
Red X Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 0:05:35


its not like it matters but im not super into poltics i have my views but i dont know any of these 2 guys real views...

so you poltical people whats pros and cons for each of them

USA election btw
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Buch Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 0:33:52

They are both idiots...... but Romney is pro guns so I'd go with him

Red X Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 0:57:49

is that the only difference really...

guess ill vote 3rd party again lol
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

TGD Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 2:00:42

no the real idiots are congress :)

and the american people who both, at the same time, hates congress with a passion, yet loves their individual representative, this insuring no change ever comes to congress, except to go either far right or far left now-a-days *shurgs*

Both candidates are flip-flopers. If Romney gets elected, it is not going to be all roses and sunshine for republicans, since he is too center for the tea-party to cooperate with. If Obama gets reelected, the republicans are going to spend the next 4 years fighting him and making sure to destroy the democratic party for the 2016 election.

Like every recent U.S. President, both will be secretive, both will make campaign promises, that will not be kept, but be made to get elected. Just your choice on how you want the federal government run, and our foreign policy.

Romney states that he will not hesitate to go to war with Iran, which, in my opinion, won't do much as Iran is run by the clergy and the US would have to find and kill all the leading clergy, which will probably in turn insite even worse Anti-American sentiment in the middle east that the US really does not need after being connected with that area and our wars for 10 years now.

The Teaparty wants the US to cut our debt substantially, but they seem to want to do with in a way that will send a huge show wave through the country, while keeping Defense at the same budget level or with an even higher budget (i really don't see the need for such a huge defense budget, as was shown in my US National Security class, taught by a Republican, the US far FAR outspends the next 7 countries (or so) combined )

My opinion, lets see what Obama can do with a full 2 term presidency, and see how Congress acts, as I don't see much cooperation between Congress and Romney. I just do not see anything good under a Romney Administration with the way the current Congress is run and if your only reason for voting for Romney because you have some major fear of Obama taking away your gun rights, which he has not down, mainly because of the NRA feeding Congress with so much money *shurgs*.

I'm looking for someone who can do something with our ignorant Congress, and the way they are viewing Romney, does not look good for his presidency and I do not like the prospect of oil shooting threw the roof because of the speculation that the USA and Iran could be going to war very soon and us once again going into a middle east country, looking for WMD's and finding nothing.

Just my 2 cents and my view. I'm a democrat, i'm far more disappointed with our Congress than I am with our President. I believe, if our Congress could work together, and create balanced legislation, without each party throwing in their own laws in totally unrelated legislation, and all the backstabbing, I believe Obama might have been a more effective president.

Edit: I'm disappointed with both parties in congress :)

Edited By: TGD on Jul 3rd 2012, 2:05:10
See Original Post

locket Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 2:09:47

Considering the quotes by Republicans about how it is more important to destroy Obama than anything else including the economy I find it impossible to hope such a negative party will win. I saw a poll the other day and was able to look it up and the quote in question.

"The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president." Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell

"The results are similar to a November poll also conducted by Public Policy Polling that asked registered voters the same question about the economy. At the time, 50 percent of respondents said they believed Republicans were purposely stalling on efforts to improve the economy, an opinion then expressed by 87 percent of self-described liberals, 61 percent of moderates and 15 percent of conservatives."

Pretty bad when 15 % of conservatives think they are doing that fluff -_-

locket Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 2:10:27

Either way... there is likely an independent site out there that can show you their differences and you are probably going to be better informed closer to the actual election date as to their policies.

major Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 3:21:54

if obama gets second term, the usa is done, he is doing his best to destroy us on the first term... we are in our worst shape ever... second term is a free pass,jesus, he has rode his first term and is killing the countr.. god have mercy on our souls

locket Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 4:24:20

Originally posted by major:
if obama gets second term, the usa is done, he is doing his best to destroy us on the first term... we are in our worst shape ever... second term is a free pass,jesus, he has rode his first term and is killing the countr.. god have mercy on our souls


Buch Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 13:41:26

I agree with major ..... Obama is turning America into a dictatorship like forcing people to have healthcare WTF cuz we as people are to dumb to know what's good for us Obama is a fluffing nazi


EE Patron

Jul 3rd 2012, 13:48:10

Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 3rd 2012, 14:29:33

Doesn't matter what I say because we can bicker back and forth until we are all blue in the face... I'm convinced liberalism is a mental disorder.

