
archaic Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 2:54:13

If my tanks rolled into your country unopposed, you'd better damn well believe they would go on a seek and destroy mission against your construction Sites. Any tank that came home without a few 'red-slashed hard hats' painted on the main gun would not be invited to the tankers keg party.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Xinhuan Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 3:09:36

That's not the point archaic. We know it can be explained away thematically.

The point was, the increased damage to CSes was not announced, therefore it is treated as a possible bug in the implementation of the "ramping up specials" feature. If it was announced to be intended, it would be fine.


EE Patron

Dec 9th 2012, 3:11:12

Everything should be like it was pre-change as far as I can tell. No offense to the people who worked hard to make the new attack formulas, I just don't think they're as good..
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

archaic Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 3:23:41

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
That's not the point archaic. We know it can be explained away thematically.

The point was, the increased damage to CSes was not announced, therefore it is treated as a possible bug in the implementation of the "ramping up specials" feature. If it was announced to be intended, it would be fine.

But its no longer a secret, just like in 1999 somebody had to work it out - its a known entity (2B bug anyone?) so lets just deal with it.

If I was on the dev team, I swear I'd throw a few X+/-0.1X*(rnd#) into the formulas every set just to keep everybody on there toes. Change is good.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

locket Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 3:50:55

And making or not making changes based on one persons post is a terrible idea. I certainly hope that is not the case Slagpit.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 9th 2012, 4:09:02

Archaic you're missing the whole point: it's not working as intended even Qz has admitted that, therefore it should be fixed.

End of story.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 9th 2012, 4:09:17

One person's post? I see lots of LaF members in this thread, yet none see a need to disagree with Rockman's post.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 9th 2012, 4:17:50

Slagpit you have little respect among the active players in this game. You are better off just going away and not posting. Matter of fact you've already had your pitty party boo hoo I'm going to quit because you are all so mean... No one really likes you.

On the flip side I do like to flame your moronic posts like:
Originally posted by Slagpit:
I think that dumbass comments like this reduce the chances of this problem getting fixed. Actually, I know they do.

You're not very bright for someone who thinks he is smarter than everyone else.

Xinhuan Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 4:46:22

No one agreed with Rockman in this thread, Slagpit. Not sure if you noticed everyone ignored his posts.

We are currently still unable to get a clarification whether the changes were intended.

torment Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 4:49:50

Originally posted by Slagpit:
After I was driven away from this game, the game change review process lost a lot of its intellectual rigor.

So in other words Qz & Pang are stupid?

Xinhuan Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 4:53:17

Originally posted by qzjul:
no, not fixed; work is killing me, so i'm behind on my EE dev predictions again =/

i've only got the CLANS link + war ajax + mergers w/ Live and then i'll be good to swap over to my dev codebase and do some fixes

Actually, I will assume from this post that it is indeed a bug, because by saying it is not fixed, it implies it will be fixed and it was not intended to begin with.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 9th 2012, 5:20:35

Requiem, something isn't "stupid" or "moronic" just because you declare it so.

Torment, is that a serious question? Do you think that I worked side by side for years with people that I consider to be "stupid"?

Xinhuan, if someone in my tag was threatening to suicide and making unfounded accusations of admin corruption on AT, I would kick him out. This community refuses to remove bad actors from itself and throws a fit whenever the admins do it. Making bug fixes like you're proposing is the equivalent of rearranging furniture in a burning building.

iScode Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 5:26:13

it shouldnt be 'fixed' its perfectly fine.

God same netters a whiny little fluffes
God of War


torment Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 5:30:29

So what are you saying then?

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Dec 9th 2012, 5:37:43

*slaps scode. Be nice to the netters ;)

It is like a lot of people and Slagpit are saying gang.....get defense.

Archaic said it best above too I are country and tanks roll in.....oh noes, you gonna tell them they cannot darn well do that? lol good luck Switzerland.

You can't have your cake and eat too....just because you don't like a feature. ;)

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

locket Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 5:46:02

So if people dont reply to him we suddenly agree with him? Jesus Slag stop acting like a victim. You could have simply replied to those who were trying to have a productive conversation like Xin.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 9th 2012, 6:02:02

I answered Xinhuan's questions to the best of my ability.

tellarion Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 6:25:15

Originally posted by Rockman:
I'm not sure why anyone thought it was a good idea to boost suiciders. This strengthens the power of the FS on unprepared countries, which makes early set suicides and FSs especially deadly. I think KJ has a friend among the game admins, one who put this change in there specifically for KJ and is blocking it from being fixed.

