
Marshal Game profile


Nov 23rd 2013, 21:01:38

oh bolty is gonna retire?
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 24th 2013, 0:28:35

ok then we will just keep stepping on your noob ass for sets to come :)

Alin Game profile


Nov 25th 2013, 7:21:35

bolty will get some back up - soon ...


New Member

Nov 25th 2013, 11:58:47

get back bolty, no war no fun...

Mr Emerald


Nov 25th 2013, 21:47:24

You netters don't get it.

TSO are full of people who like to war.

ETFT/Seawolf are full of netters who like to net.

Sooner or later, one has to fold. Which one? Obviously the netters side will eventually want to net again.

I will like to see how this pans out though as I hear already there are members leaving to find a place to net already so they don't have to war again ;)
We are not the same, I am martian!
you are all retarded in the eyes of fluff
o o
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


ingle Game profile


Nov 25th 2013, 22:22:43

Originally posted by Mr Emerald:
You netters don't get it.

TSO are full of people who like to war.

ETFT/Seawolf are full of netters who like to net.

Sooner or later, one has to fold. Which one? Obviously the netters side will eventually want to net again.

I will like to see how this pans out though as I hear already there are members leaving to find a place to net already so they don't have to war again ;)

The problem is even if we didn't war, then we still couldn't net anyways. Apparently your country can get randomly killed for no reason (or their reason that we hit an untagged country) due to their stupid 0:kill policy.

Anyways, warrers have lost to netters 3x in a row. We've proven a point, if netters actually work together, they can win :P I'm sure once the netters get bored and give up fighting, TSO can have a field day claiming moral victory.

I'm just waiting for this server to be fixed with real 5-man teams instead of this giant cluster f.... we call "Team server"

archaic Game profile


Nov 25th 2013, 23:04:26

Originally posted by Mr Emerald:
You netters don't get it.

TSO are full of people who like to war.

ETFT/Seawolf are full of netters who like to net.

Sooner or later, one has to fold. Which one? Obviously the netters side will eventually want to net again.

I will like to see how this pans out though as I hear already there are members leaving to find a place to net already so they don't have to war again ;)

Then maybe you guys should act the part and actually war a little?

Besides, its a myth anyway - there are at least a dozen pretty hard core fighters who cant net for crap (myself included) that have chosen the ETFT side just because we are sick of the coalition bullfluff. I am much better friends with Elves and Boltar than I am with most of the side I'm fighting for, but I have fought against 1:kill policies since this POS server started and I'll continue to fight against coalitions that try to dictate terms to the rest of the server.

TSO was born to fight oppression, but now it has become the oppression. The TSO ship has sailed, as a former TSO member - I'm ready for it to die.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Mr Emerald


Nov 25th 2013, 23:42:26

Ill respond to both of you by saying I like typing but hate reading responses to my own posts because they are as boring as my posts :P

Was a fun war while I was active, but with the whole alliance fluff that went down, I went inactive anyways haha

Look forward to next set though :)

And yes, I can't wait until they fix this server... make it an objective server.
We are not the same, I am martian!
you are all retarded in the eyes of fluff
o o
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


ChokeMOut Game profile


Nov 26th 2013, 3:29:54

I've never been called a netter before :)
"There are no true knights. No more than there are gods."