even make good war decs.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis



Dec 18th 2011, 22:48:10

who ?

swampy Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 22:48:19

Pathetic as usual, it is getting old warring you guys now, we need someone different, no wonder he said no in a pre arranged war.

hanlong Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 22:50:03

he could've not said no to the pact offer then :P

i didn't give only one option you know =)
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Scorba Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 22:51:32

It is unfortunate that LaF's only goal now is these one sided wars. Attempting to setup anything agreed upon in advance will simply be ignored as they find a way to dodge a pact, or involve enough alliances that the sides are always far higher on theirs.

The LGs were an obvious lead in ploy, LaF these days reminds me more and more of the old IX.

All we tried to do was go thru a set as peacefully as we could. But LaF who prepared for an early war needed a target, someone that couldn't fight back with the severe number disadvantage. SOL was chosen.

LaFinglolrik Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 22:51:33

mdevol, were you here one year ago, when those huge SOL tyrr techers hit LaFs 40 x rep cashers? Feel the pain bro! My rep/casher was gonna make number 1 man. I will war forever for that country bro, never forget!

Son Goku Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 22:52:28

Originally posted by Scorba:
It is unfortunate that LaF's only goal now is these one sided wars. Attempting to setup anything agreed upon in advance will simply be ignored as they find a way to dodge a pact

Try reading.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 18th 2011, 22:53:16

Try reading what? Why would SOL trust a LaF pact when you douchebags broke one last set?

hanlong Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 22:53:48

Originally posted by Scorba:
It is unfortunate that LaF's only goal now is these one sided wars. Attempting to setup anything agreed upon in advance will simply be ignored as they find a way to dodge a pact, or involve enough alliances that the sides are always far higher on theirs.

The LGs were an obvious lead in ploy, LaF these days reminds me more and more of the old IX.

All we tried to do was go thru a set as peacefully as we could. But LaF who prepared for an early war needed a target, someone that couldn't fight back with the severe number disadvantage. SOL was chosen.

SOL was the one that rejected the prearranged war and uNAP for two resets in a row, not me ;P

"or involve enough alliances that the sides are always far higher on theirs."

you started it also last reset by calling in TIE on top of Imag to the war.

please read the war dec again, everything was already addressed.
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Donny Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 22:54:00

Eh looks like I'm done in1a sick of being fs 'd 3:1

Dear Asians who say they're not ninjas just because they're Asian,
That's exactly what a ninja would say.

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 18th 2011, 22:54:18

the important question is are we going to war on christmas day or have a temp ceasefire

hanlong Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 22:55:38

Originally posted by Donny:
Eh looks like I'm done in1a sick of being fs 'd 3:1

that's why it's 1v1 right now ;)

we got FSed also by you and imag when we were warring evo, that was a 3v1 ;P
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

swampy Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 22:56:55

stuff waring on christmas day, i have better things to do.

Laf you simply suck arse.

hanlong Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 22:58:26

we can CF on xmas day

i'm not a grinch! =D

Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Jiman Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 23:03:17

You asked for a pre arranged war when both of our alliances had 30 members, not even everyone was untagged.

I also told you, multiple times, that we couldnt commit to a pre arranged war so early because we would not know if we would be needed to help our allies.

So instead, you decided to (poorly may I add) attempt to get SOL to FS you first by over grabbing us. When we did not respond to it in the fashion you wished (I messaged you to try to solve what ever issue you may of had) you simply replied "I want a pact or a pre arranged war".

I asked that we could both be placed on DNH so we could talk this out. I have been on icq and mirc for several days in an attempt to speak to you further, but you were not showing up.

YOu know what the funny thing is, if you waited and had some patience as I said in my message to you, you would of found out that we were actually willing to give you a pact. AND IT WS MAKI'S IDEA TOO! I was pretty flabbergasted to hear this.

Yet, this is what occurs when you are too afriad to trust? Have I lied to you yet Hanlong? Nope. Open and honest. That is all I have been too you.


I also promise that we had no plans to screw one of your allies. Which ally were we going to hit?

I am hurt by this more then upset.

MrX Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 23:03:29

im available in xmas day & night, for ur beers... :p
Join LaF { }
-+=[ Semper Paratus et Fidelis ] {iCQ: 168700501}

LaFinglolrik Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 23:04:43

well we have the real grinch with us! :D we can send him with a boat over to you guys.

hanlong Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 23:04:46

can you pact us next time in the beginning of the reset instead of mid-reset like everyone else does? =)
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Jiman Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 23:06:43

How about you stop the FS and come on ICQ to chat with me.

There is no purpose to this.

Our goals, as was the rest of the sets goal, was to have even war reset. You flouted this to me. Multiple alliances have. I do not call a 69 (I am 60% sure you are harboring members from other alliances) vs 40 a fair fight.