Why would you even say something like this? Stop acting like KJ is the only idiot suicider with a grudge out there. I myself got ABed to fluff on day 3 last set, because I didn't have enough protection. Sure as hell wasn't KJ that did it.

Rockman Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 6:29:08

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Requiem, something isn't "stupid" or "moronic" just because you declare it so.

Torment, is that a serious question? Do you think that I worked side by side for years with people that I consider to be "stupid"?

Xinhuan, if someone in my tag was threatening to suicide and making unfounded accusations of admin corruption on AT, I would kick him out. This community refuses to remove bad actors from itself and throws a fit whenever the admins do it. Making bug fixes like you're proposing is the equivalent of rearranging furniture in a burning building.

I didn't threaten to suicide. But I did say that if I was Don of Laf, that we would FS someone really early in the set to exploit how ridiculously overpowered this current mechanic is. I guess LaF FSing another alliance is considered suiciding? Well, as I found out last set, when Evo goes stock hunting, they are just "lucky" or "skilled", but if Laf does it, its suiciding. I guess if stock hunting is considered suiciding, FSing another alliance is DEFINITELY considered suiciding.

What is it about Evo and their obsession with claiming that I'm threatening to suicide them?

Or is this about my other thread where I asked if griefing was legal or not? You really expect Laf players to stand up and disagree with me asking if the same rules apply to Laf as apply to Evo? You won't find Laf players disagreeing with me asking that question, you'll find LaF players wondering the same thing - why does Evo get treated differently than LaF? Why does a bug to boost suiciders get introduced right when one of the most vocal Evo players decides to leave Evo to become a fulltime suicider, and then the admins refuse to fix this bug?

This bug isn't just on countries with 0 tanks. It also applies to countries which have a low tanks per acre count - which is EVERYONE when it is this early in the set. You're not going to find people with 20k tanks on 2k acres at turn 200-300. Sure, by turn 1500, most people will have 200k tanks on 20k acres. But right now, no one is going to be anywhere near that.

I didn't threaten to suicide, this is just like last set when the idiots in Evo decided to make up lies about me and claim that I had threatened to suicide them. Your abilities are pretty poor, but it is much harder to make up lies constantly, than it is to be truthful.

You should try being honest sometime. It is a lot less work. You don't have to keep track of the tangled mess of lies that you weave.

tellarion Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 6:32:24

But you know what? The problem with requiring Tanks oop is that nobody is selling tanks...............

tellarion Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 6:39:55

[00:08] <Don_TOB> rockman will suicide u if he dont get what hes owed
[00:46] <Don_TOB> yeah but it wont be much more fun when he suicides u guys

You calling Tob a liar? Your leaders know I have nothing but respect for you guys, and I have enjoyed dealing with them. But the gloves come off when you come here on your own and start spouting complete and utter bullfluff. Why don't you take a hint and shut your mouth for once in your miserable life.

Slagpit isn't in Evo, and hasn't been for a while. KJ isn't in Evo and hasn't been for a while. Not to mention only one of the game admins is in Evo, and is pretty much hands off on the day to day issues.

Stop making such RIDICULOUS blanket statements that only show how foolish you are.

PS: Incoming claims of 'you're lying and you faked those logs'.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 9th 2012, 6:40:02

Honest people don't need to write walls of bullfluff to justify themselves. I interpreted this thread,
, as a threat to suicide, as many reasonable people would. Nice job writing five paragraphs about evo when evo has nothing to do with this thread or anything I said.

locket Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 6:54:43

Honest mods dont hold out something that is broken to be fixed as a treat if people act well. The thread was fairly calm and polite despite differing opinions (except KJ/Bobby) after QZ posted. Just chill and be unconfrontational :P not everyone has to be replied to if you and they are clearly snarking at eachother.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Dec 9th 2012, 6:58:11

Originally posted by locket:
Honest mods dont hold out something that is broken to be fixed as a treat if people act well. The thread was fairly calm and polite despite differing opinions (except KJ/Bobby) after QZ posted. Just chill and be unconfrontational :P not everyone has to be replied to if you and they are clearly snarking at eachother.

*Admins locket.
Mods have nothing to do with the coding or game mechanics.

