
dex Game profile


Nov 15th 2012, 7:42:56

Actually that is racism. Blacks will vote overwhelmingly democratic regardless. Maybe their turnout would be lower, which is what the right wing was banking on. But their anti-democratic hopes is for another topic entirely.

I would also point out the 90s Republicans are pretty much where the current Democrats are. Remember, the individual mandate central to Romneycare and Obamacare was a right-wing 'free market' idea the Republicans put forward.

I'm not really sure what the fight is of listing governors by state going back to the 90s, but the the Republican party has swung pretty far right after 2008. They've essentially doubled down on being jackasses after Bush failed spectacularly and the economy imploded in his watch. For many, the lesson is to go further right, not to moderate.

Their whole strategy post 08 is to stoke up religious extremism, while they furiously press the giant red button on old reliable wedge issues like abortion and welfare.

So I'd actually classify the modern republican party as proto-fascist with a tinge of theocracy. Someone mentioned the party has a jihadist streak , not dismmilar to fundamentalist governments in the ME. And frankly, I can't disagree.

Edited By: dex on Nov 15th 2012, 7:46:32
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