


May 6th 2012, 6:08:11

Originally posted by Karim:
i honestly didn't notice any failed Spy Op

How could you, you were too busy continuing a witch hunt. It's okay we understand, everyone wants an excuse for why they lose. Now everytime MD gets curb stomped they will make it out as a victory because that one time LaF had 2 members that cheated.

Never mind the fact that MD had virtually no chance to win no matter the circumstances. Never mind the fact that only an idiot wouldn't know MD was planning to FS LaF. Never mind the fact that Arsehole performed this exact same trick in 03 or 04 maybe?

Don't try and blame your fluffiness on cheating. It is pretty sad that an alliance has to try and take advantage of such circumstances to win and then lie in an attempt to further sully an alliances reputation.

I also doubt that highly that LaF could give a fluff about MD or if they sign a pact again. I bet LaF runs MD off the server again for being the backstabbing pricks that they are. How many times do you intend to backstab LaF exactly and still try and take the higher ground?

This is just my opinion but I would rather have LaF on the server than some ally flip flopping backstabbers like MD.

Edit: Just for clarification I wasn't liking the direction LaF was going with their constant warring, but at least they aren't cowardly scum (except for TC and Hanlong if they actually read posts or used game data) like MD.

Edited By: Anonymous on May 6th 2012, 6:13:48
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