I am extreemly bothered by this.

I just hope to god that some alliances will see the issue with this.

hanlong Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 23:07:58

Originally posted by Jiman:
How about you stop the FS and come on ICQ to chat with me.

There is no purpose to this.

Our goals, as was the rest of the sets goal, was to have even war reset. You flouted this to me. Multiple alliances have. I do not call a 69 (I am 60% sure you are harboring members from other alliances) vs 40 a fair fight.

I am extreemly bothered by this.

I just hope to god that some alliances will see the issue with this.

nope, all of our members are core LaF veterans that been here for years.

we actually have one new member this reset. probably our worst recruiting reset ever.
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 18th 2011, 23:08:42

theres no reason people cant sign a pact which excludes grabbing without excluding helping allies anyway

i seem to remember it being called a NAP

hanlong Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 23:09:37

and i'm on IRC

Don_Hanlong on ee IRC.

i hate ICQ =) but i'm on there right now also.
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Jiman Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 23:10:14

Waiting on ICQ ;_)

Xinhuan Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 23:14:59

There are no alliances close to LaF's size of 69. Are you suggesting that a larger alliance cannot ever FS a smaller one in this game?

Pain Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 23:15:23

Originally posted by enshula:
theres no reason people cant sign a pact which excludes grabbing without excluding helping allies anyway

i seem to remember it being called a NAP

NAP's are breakable for any reason, including declaring war on people. they are worthless pacts only put in place to prevent landgrabbing and nothing else.

people should stop calling pacts with clauses that allow it to be broken uNAPs. they are NOT unbreakable if they can be voided for a specific reason. they should be called cNAPs (conditional non aggr pact) that is unbreakable except for VERY specific instances, not this gray area fluff people use.
Your mother is a nice woman

hanlong Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 23:17:40

we are at 69 because its such a sexy number
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 18th 2011, 23:17:59

call it what you want, if you want a pact to stop problems between you and someone else without allowing isolating of allies you can make it

SolidSnake Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 23:18:34

Originally posted by Jiman:
How about you stop the FS and come on ICQ to chat with me.

There is no purpose to this.

Our goals, as was the rest of the sets goal, was to have even war reset. You flouted this to me. Multiple alliances have. I do not call a 69 (I am 60% sure you are harboring members from other alliances) vs 40 a fair fight.

I am extreemly bothered by this.

I just hope to god that some alliances will see the issue with this.

As opposed to you fs'ing imag with twice their membership? can anyone say hypocrisy?

Son Goku Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 23:19:03

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
There are no alliances close to LaF's size of 69. Are you suggesting that a larger alliance cannot ever FS a smaller one in this game?

I sure know I've never been in a smaller alliance that SOL has FS'd....

Pain Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 23:22:48

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
There are no alliances close to LaF's size of 69. Are you suggesting that a larger alliance cannot ever FS a smaller one in this game?

you guys are a netting alliance, try netting maybe?
Your mother is a nice woman

swampy Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 23:26:50

too many people net in this game

ebola Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 23:27:29

I guess if they knew the whole setup of this reset beforehand they might have tried that. Best guess: they/everybody knew Evo was coming for them OOP, SoF took them out before that happened and LaF was stuck with a bunch of war-ready countries ill-suited for gaining.

SoL and/or iMag is probably the logical alliance to hit at that point. Whether this makes it okay is up to you all to decide.

Either way, nice 2300hits/11kill FS, wonder what SoL can do now (or allies to bring in to level the numbers)

Edited By: ebola on Dec 18th 2011, 23:29:29
See Original Post

LaFinglolrik Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 23:27:44

nah we actually now want to call ourselves warfare alliance.

MrX Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 23:30:31

a typing war coming...

Join LaF { }
-+=[ Semper Paratus et Fidelis ] {iCQ: 168700501}

hanlong Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 23:41:09

Originally posted by swampy:
too many people net in this game


we're taking your advice then not to net. so we all happy now? =)
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Revolver Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 23:44:52

Originally posted by Slagpit:
The actual tl:dr version is that LaF and SoF want to drive players from the game.

poor little one. do you want a kleenex to dry your tears?

swampy Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 23:46:53


iScode Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 23:47:49

good luck
God of War


de1i Game profile


Dec 19th 2011, 0:48:37

Originally posted by Scorba:

The LGs were an obvious lead in ploy, LaF these days reminds me more and more of the old IX.

Leave IX out of this, thanks.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 19th 2011, 0:53:33

It's Christmas jackass!

Merry Christmas!
I financially support this game; what do you do?

Nekked Game profile


Dec 19th 2011, 1:58:10

pies laf & sol... splatsplat...splat

Edited By: qzjul on Dec 19th 2011, 2:10:40
See Original Post