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Rockman Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 7:02:55

Tellarion - that looks like TOB saying that I would suicide you. That's not me threatening to suicide you.

My threat was that I would grab you guys for stockpile. I did not talk to you directly, and I did not threaten to suicide. TOB considered what I was threatening to do to be suiciding, but EVO and Laf have different ideas on what suiciding is. You guys think that stockhunting is legit, and spin a web of lies to convince yourselves that you grab an 11k acre 4.9m networth country that hasn't grown for over a week and has 2.5x the defense of the country hitting it to be a "low networth low defense" country. And obviously, 3 weeks into the set, of all the countries on the server, an 11k acre 4.9m networth one stands out as being a landfat country.

You work so hard to spin your web of lies.

You've yet to produce any logs of me threatening to suicide Evo. Your log shows that TOB threatened that I'd suicide Evo. I specifically told h347 to not tell Evo that I would suicide them, that I would stockhunt them back if they decided that stockhunting was a legit tactic. And I was pissed off when I found out that TOB had told you that I would suicide you.

But despite the fact that you never had any evidence that I would suicide Evo, you decided to make the claim that I had threatened to suicide Evo.

Rockman Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 7:04:11

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Honest people don't need to write walls of bullfluff to justify themselves. I interpreted this thread,
, as a threat to suicide, as many reasonable people would. Nice job writing five paragraphs about evo when evo has nothing to do with this thread or anything I said.

If you can interpret that thread as a threat to suicide, then can I take this thread as a confirmation that Evo has its head up its ass?

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 9th 2012, 7:13:54

I gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed that you didn't make that thread simply to be a trolling pest. I'll be nice and only close the thread.

I'm not even in evo you autistic dumb fluff. Good luck exposing the grand conspiracy!

tellarion Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 7:19:07

I can't even find the freakin thread anymore where we previously argued this. If you find it and ACTUALLY FREAKIN READ IT FOR ONCE, you'd notice that I stated multiple times that Tob told me you were threatening to suicide. That's what I was told repeatedly, and that's what I told YOU on that thread repeatedly.

I produced logs, after you got grabbed with 5b cash on hand like a fkn noob, from your FA saying you were pissed and were going to suicide if you didn't get 1.5b in FA and 2 retals(which is silly considering you lost like 800m and already took a retal). I'm sorry he was incorrect, but thank you for FINALLY clarifying that you fkn tool.

And once again: a techer grabbing another techer from an unpacted alliance when they both have the same networth and land, and the attacker has enough jets on hand to break the defender. Sounds pretty legit to me.

"TOB considered what I was threatening to do to be suiciding, but EVO and Laf have different ideas on what suiciding is. "

GOODNESS! That flies in the face of your statements from the previous bullfluff argument. Earlier you were deliberately ignoring my statements and claiming that 'I' was the one saying this so called 'stock hunting' was suiciding, when, in fact, it was apparently the definition from YOUR alliance all along.

See how much more fun this is when you actually look at facts instead of deliberately acting like an asshole?

locket Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 7:20:05

Yes thanks Galleri :P I have a habit of using them both ways

tellarion Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 7:24:17

Oh, there it is:

"I am just reporting what I heard from Tob. He was faced with the unsavory task of trying to work something out on behalf of one of his members who was threatening to suicide the crap out of us and was raging on your boards. His words, reporting what you were saying, not mine.";p=1354712274&page=1

"And stop being a complete MORON. Go read what I wrote(probably for the first time). The person who said you were threatening to suicide was YOUR OWN FA. From what he told me, you were throwing a tantrum on your forums. HE said you were going to suicide, not me. So no, 'stockhunting' is not suiciding. Nobody in my alliance was doing it, so it doesn't matter whether we 'know how to' or not, we don't do fluff like that."

Rockman Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 7:53:42

Originally posted by tellarion:
I can't even find the freakin thread anymore where we previously argued this. If you find it and ACTUALLY FREAKIN READ IT FOR ONCE, you'd notice that I stated multiple times that Tob told me you were threatening to suicide. That's what I was told repeatedly, and that's what I told YOU on that thread repeatedly.

I produced logs, after you got grabbed with 5b cash on hand like a fkn noob, from your FA saying you were pissed and were going to suicide if you didn't get 1.5b in FA and 2 retals(which is silly considering you lost like 800m and already took a retal). I'm sorry he was incorrect, but thank you for FINALLY clarifying that you fkn tool.

