


Jan 16th 2014, 15:17:39

It is not low defense if we look at this as a purely netting exercise, which it is not. This is a war based strategy game, people are able to attack. A handful of people out of 600 players were suicided on, relatively low numbers in the scheme of it.

What I'm trying to make as clear as possible is, I believe that you are trying to place too much emphasis on extremely high NW as a measure for success. Yes MrForgotten ran a country well from a purely netting view, in a keep my land and not make myself a target he did poorly. Should we turn off all attacks and make it a purely exploring based netting game. At least then it would be a level playing field and we will know that whoever wins is definitely the best because we have homogenized conditions .

Less then 1/6th of the player base has been affected, this is a minority.

Edited By: WahWahWah on Jan 16th 2014, 16:03:23

Trife Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 15:18:57

damn, it's like suiciders are a new thing this reset

yoohoo, they've been around ever since i started playing

ericownsyou5 Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 15:25:58

How many tanks did you have?

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Jan 16th 2014, 15:50:03

Originally posted by oldman:
so when will the admins start revealing who these 'new members' are?

they might not know who they are. ban all new members! they are agitating all the old venerable members with their noobish thoughtless posts!
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

grimjoww Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 16:13:18

2.5mil tanks would make you pretty safe i think unless the griefer had some stocks to buy up 3mil tanks and demo him



Jan 16th 2014, 16:25:47

Originally posted by grimjoww:
2.5mil tanks would make you pretty safe i think unless the griefer had some stocks to buy up 3mil tanks and demo him

+1 grimjoww

Cable Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 16:40:29

Originally posted by Mr Forgotten:
There I was, bored out of my mind at my job coming up on the busiest time of the year. It was too easy, and I thought, well, let's see what's out there. Oh, EE again? Haven't played that in 8 months. Let's do it.

I come back, I play like any regular folks. I had never had a good finish, but this set, I was on a roll, I knew that I had good potential to finish T10 again, other than the cheaters who are getting FAed and tech leeching.


Just kidding.

Mr Forgotten

No offense there but LaF had FAed above people twice in the last three sets to #1 so becarefull who you call cheaters.

NukEvil Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 16:49:16

I think the current changes are perfect. You know they're good when LaF members are whining about their precious countries being suicided.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Jan 16th 2014, 16:55:35

"No offense there but LaF had FAed above people twice in the last three sets to #1 so becarefull who you call cheaters. "
Weather you agree with that practice or not, FAing is not cheating.
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


Son Goku Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 17:01:00

Most of you still don't get it.

It has nothing to do with grabbing untaggeds. It has to do with the new restarts changes making it almost impossible to do anything to a suicider of average intelligence (most of the people saying "good" or "get more defense" obviously don't qualify). All of LaF is accustomed to suiciders, it's part of being one of the biggest and best alliances, we have no shortage of enemies. However, there's always been a way to deal with it. Over the past few years we've extensively followed restarts and untagged countries and killed anything with the potential to suicide, it worked quite well. Those days are long gone as the suicider can now just restart with 75%+ of his original country and proceed to do the same over and over. Any intelligent suicider can hide his assets on the market and take minimal stock loss, so he'll be in a great position to do the same thing in another 48hrs or less.

Since I've come back in late 2009, this is hands down the most damage suiciders have been able to do, thanks to the new changes. In fact, you could probably add up all the damage done from 2009-2013 and it wouldn't come close to what has happened to LaF this reset. Most of you won't care because it's LaF, but you have to look at the bigger picture here. Every alliance has enemies, every single one of them. You're full of fluff if you think otherwise, meaning it's just a matter of time before this happens to your alliance or your friends. Most of the griefers in the current game have distanced themselves from alliances, so this means little to them at this point. However, you will care when your alliance starts losing players or your friends start quitting because they've lost 1-2 months of hard work in 20 seconds to some butthurt player. Some of you might even say "good" and hope it leads to more people quitting, as there's a decent amount of extremely angsty players (see: Nukevil above) who failed in some or multiple aspects of this game and wish harm on the remaining players who succeeded. Most of these suiciders aren't even new, they've been trying to do this for years now, so don't try to blame it on politics. The only difference is the game has made changes that greatly enhance your ability to suicide.

I've seen it mentioned multiple times that the dev team is trying to move away from players losing months of work in a matter of minutes, after all isn't that the thought process behind these new restart changes? To lessen the blow of your country dying? It's done the exact opposite to suiciding and it's something a lot of people saw coming. However nothing was done and now we're left with warring changes that those who war hate, and suiciding changes that netters hate. Unfortunately the server will either lose people to these bad changes now, or even worse we've laid the foundation for an alliance server that will see mass suiciding on a scale we haven't seen since the bot days. Either way we all lose, regardless of our political views.

