Oct 30th 2013, 15:15:00
(State of MD is a registered video/audio file about how is MD doing, at a given point of a reset) - for those that might ask.
At the first sight, people taught it is just a rat ( which is not good either, having a rat in other alliances and receiving inside info is not honorable at all ). Given the recent events + the fact that boxcar was hacked around 15 October with several attempts since August and also the FACT that you went wide on AT, mocking MD members about the state, without even crossing your mind someone might ask some questions, well , you know me well, and is time for some questions:
1.How did "State of MD" got into your hands?
2.Was it a)a rat? or was it b) intel from RD after a boxcar/hack + log into an MD account? ( i`ll personally go for a : yea you guessed right - B )
3.What`s your level of knowledge about what RD just did, given the fact you have grown your alliance while accepting, using and gaining advantages out of ill gotten intel by Hanlong?
4.Is Rd going to be included in the "block pact" next reset ?
Your 1 row answers and trolololo will be highly appreciated.
P.S: Pang,Qz,martian - could you please look into this one, too. I know you have your hands full atm - but whenever you have time.