


Aug 10th 2010, 0:08:20

This pact is signed on behalf of ALLIANCE and the following Signatories: Elysium, Imaginary Numbers, NeoFederation, Paradigm, RAGE and Rogue.

Any hostile attack on any individual member of the Signatories is an attack on them all, and will result in the liquidation of this pact.

Any individual member among the Signatories who commits a hostile act against ALLIANCE will be dropped from this pact whilst the others remain.

A hostile act is defined as attacks tantamount to or leading to war, or helping a third-party alliance in a hostile act against either party.

A second unnamed source has revealed these pact details offered by a representatiave of this coalition, I can't release names, but let's call this representative MR.RAR, for Really A Representative.

Earth Watcher


Aug 10th 2010, 0:22:35

I will run a country for any alliance that will be destroying this coalition or may be targeted by it.

ponderer Game profile


Aug 10th 2010, 0:50:58

Earth Watcher, long time no see! When can I expect a top ten list?

[not the] Rage President

**this is spam, not the Rage president, don't contact me for Rage pacts**

AxAlar Game profile


Aug 10th 2010, 2:35:58

blah blah blah

-Official Collab response.
Mercenary for Hire
AIM: I The Brandon
ICQ: 167324517

Strife Game profile


Aug 10th 2010, 7:20:12

Jesus christ how the hell did we get iMag in this?



Aug 10th 2010, 7:30:42


ROGUE disbanded
RAGE denying involvement
iMag source saying they aren't 100% in this
Ely still a four country tag

I can't wait for this to blow over in three days

Revolver Game profile


Aug 10th 2010, 9:28:09

it sounds weaker than most of them were already.

Silent Sentinel Game profile


Aug 10th 2010, 11:58:45

Where do you play Revolver?

Sir Balin Game profile


Aug 10th 2010, 13:28:59

under his mother's skirt i'd imagine


Game Development

Aug 10th 2010, 14:28:07

I think it makes sense for some if not all those alliances to work more closely together...

it just seems like they need to step up their planning a little more, and then get on the recruiting train
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires' Clan & Alliance Hosting

Ivan Game profile


Aug 10th 2010, 15:20:59

Indeed so does most alliances, unfortunately most alliances still loose more then they gain


Game Development

Aug 10th 2010, 17:14:49

well part of the reason why alliances are losing members, IMO, is that they are not tailoring the playing experience to be what their members want -- at least in not any sustainable way.

From my experience playing as a fighter and a netter, there are generally a few things members want.
-Wars that are fun, challenging and not a blowout for one side
-Being able to fight generally on your own schedule (ie not fighting a war one set, then being AB'ed OOP the next set and into a war for the duration)
-Being able to net when and if netting is desired
-A community of people who have a good time playing.

Think about the time since EC started. I don't think we have had a solid community since we left 1a... EC was a complete failure IMO as it accentuated the problems that already existed without removing a big part of the cheating element due to incomplete mod tools. Think back to EC.... were there many fun and challenging wars on that server? Not really... most were FS's and then 2 weeks of mopping up, or gangbangs or blindsiding people.
Who fought on their own schedule? Really, no one did... most of the wars were forced by the same 3 or 4 alliances reset in and reset out.... near the end, it was almost a crapshoot to see who was going to get hit.
Who was able to net when they desired/needed to to regroup internally? None of the netters were able to for the latter half of EC; they were systematically targeted.
Good time playing? The major talk was about how long it would take until the game died, or until there was no competition left for some of the major alliances.

If you look at that, NO ONE was playing in EC in the way that made the Alliance game great. I think a major part of that was the change in turn structure from 2 turns per hour to 3 turns per hour.

I'd almost like to see us go back to 2 turns an hr vs 3 so that we can make the playing experience better for war folks. Mitigating FS's will result in better, longer wars where the FS doesn't decide who is victorious. That was the biggest mistake that was made in the later stages of Earth2025, IMO -- the change from 2 turns per hour to 3 on the EC server.
It made FS's too powerful to be absorbed and fought back against in most cases, and with the political shift that went on during EC, it just served to make the problem worse.

anyways... I'm getting pretty far off topic now
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires' Clan & Alliance Hosting

archaic Game profile


Aug 10th 2010, 17:45:17

I don't think the turns were all of it, they were a big part of it. The last great war I recall was the TIE/PDM v Sol/IX war, which was - sadly - a pre-arrainged war. Surprise FS were (and still are) a death sentence unless you can call in allies and turn it into a gangbang.

EC was so inhospitable to untagged/spamtagged that the land shortage created a vicious circle where it grew very difficult to play in a smaller, less politically connected tag.

When we actually started missing RD's landfarms - I knew it was doomed.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

iZarcon Game profile

Game Development

Aug 10th 2010, 18:35:33

Without neo, PRImE would be good
EE Developer

TAN Game profile


Aug 11th 2010, 15:01:23

This is Supreme Emperor TAN speaking.

I speak on behalf of all clans, including those NOT in the coalition, when I say:


TAN Game profile


Aug 11th 2010, 15:06:42

Jelly, there is no need to act like you're useful and "leak" stuff on here. If any of you want to know any information, ask me and I'll post it here. It's not like it's a secret.

Anyways, from what I am gathering, there was too much disorganization when trying to decide what course of action to take regarding, and it was getting difficult to figure out the logistics on such short notice, so while half the clans were under the impression that we would go ahead with comprehensive pacts signed by "deputies", the other half couldn't wait any longer and decided to pact individually.

Which is fine. I guess everyone is pacting individually this set, so really this announcement was premature.

iZarcon Game profile

Game Development

Aug 11th 2010, 15:37:49

heh, some funny acronyms on there =)
EE Developer

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 11th 2010, 23:51:32

Pang is correct, the turns are an issue.

However, the solution is not 3 turns an hour vs 2.

The solution is going back to 72/36 or wahtever the original turn storage is/was.

yes 1.5 days worth of turns is difficult before you lose turns.
But 1a is 1a....

72 turns per counry in a FS vs 120,
36 turns stores, (hell even 72) vs 120.

That will make the FS less devestating.
Z is #1

Dragonlance Game profile


Aug 12th 2010, 1:52:22

Yeah, agreed with alot of what pang says here surprisingly.

Silent Sentinel Game profile


Aug 12th 2010, 4:50:48

For a Canadian, he's okay.