Jan 20th 2013, 4:26:07
23:18.51 <torment>: well for me nothing kills the 'i am boreds and want to play' feeling liek captchya
23:19.49 <Vic>: lol
23:20.04 <Vic>: captchya can dai
23:20.26 <torment>: you should be ableto just type in 'stfu dai!' and making it going aways
23:21.25 <Vic>: HAHA
23:21.44 <Vic>: tormy i think you should run laf soon
23:21.53 <Vic>: and get us into a world war
23:22.23 <torment>: i'd fs qz over and over again tillhe remove captchyacrapya
23:24.12 <torment>: hrrrm my fs post would be simple and elegant
23:24.28 <torment>: Dear xxxx, dai xxx dai! STFU
23:19.49 <Vic>: lol
23:20.04 <Vic>: captchya can dai
23:20.26 <torment>: you should be ableto just type in 'stfu dai!' and making it going aways
23:21.25 <Vic>: HAHA
23:21.44 <Vic>: tormy i think you should run laf soon
23:21.53 <Vic>: and get us into a world war
23:22.23 <torment>: i'd fs qz over and over again tillhe remove captchyacrapya
23:24.12 <torment>: hrrrm my fs post would be simple and elegant
23:24.28 <torment>: Dear xxxx, dai xxx dai! STFU