I'm voting for Romney.
- Premium Patron Member

Buch Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 14:32:17

You are right...... this thread will mimic our congress

TGD Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 14:32:55

Originally posted by Buch:
I agree with major ..... Obama is turning America into a dictatorship like forcing people to have healthcare WTF cuz we as people are to dumb to know what's good for us Obama is a fluffing nazi

and how do you think the country will run under a Romney-Republican-Tea Party congress?

The Tea party does not like him, and people are voting in more and more of them

I don't see anything good happening if he gets elected

Buch Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 14:49:21

He's pro guns I'd like to keep mine that's the only reason as stated before they are both idiots.. and no president will ever get any thing done because the congress is full of people that don't care about anything but voting agents the other party...... they should outlaw political parties mabe something would get done but I doubt it



Jul 3rd 2012, 15:13:56

As a Teamster, I will be voting for Obama.

Detmer Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 15:20:57

As someone with a functional brain, I will not be voting for Romney.

Junky Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 16:47:06

defenantly not voting... I havn't complained yet, won't complain then... when we clear congress of the old, get rid of lobbists... maybe I'll start to vote.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

TGD Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 16:50:40

i do not believe anything will get done with Congress, until their inaction causes a major catastrophic event in the US. Regardless of who is president, Congress is not going to work with him. If Romney gets elected, the republicans can kiss 2016 goodbye, between their own infighting, inability to work with the democratic senate, and their ignorant belief that all Republicans should be far fight, American people will kick out republicans left an right in 2016.

Do not forget, the party in power, is the party that losses, which is why I do not undestand why either party wants to have all the power, when they know what lies ahead in 2014 and 2016.

I'll be voting for Obama, I could not care less about gun rights. American people have more guns than any other country in the world and our love for guns goes beyond sexual gratification.

LittleItaly Game profile

Game Moderator
Alliance, FFA, & Cooperation

Jul 3rd 2012, 16:54:35

-Discord: LittleItaly#2905
-IRC: #sol
-Apply today @ for Alliance

UBer Bu Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 17:13:34

-take off every sig.

Oceana Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 17:25:30

Hard to say both parties are unreasonable, and only have their own interest they are after, Both will not mind Totally destroying the country to line their pockets and to retain power. They are both Puppetrs of the corporate world which if anyone hasn't noticed doesn't mean those corp,s could care less about the US other then for it customer base. Just because they might trade on a US exchange doesn't mean any of the owners are from The US. In fact look who controls the US Chamber of Commerce, Alot of foreignor interest. And never has the corporate world actually preffered democratic principals it to sloppy of a system the by far want to Operate in a Government that has better control of the populous. Its a shame as what are our choice's the guy who has proven he can't lead for the past 4 years, or the idiot who willn't mind sell us off.

Pain Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 17:39:48

Originally posted by TGD:
i do not believe anything will get done with Congress, until their inaction causes a major catastrophic event in the US. Regardless of who is president, Congress is not going to work with him. If Romney gets elected, the republicans can kiss 2016 goodbye, between their own infighting, inability to work with the democratic senate, and their ignorant belief that all Republicans should be far fight, American people will kick out republicans left an right in 2016.

Do not forget, the party in power, is the party that losses, which is why I do not undestand why either party wants to have all the power, when they know what lies ahead in 2014 and 2016.

I'll be voting for Obama, I could not care less about gun rights. American people have more guns than any other country in the world and our love for guns goes beyond sexual gratification.

i know, its a terrible reason to not want to vote for someone if they want to remove a constitutional right from us. :\

what rights have to be threatened for you to care? without a second amendment you have no other rights, remember that.

Your mother is a nice woman


EE Patron

Jul 3rd 2012, 17:54:53

Originally posted by Buch:
He's pro guns I'd like to keep mine that's the only reason as stated before they are both idiots.. and no president will ever get any thing done because the congress is full of people that don't care about anything but voting agents the other party...... they should outlaw political parties mabe something would get done but I doubt it
Yah cuz Obama has taken everyone's guns rifght, oh not really

country will go to fluff either way, the difference is exaggerated
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Buch Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 18:40:08

No he hasn't but I'd bet he will do something stupid and try his hardest to get rid of all / some guns

voltron Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 18:49:54

Got to vote Romney because he understands big business and has best chance at going forward from where we are.