And once again: a techer grabbing another techer from an unpacted alliance when they both have the same networth and land, and the attacker has enough jets on hand to break the defender. Sounds pretty legit to me.

"TOB considered what I was threatening to do to be suiciding, but EVO and Laf have different ideas on what suiciding is. "

GOODNESS! That flies in the face of your statements from the previous bullfluff argument. Earlier you were deliberately ignoring my statements and claiming that 'I' was the one saying this so called 'stock hunting' was suiciding, when, in fact, it was apparently the definition from YOUR alliance all along.

See how much more fun this is when you actually look at facts instead of deliberately acting like an asshole?

I'm not sure why TOB was talking to you instead of h347. h347 was the person I had been talking to, not TOB. I did my two retals less than 3 hours apart, so its unlikely that you were talking to our FR in between the two retals, especially since our 80% L:L retal policy entitled me to a 2nd retal. I also never made a request for 1.5b cash and 2 retals.

I also don't know how having 5b cash on hand makes me a fluffing newb. Does Evo never get 5b cash? Didn't one of your guys get grabbed while having over 4x that much cash on hand? Does that mean he was 4x as newb as me?

You keep claiming that I had threatened to suicide you, and then when I call you out on it, you change your story that I had told TOB I would suicide on you. Now that you're making up crap about my demands, and claiming that you talked to TOB between my two retals (which would have been done at like 2am and 5am Swedish time) with a demand for reps & retals that was completely different from anything I requested, I'm beginning to doubt whether TOB even told you I was threatening to suicide. You might be faking those logs.

Now Slagpit goes and claims that I threatened to suicide merely because I asked whether or not I would be deleted if I did the crap that is being done to me or my alliance on multiple servers.

LaF learned its lesson in primary - there's a double standard. There's a different set of rules that applies to us than there is that applies to everyone else.

Rockman Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 7:56:41

Originally posted by tellarion:
Oh, there it is:

"I am just reporting what I heard from Tob. He was faced with the unsavory task of trying to work something out on behalf of one of his members who was threatening to suicide the crap out of us and was raging on your boards. His words, reporting what you were saying, not mine.";p=1354712274&page=1

"And stop being a complete MORON. Go read what I wrote(probably for the first time). The person who said you were threatening to suicide was YOUR OWN FA. From what he told me, you were throwing a tantrum on your forums. HE said you were going to suicide, not me. So no, 'stockhunting' is not suiciding. Nobody in my alliance was doing it, so it doesn't matter whether we 'know how to' or not, we don't do fluff like that."

What was the first thing you said in that thread about me suiciding?

Here it is, since you apparently can't read what you posted:

Note: I don't see you mentioning TOB at all. You only brought up TOB after I called you out for making up a lie. So then you change your story that TOB made the threat instead of me.

Originally posted by tellarion:
You were around his networth, you had low jets, you were unpacted. He matched nw and grabbed, end of story. I'd be pissed too if I were in your position, but I wouldn't RAGE like you did and threaten to suicide if I didn't get reps like a fluffing child. Don't leave your stock at home, or someone might grab you.

tellarion Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 8:06:17

How the hell do you expect me to continue this conversation if you won't even read anything I post? I have said all along that Tob was the one that told me these things. I mentioned suiciding because YOUR FA told me you had threatened to do it. I am glad to see that you didn't threaten to suicide, you only threatened to intentionally stock hunt. I haven't ever changed my statements, whereas you have multiple times.

And looks like I called it, you can't win this argument so you will instead continue to say that I am a liar and now adding in that I am faking those logs. That's wonderful. Since you can't obtain a victory in this stupid argument that you started, you will instead claim the good old fashioned moral one.

As far as the Sof thing: YES! My member is an even bigger noob for having that much on hand, and he understands it. As I said before, if the Sof country had done 1 grab and left it at that, my guy would be out of luck. Ask ANY ALLIANCE IN THIS GAME what would happen if their member got grabbed by an unpacted alliance with lots of cash on hand. The answer is most likely nothing. Having lots of cash on hand is a calculated risk, AND YOU KNOW IT. You were hoping that nobody would notice, and you got unlucky. I'm willing to be that you understand that, as you know how to net, but you have a giant bug up your ass about Evo and feel that you were wronged.

