
Vic Game profile


Aug 12th 2013, 15:31:08

meh, oldman was aided a bit at the end by some rogue laf members who are now in trouble. and yes he immediately apologized to sodawater about it.
in fact he's so honorable he is the one who made the post on AT about it.
don't knock oldman. ever.

the set before that when oldman won he had:
1. No FA. precisely 0.
2. No tech leeches (absolutely 100% not allowed in LaF)
3. and absolutely no organized buyouts of any sort.

while the above does happen in alliance, none of the above aided xin or oldman in their first wins.

why people want to play that server is because even with all the garbage that goes on, there really is a high level of competition. i get the spin you two throw on it and i won't necessarily disagree with that, but there is MAJOR competition within alliances as well.

when i started playing i finished t10 in primary or 1b within my first 6 months of playing the game. it took me 4 years to do the same in alliance.
again i know things were different and i know things are much different now. but of some of the lafers that finish t10 in primary - many of those don't even have a shot to do so in alliance.

like i said, if the last couple of winners in primary are also the last couple of winners in alliance, then the server can't be all the things you say it is. the best win in primary right? so why did these guys win in alliance as well?

Edited By: Vic on Aug 12th 2013, 15:33:56
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