
Alin Game profile


Apr 12th 2012, 7:57:54

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Alin:
FU - and the way you are thinking.

You are the new RD for this game!!!

And you are the mindless drone that stands by while someone else does something far worse while telling you its the big evil boogeyman who did the true wrong. The new RD? Yah ok. Thats a great comparison. Comparing a 90 member clan who doesn't get any deletions to the scum of earth 2025.

You ( and a little part of EVO ) do the same thing to earth alliance server as RD in the past ( drive new members away ).

Rd had some brains too in comparation with some of you.

Yea i know - this is the new earth, adapt or die ... well fluff your ability to adapt by destroying the game.

I care less about this game, it used to be my passion in the past and old habits die hard - but i hate seeing dumb people, bossing around because they an EarthEmpires alliance is the only thing they will EVER lead in their phatetic life!

fluff YOU AND YOUR ALLIANCE politics!!!!

P.S: Careless if banned

Edited By: Alin on Apr 12th 2012, 8:01:01
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