Troll away new members.

Edited By: Son Goku on Jan 16th 2014, 17:03:21
See Original Post



Jan 16th 2014, 17:01:06

Originally posted by martian:
"No offense there but LaF had FAed above people twice in the last three sets to #1 so becarefull who you call cheaters. "
Weather you agree with that practice or not, FAing is not cheating.

Martian Mr.Forgotten said in his opening statement that the other top 5 players would leech and be FA'd. Cable is calling him out on that.

Originally posted by Mr Forgotten:

I come back, I play like any regular folks. I had never had a good finish, but this set, I was on a roll, I knew that I had good potential to finish T10 again, other than the cheaters who are getting FAed and tech leeching, I should finish a solid top 5. What a thrill!

Mr Forgotten

Edited By: WahWahWah on Jan 16th 2014, 17:11:35



Jan 16th 2014, 17:25:10

Originally posted by WahWahWah:
RD were not revealed and they were an alliance full of cheats, bot runners etc etc. Yet, people are calling for people running single countries within the rules of the server to be revealed.

MrForgotten, honestly the whole whimpering from 50+ alliance members because of a handful is countries is WEAK. Your weren't so sorry or meek when you thought you had the backing of your alliance. Sucks when you get let down. We didn't do this to YOU, LaF did this too you. Don't like being attacked play in an alliance that can protect or will protect you, simple! Other then get more defense each of your countries has 12X Resources to use but you choose not too.

Too bad my objectives in this game are different to yours but that's the world for you. If having the highest NW is the goal of your alliance prevent other alliances from getting there. Such boring people. This may be the most interesting times in the last 15years. As all you old flufftards have to change the way you play. You forced us to change our style now we force you to change yours. Sucks Huh!

This post confirms that :

1) You have no working knowledge of how this game worked, I had more defense than ANYONE. Also, because of a recent game change,

By BEING 12x bigger, it was actually WORSE for me. Because qzjul wanted attackers to get TWICE as much returns on Special Attacks.

~LaF's Retired Janitor~



Jan 16th 2014, 17:30:40

Originally posted by Forgotten:

This post confirms that :

1) You have no working knowledge of how this game worked, I had more defense than ANYONE. Also, because of a recent game change,

By BEING 12x bigger, it was actually WORSE for me. Because qzjul wanted attackers to get TWICE as much returns on Special Attacks.

This Post Confirms:
1) You are resistant to change.
2) You are resistant to change.

Heston Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 17:32:28

"Griefers" is a fluffing stupid term.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯



Jan 16th 2014, 18:49:35

There was no Demos.

From the conversation I'm having with him in game, he knows exactly what he was doing, and targeted LaF.

It's these suiciders that are driving players from the game.

And if you don't see a difference between

Being FAed to secure your finish, where others are doing it to try and over take you.


Getting daily FA and tech leeching from techers since as early as Day 28 of the reset.

Then you sir, are exactly who I think you are, just a LaF hater that likes to spin spin spin.

Wait, KJ, you are back?

Edited By: Forgotten on Jan 16th 2014, 18:55:14
See Original Post
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Jan 16th 2014, 19:38:16

You know, I do always post that feedback is welcome, we're open to suggestions, and *THINGS WILL BE BALANCED ON AN ONGOING BASIS* :)

I would probably have changes for some of this in already if the server wasn't being retarded, causing me to have to set up a whole new server (on the old server's hardware), so we can transfer temporarily and fix the current one...
Finally did the signature thing.



Jan 16th 2014, 19:40:43

Originally posted by Forgotten:

It's these suiciders that are driving players from the game.

Spin it anyway you like Forgotten more players left the server during the LaF/SoF/RD heyday. You guys had great fun running people off and trolling the Hell out of them when they posted about it.

Shoes on the other foot for one reset and LAF turn into a pack of BELIEBERS!!

Who needs an alliance, when Laf would have you believe 1 country can destroy 50 countries working together in a coordinated effort!

The problem is Laf members want individual honors on a group server, you are not prepared to sacrifice your countries for your fellow alliance members. I didn't think it would be this easy but continue chasing those high NW and waiting for the admins to change the rules back so you can go back to comfortable manipulating a system you had worked out thoroughly.

Is that you grammie?

locket Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 19:44:39

Wahwah you are a fluffing moron. Name one war clan member with even 2million tanks. I'd love to see it. How about you make a country and I make it my goal to suicide you. If I get you I win and you post under your real nickname. You avoid my suicide all set and you can hide like the fluff you are and pretend you actually believe half the fluff you are saying.

locket Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 19:48:28

I love the amount of trolls in this game. For someone to actually sit here and talk about how people should be revealed while he hides under a fake name... ridiculous.

