
fazer Game profile


Feb 21st 2012, 1:30:03

Sov i get it. I can respect that your trying to put the nicest spin on 'the server is over pacted, and too scared to hit anyone because they fear a war and going backwards on their country, so they'll hit a defenceless country and then they'll know there safe'..

Or by saying, 'everything your saying is true, but thats the way it is, and we can't change the poison in this server, so either put up with it or LEAVE'..

Yes the smart thing to do is join a larger alliance. But i don't want too. I want to play with a smaller alliance, it's that sense of wanting to start your own business, as opposed to getting a bs government job... i think you get it.

And thanks.
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Fazer - MGP

"if somethings not fun, why do it?"



Feb 21st 2012, 1:33:23

Good luck

Xinhuan Game profile


Feb 21st 2012, 1:34:53

Jesst, the goal of the game is ultimately to finish as high in Networth as possible. To do that, you need land to generate more production. And untagged countries and small clans with less than 5 members offer the easiest land with the least likelihood of them being able to retaliate.

That's why hits don't stop on you. Talking about it won't change anything. That's really the bottom line. Might is right. Hitting larger established alliances who have the capability to attack back is far riskier, and most clans have some sort of pact/agreed relationship with each other not to attack each other.

Sov Game profile


Feb 21st 2012, 1:35:28

That is fine, but don't complain that the system does not work for you. The system works fine for everyone else and has been in place for well over a decade.

If you know the system, you can do well. If you don't, you wont get anywhere. Once you become farmland, it is hard for anyone else to consider you anything but farmland.

Sov Game profile


Feb 21st 2012, 1:37:16

So I am guessing fazer and Jesst are the same person? Forgot to switch accounts?

fazer Game profile


Feb 21st 2012, 4:21:26

lol Sov i have been playing e2025 and ee for about 10 years on an off, more so off. I had this same argument back about 6 months ago. SO i have a special interest in this topic.
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Fazer - MGP

"if somethings not fun, why do it?"

Sov Game profile


Feb 21st 2012, 4:27:57

Well I guess you just want to complain about the way the system is then, which in the end won't achieve anything.

If you have any idea of what you are doing and know how to create your own Alliance and have the ability to entice people to follow you, starting a new Alliance is not that hard. Don't try to change the system just because you are unable to work within it.

Jiman Game profile


Feb 21st 2012, 4:47:27

The game does have a low population at the moment which is creating certain issues to arise.

fazer Game profile


Feb 21st 2012, 8:15:46

I know, the difficult thing is its a love / hate relationship with the game.

One thing mentioned which i have been on about for a while is bot countries? I think that solves MOST issues i can think about and will also entice many more people to join. Perhaps create like a GDI style alliance in the server? provides targets, land, and also run a retal style script which runs much the same as humans do, ie if they are too big don't bother?

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Fazer - MGP

"if somethings not fun, why do it?"

Xinhuan Game profile


Feb 21st 2012, 18:36:23

It is not that bots are a bad idea. The problem is in the implementation, the bots must not be too predictable in behavior, and yet not be all running the same strat. It's hard to write something that calculates for you what the next best move is.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 21st 2012, 18:39:12

Artificial AI is a fluff to code but for this simple of a game shouldn't be too hard to pull off.

**That coming from a person who knows nothing about coding.

Trife Game profile


Feb 21st 2012, 18:50:38

mmm sweet, more bottomfeeding targets

just what this game needs

om nom nom nom

Grimm Game profile


Feb 25th 2012, 18:23:47

Originally posted by fazer:

Yes the smart thing to do is join a larger alliance. But i don't want too. I want to play with a smaller alliance, it's that sense of wanting to start your own business, as opposed to getting a bs government job... i think you get it.

Still though. There are a bunch of 15-20 member alliances who don't get farmed into the ground and where one active player, or four or five active players, can make a big difference and be a big part of the alliance community. {shameless plug} Including Rage, best example is our President right now, who is one of the newer generation of players, having only joined a couple years ago.