
Chump Game profile


Jun 24th 2010, 20:27:47

was thinking... Medical Tech currently is basically nothing much more than a tech people buy to use for buyouts or the like. It's ingame benefit is negligable.

Something that would make it more effective and the game more enjoyable could be to have it affect overall loses.
ie: because of the better hospitals and medicine less civilians are lost, also less builings are lost due to better fire departments.

If it helped against the losses incurred from GS's BR's AB's, grabs etc... it would make it quite beneficial to have

also it would make wars more enjoyable. Currently it only takes about 180 breakthrough attacks to kill a country. Not really allowing any possibility of fighting back. But having medical would make them more difficult to kill then, thus making wars more interesting and more fun for those involved compared to just restarting right away.

but then again, if someone choses not to buy medical tech they're still an easy kill.

just an idea.

Edited By: Chump on Jun 24th 2010, 20:52:17

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 24th 2010, 20:31:33


llaar Game profile


Jun 24th 2010, 21:37:03

it would make attacking clans that much harder to kill after an FS, since they'd all have medical tech and the defender wouldn't

so all CS's would have worse HPK's. that wouldn't be so much fun

Ivan Game profile


Jun 26th 2010, 13:12:09

Takes more then 180 breakthroughs but imo perhaps medical tech should benefit attacking looses and not just defending military losses altho i wouldnt want it to affect gs/ab/fluff returns

Detmer Game profile


Jun 26th 2010, 14:18:33

While I do think in principle it makes sense and adds value to the tech, I do feel it would imbalance the ability of someone to attack someone else.

Chewi Game profile


Jun 28th 2010, 1:15:59

Medal tech should at least work on attacking losses.

Chump Game profile


Jun 28th 2010, 7:32:14

it's not as though the tech could make a country require 1000 hits to kill or anything.

but if a max tech country required 2x the number of break hits or something it could make individuals much more meaningful as an allinace would rather than making 15 kills in thier first strike, instead have 10 kills since some might have the tech.

if you were an individual player and an alliance hit you, you could stonewall for slightly longer aswell. maybe getting the chance to log in once or twise to retaliate while being killed or to take corrective measures.