Quick fix is DRILL off the Coast and lower fuel for us and or make make deal with Canada which I think is top 5 oil producing country. If China is going to drill off Cuba then why not have our American companies do it as long as they give incentive to lower fuel here in USA. Making 10 Billion a quarter is little much. How about 8 Billion. Lower cost for gas will lower delivery of food, Cost of food because the gas to run the tractors is lower. The lower cost of fuel means you can fill you car for less meaning you have more money for people to go to movies, eat out. ect ect ect. WHICH means we spend on the economy. Lower cost of fuel will also mean lower cost of building homes it is better for all areas of economy.

But this is not just a Republican thing or a Democrat thing this is a broken system where people take advantage of loop holes in laws and lobbyist are allowed kill any bill by pork barreling it unless a deal is made to back another deal. Almost every bill has so much wasted money going to different causes that The congress knows it happens but does not stop it. And they kick one out and another person that replaces them does it. If they did what they are there to do which is speak for the majority of the people and stop worrying about passing deals that pad their pockets and stop passing laws for them that the average person is not able to do. Like life time health insurance. When I leave my job I lose mine. most of our problems would be fixed.

ON a side note to be fair to Obama he must like flying the drones because he has taken out the #2 guy for al-Qaeda like 3 times and have kept constant pressure on them with that. Killing them 1 by one and having them to scramble and run all the time. Which I did not think he would do when elected.

But he is running the country as a socialist which last time I checked we were not. And the bailout to his friends and backers is hard to swallow for the people struggling.

aponic Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 19:37:13

I am tired of people calling Obama a socialist. As a socialist I am offended. Research the term and stop misusing it.

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Jul 3rd 2012, 19:51:52

This thread is mind-numbing...
Finally did the signature thing.

Pain Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 19:55:54

who are you kidding qzjul you lost your mind a long time ago.
Your mother is a nice woman


EE Patron

Jul 3rd 2012, 21:27:31

Originally posted by aponic:
I am tired of people calling Obama a socialist. As a socialist I am offended. Research the term and stop misusing it.

Originally posted by Buch:
No he hasn't but I'd bet he will do something stupid and try his hardest to get rid of all / some guns
lol why
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

UBer Bu Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 21:36:31

Originally posted by blid:
lol why

Blid, you see, it's all part of the con. Obama's clearly been playing the long game all along. By not taking away our guns in his first four years in office, he's lulled us in to a false sense of security. The day he's reelected, BLAMMO! And by "blammo" I mean I must try to think of another exclamation, because all the guns that go BLAMMO will have been taken away.
-take off every sig.

Buch Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 21:46:48

Exactly if he came out about it now or first term he would never get re elected... but now if he gets a second term he has nothing to lose.. and he always voted for anti-gun laws when he was in the senate

MauricXe Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 21:52:22

Originally posted by voltron:
Got to vote Romney because he understands big business and has best chance at going forward from where we are.

Quick fix is DRILL off the Coast and lower fuel for us and or make make deal with Canada which I think is top 5 oil producing country. If China is going to drill off Cuba then why not have our American companies do it as long as they give incentive to lower fuel here in USA. Making 10 Billion a quarter is little much. How about 8 Billion. Lower cost for gas will lower delivery of food, Cost of food because the gas to run the tractors is lower. The lower cost of fuel means you can fill you car for less meaning you have more money for people to go to movies, eat out. ect ect ect. WHICH means we spend on the economy. Lower cost of fuel will also mean lower cost of building homes it is better for all areas of economy.

voltron you need to understand that gas prices are determined on the global market. The drivers of gas prices are fluctuations in global supply, such as Iran blocking key transit waterways, and rising global demand from China and India. What you proposed will only lower gas by a few cents per gallon.

