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hmm..147 vs 97.....2 fs vs 1....seems legit....last set was sof's anniversity, as with md's anniversity set a few resets ago, 20% of the counties that started the reset only played maybe 200 turns.... so SoF's probably only had 75 ish active countries
What? 95 SoF countries hit 60 MD countries. 55 SoL countries hit SoF. A few days later both MD and SoL hit and killed Rival (30 countries). Then a week later LaF (70 countries) hit SoL.
The war at one point was 195 vs 115, in SoFs favour. But for most of the set was 125 vs 115, once again in SoFs favour. And if we're counting first strikes it was 2 each, but you had one that included fresh and massive LaF countries. We're not responsible for making your members active, we're also not responsible for getting your ally to fight back (Rival).
As Sov used to tell me when MD asked for pacts with SoF, "We owe you nothing". Get used to it. SoF of all alliances is not entitled to fair wars, you're not entitled to bullying any more and you're not entitled to winning wars. Earn it like you made everyone else have to.