And finally, as I told Tob, you did indeed have another retal to take, as you got like 78% on the first retal. That is all you were entitled to, and that is what you got. End of story.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 9th 2012, 13:41:42

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Requiem, something isn't "stupid" or "moronic" just because you declare it so.

Not but it is if it is, which in your case it is.

Originally posted by galleri:
just because you don't like a feature. ;)

It's not a feature if its an admitted "fix" that implies it was wrong to begin with. Please see the 3rd post of this thread.

Magellaan Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 14:35:06

Originally posted by galleri:
*slaps scode. Be nice to the netters ;)

It is like a lot of people and Slagpit are saying gang.....get defense.

Archaic said it best above too I are country and tanks roll in.....oh noes, you gonna tell them they cannot darn well do that? lol good luck Switzerland.

You can't have your cake and eat too....just because you don't like a feature. ;)

What if you build your contruction sites high up in the Swiss mountains where tanks can't reach them?
Not MD, fake Magellaan.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Dec 9th 2012, 15:23:57

Originally posted by Magellaan:
Originally posted by galleri:
*slaps scode. Be nice to the netters ;)

It is like a lot of people and Slagpit are saying gang.....get defense.

Archaic said it best above too I are country and tanks roll in.....oh noes, you gonna tell them they cannot darn well do that? lol good luck Switzerland.

You can't have your cake and eat too....just because you don't like a feature. ;)

What if you build your contruction sites high up in the Swiss mountains where tanks can't reach them?

What feels right in your imaginary country, doesn't always reflect the correct outcome of the situation :P
It's choose your own adventure for the reader aka the player.

Option 1...Your tanks roll into switzerland and you want to plow through theirs...turn to page 7

Option bypass switzerland and head for germany because switzerland is some peace loving hippies and who knows where they hid their tanks and gay men? :P Turn to page 8

You choose option one thinking the swiss don't have fluff and you are the best around (in your mind) ....who knows what will happen. teehee

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

BobbyATA Game profile


Dec 10th 2012, 2:54:47

AT is 100 times better with Slagpit around.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Dec 10th 2012, 3:59:04

Originally posted by BobbyATA:
AT is 100 times better with Slagpit around.

So is your mom :P


Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

BobbyATA Game profile


Dec 10th 2012, 15:33:55

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by BobbyATA:
AT is 100 times better with Slagpit around.

So is your mom :P


Indeed Slagpit is my daddeh. My parents are happy when they are together, how did you know=)?

tellarion Game profile


Dec 10th 2012, 16:18:32

Ok, I am definitely reversing my stance on this issue. How can you reasonably expect people to have enough tanks on hand to make a difference when there are literally none on the market? There have been a total of 5k or so sold the entire set so far. Unless people are expected to pay exorbitant prices on their private markets, or go Indy, it absolutely is crazy to require tanks this early.

The punishment is FAR too high for so early in the set. After a full week or so, maybe it's reasonable. But it's a terrible idea at this point in the set...

Xinhuan Game profile


Dec 10th 2012, 17:41:28

Well public tank prices are not going to be any cheaper than PM even if there are any on sale.

Nobody produces 20k tanks to sell 1/4 of it this early.

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Dec 10th 2012, 17:52:50

Originally posted by tellarion:
Ok, I am definitely reversing my stance on this issue. How can you reasonably expect people to have enough tanks on hand to make a difference when there are literally none on the market? There have been a total of 5k or so sold the entire set so far. Unless people are expected to pay exorbitant prices on their private markets, or go Indy, it absolutely is crazy to require tanks this early.

The punishment is FAR too high for so early in the set. After a full week or so, maybe it's reasonable. But it's a terrible idea at this point in the set...

so you got ABed then?

Mr. Copper


Dec 10th 2012, 20:33:17

Originally posted by Slagpit:
I gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed that you didn't make that thread simply to be a trolling pest. I'll be nice and only close the thread.

I'm not even in evo you autistic dumb fluff. Good luck exposing the grand conspiracy!

Do yourself and everyone a favor and take the autistic part out of your attack... A lot of fluff flies here on AT but to me that is crossing a line. I personally don't have autism but I know a number of people that do and a couple are much smarter than both you and me.

iTarl Game profile


Dec 10th 2012, 21:57:45


NukEvil Game profile


Dec 10th 2012, 22:22:34

Lot of crybabies in this thread.

I'd be responsible for ending world hunger if I invented a device that could convert whining and angst to Big Macs, just using the resources available in this thread.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.