I will be voting for Obama. I'm not happy with his first term for various reasons but I don't think a Romney administration is something we need right now.

locket Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 22:11:19

Originally posted by Buch:
Exactly if he came out about it now or first term he would never get re elected... but now if he gets a second term he has nothing to lose.. and he always voted for anti-gun laws when he was in the senate

You have to be one of the most ignorant sounding people I have ever had the displeasure of listening to -_-

Nuketon Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 22:40:08

It won't mean a thing but I won't vote for either of those idiots. Paul was the only one who would've had my vote.

voltron Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 23:56:15

I run a small airport and understand exactly how it is played out. and tried to keep it simple for people. But if you look into who the US gets it oil most are luke warm towards us at best. Which is why I said support Canada oil and or drill off shore where we can monitor it and regulate it. Also the problem with IRAN it is the speculators and lobbyist saying it is to low. WE cut our usage down and OPEC said we will cut production down keeping it artificially high. We sit on the one of the largest shale and propane supplies but don't do anything with it. There would be alot of unhappy people if we changed who we get oil from we did it before with a threat to OPEC and oil miraculously dropped. We have to be ready to back it and do it again. We we don't buy from Saudi Arabia they can sell it to another country. We can buy from Canada and or drill our own oil. IT may not do much if they can find a person to fill the amount we use but if they can't they will have think if they want to sit on it or lower the price. We get alot from Nigeria, Venezuela both of which hate us and Saudi's have warm cold history with us. YET we try to buy their like by buying their oil. That was my point.

you have the Chinese building rigs off Cuba which we can't monitor but if their is a problem like BP had are they going to able to stop it as fast and or contain it as well. I have my doubts because of the problems with toys they send here with Lead and other chemicals in it that is banned and also how badly they screwed up the drywall here. Also the problem is here not by them.



Jul 4th 2012, 0:07:51


voltron Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 0:13:07

and remember your president had congress for 2 years but tried to bully and ram the changes down the peoples throats. Which caused the back lash and ultimately the people to vote them out for not listing to the people.

The people that voted for him is fine but trick me once same on you. Trick me twice shame on me. Giving him 4 more years is so so scary to think about the damage he will do to our country and economy yet people are happy to say they will vote for him.

And government taking over health care and GM and banks to me is the definition of socialistic

locket Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 0:35:51

Originally posted by voltron:
and remember your president had congress for 2 years but tried to bully and ram the changes down the peoples throats. Which caused the back lash and ultimately the people to vote them out for not listing to the people.

The people that voted for him is fine but trick me once same on you. Trick me twice shame on me. Giving him 4 more years is so so scary to think about the damage he will do to our country and economy yet people are happy to say they will vote for him.

And government taking over health care and GM and banks to me is the definition of socialistic

lol he tried to do what he said he would do when people elected him.

You think government taking over health care means socialism eh? What do you think about police, fire, public parks etc etc. I guess those are all terrible things too.

melvin85 Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 0:44:52


Twain Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 2:26:04

Originally posted by locket:

lol he tried to do what he said he would do when people elected him.

You think government taking over health care means socialism eh? What do you think about police, fire, public parks etc etc. I guess those are all terrible things too.


Slightly off topic: I enjoyed seeing a post somewhere about all the people who posted on twitter about how they think AFA is awful and how they're going to move to Canada to get away from it. (If you don't understand why this is funny, then feel free to move to Canada along with all those other people. As a sidenote: My condolences, Canada.)

Twain Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 2:34:34

Oh, and to respond to the original person's post:

I usually look at each candidate's website to see what they're promising. After that, I usually look at Project Vote Smart ( which is nonpartisan and lists voting records and lobbying group info (usually what percentage of the time a congressman has voted how a particular lobby desires). For instance, just to grab a random one, Pres. Obama voted with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce 67% of the time in 2008, has been graded as an "A" Senator by education groups and an "F" Senator by gun advocacy groups (Clearly, he was trying to take all the guns back then as a Senator). is also another political site I like to fact-check people. They also run a campaign promise check for Pres. Obama and other high-ranking officials (I think there's one for Speaker Boehner as well).

I'd read up on those things. Decide for yourself instead of letting these silly fools talk you into voting for someone or anyone on 24 hour news.

locket Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 2:41:57

Originally posted by Twain:
Originally posted by locket:

lol he tried to do what he said he would do when people elected him.

You think government taking over health care means socialism eh? What do you think about police, fire, public parks etc etc. I guess those are all terrible things too.


Slightly off topic: I enjoyed seeing a post somewhere about all the people who posted on twitter about how they think AFA is awful and how they're going to move to Canada to get away from it. (If you don't understand why this is funny, then feel free to move to Canada along with all those other people. As a sidenote: My condolences, Canada.)

That definitely cracked me up when I saw it. Someone suggested they move to Somalia if they wanted what they said they want.

Ivan Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 3:43:27

Wow, as a non american I must admit that I have some wierd image of stereo types americans from reading newspapers and such. sad thing is that this thread hits it right on the nail

Angel1 Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 4:11:48

Obama promised to be the most open and transparent administration ever; HE LIED and I don't mean he's in the competition but someone was arguable more open and transparent...he's not even in the running for the most open and transparent administration in history.

He told the American people that the individual mandate was NOT A TAX; HE LIED, the only way the court upheld Obamacare's mandate is as a tax.

He told the American people that he would pass healthcare reform; HE LIED, because on the substantial issues facing healthcare and increasing costs, NOTHING was passed.

Now he's telling the American people to give him four more years and things will be better; HE'S LYING again because he doesn't understand how the economy works and he doesn't know how to fix it.

A liar and fool should not be elected to a 2nd term.

This year, I will follow my state's example from 2008; I will vote for Romney.

This year, I will cast my vote knowing that the US Congress is incapable of fixing what trully ails America.

This year, I will vote at my state level in the pursuit of a US Constitutional Convention.

This year, I will vote to take the first steps towards realigning the separation of powers between state and federal government.

This year, I will vote to take the first steps to fixing America.

locket Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 5:44:04

Originally posted by Angel1:
Obama promised to be the most open and transparent administration ever; HE LIED and I don't mean he's in the competition but someone was arguable more open and transparent...he's not even in the running for the most open and transparent administration in history.

He told the American people that the individual mandate was NOT A TAX; HE LIED, the only way the court upheld Obamacare's mandate is as a tax.

He told the American people that he would pass healthcare reform; HE LIED, because on the substantial issues facing healthcare and increasing costs, NOTHING was passed.

Now he's telling the American people to give him four more years and things will be better; HE'S LYING again because he doesn't understand how the economy works and he doesn't know how to fix it.

A liar and fool should not be elected to a 2nd term.

This year, I will follow my state's example from 2008; I will vote for Romney.

This year, I will cast my vote knowing that the US Congress is incapable of fixing what trully ails America.

This year, I will vote at my state level in the pursuit of a US Constitutional Convention.

This year, I will vote to take the first steps towards realigning the separation of powers between state and federal government.

This year, I will vote to take the first steps to fixing America.

Stopped reading at the health care reform. I suppose you don't remember the Republican NO party saying NO to everything and the other troubles it had getting through right? Don't blame Obama just because the rest of the politicians can't work together or want the other to fail for the sake of failing.

Twain Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 13:00:21

A Constitutional Convention will fix America?

We might need some significant changes, but I'm glad you're in the minority on that. Calm down, Angel. The sky is not falling.

Twain Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 13:14:40

by the way, according to Politifact:

Many of the transparency issues are either "promise kept" or "in the works" and the health care reform bill is considered a "promise kept."

And the tax/penalty part of this is you manipulating the information. It was never presented as a tax. It's basically only Chief Justice Roberts and the rest of the majority who have called it a tax. Furthermore, it's only a "tax" or penalty that people without health care will have to pay, so it's certainly not a tax/penalty that everyone has to pay.

This whole "he lied!" theme you have going is really a stretch based on the information you bring up.

Klown Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 14:09:14

Voting Romney. The Democratic party is made up of too many interest groups to fix what is wrong with the country. It has to please each of these groups to hold onto power. Now, I'm not saying there is something inherently wrong about pleasing the groups that vote for you, that is how Democracy is supposed to work. However, the Republican party is much more homogenous meaning Romney can focus more on what is wrong with the country as a whole. He has a record of turning around struggling entities. That is the focus of Bain Capital and it is what he did when he took over the Olympics.

Detmer Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 14:35:17

Originally posted by Klown:
Voting Romney. The Democratic party is made up of too many interest groups to fix what is wrong with the country. It has to please each of these groups to hold onto power. Now, I'm not saying there is something inherently wrong about pleasing the groups that vote for you, that is how Democracy is supposed to work. However, the Republican party is much more homogenous meaning Romney can focus more on what is wrong with the country as a whole. He has a record of turning around struggling entities. That is the focus of Bain Capital and it is what he did when he took over the Olympics.

Confirmed, Romney only answers to the five richest people in America so it is much easier for him to please all of his constituents.

maverickmd Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 14:39:10

you would be best to burn down Washington.