You have fluffing Evo and a few other clans supporting Laf and you think this isnt an actual problem? People like you should be banned. You are pathetic.

Edited By: locket on Jan 16th 2014, 19:50:36



Jan 16th 2014, 19:50:01

Originally posted by locket:
Wahwah you are a fluffing moron. Name one war clan member with even 2million tanks. I'd love to see it. How about you make a country and I make it my goal to suicide you. If I get you I win and you post under your real nickname. You avoid my suicide all set and you can hide like the fluff you are and pretend you actually believe half the fluff you are saying.

Locket your hardcore bud!! Can't be bothered to answer you as we are both aware you have no information regarding the issues Laf face. Bluff all you like tough guy but I have never interacted with you before and are fully aware that you are clueless to the situation.

locket Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 19:52:00

LOL If you think a long time Laf member has no information on the issues Laf faces then you are the clueless one. I am quite happy we dont interact. I dont talk to people who have to hide under fake names to talk internet kid tough fluff on forums.



Jan 16th 2014, 19:56:45

Originally posted by locket:
LOL If you think a long time Laf member has no information on the issues Laf faces then you are the clueless one. I am quite happy we dont interact. I dont talk to people who have to hide under fake names to talk internet kid tough fluff on forums.

You are quite the fool Locket(I assume this is the name you parents gave to you, as opposed to some fake internet name you invented to talk fluff on). Being a long time member to Laf provides you with no information other then you are aware of who I hit because members cry on your boards. Clueless as per usual.

locket Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 19:57:57

Clearly someone not in Laf cant have conversations with Laf off of AT.

Are you even trying? This is some Alin level fluff you post on here.



Jan 16th 2014, 20:03:02

Originally posted by locket:
Clearly someone not in Laf cant have conversations with Laf off of AT.

Are you even trying? This is some Alin level fluff you post on here.

No need really you guys have made it quite easy. Now I get to watch you cry. Laf the best ALLIANCE in the history of the game beaten by a handful of countries. LOL.

locket Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 20:08:16

Tough internet children are fun



Jan 16th 2014, 20:14:58

Originally posted by locket:
Tough internet children are fun
Indeed you are locket, indeed you are.



Jan 16th 2014, 20:24:54

Might be time for Laffers to heed their own advice. If your alliance can't protect you and your land its time to leave. Join an alliance that can, its what you've been telling the rest of us to do for years.

Pretty sure Omega, TIE, EVO, TPA, PDM, SOL, MD, SoF and a host of other alliances would be happy to have you.

Edited By: WahWahWah on Jan 16th 2014, 20:36:25



Jan 16th 2014, 20:52:34

forgotten smells like tinkle


New Member

Jan 16th 2014, 21:01:37

happypeepeehead is like the blind man who peed into the wind

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 16th 2014, 21:09:19

Originally posted by martian:
"No offense there but LaF had FAed above people twice in the last three sets to #1 so becarefull who you call cheaters. "
Weather you agree with that practice or not, FAing is not cheating.

WHAT DA F....CK!, seriously!?!?!?!

WOW, out of all people....
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Jan 16th 2014, 21:16:29

the BELIEBERS are throwing eggs on the forums? ahh, now it all makes sense. don't let the FBI search your houses. they might find some crack addicts.
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

NukEvil Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 21:28:47

Originally posted by Heston:
"Griefers" is a fluffing stupid term.

Only belongs in Minecraft, IMO.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Jan 16th 2014, 21:36:31

laf should get a room?
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )



EE Patron

Jan 16th 2014, 21:56:37

hi martian is there a way for you to moderate trolls even in this thread? i don't see them adding to the discussion but rather repeating the same thing(LaF farms untags therefore they must die) despite being shown this is not the case

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 16th 2014, 21:59:37

Originally posted by neal:
hi martian is there a way for you to moderate trolls even in this thread? i don't see them adding to the discussion but rather repeating the same thing(LaF farms untags therefore they must die) despite being shown this is not the case

Who are you? Adolf Hitler?
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

DFA Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 22:05:11

I would recommend changes asap, as I would hazard a guess that many players are considering bothering playing next set if things continue.

As it was said previously, it wont be just confined to LAF, once they get their kicks from LAF, they will move onto other alliances, they hit an alliance that is not as tight as LAF and people will just move to another server or quit.

The long term goal of the alliance game is to make the server competitive, but it should be competition between alliances.

solo players (untagged) demanding alliances not grab them and having such power that a few countries can cripple 7-8 alliance countries is imbalanced for this server.

What is the point of having different servers for different styles if the solo player in an alliance server can have such a crippling effect.

Dont confuse what I say as untagged don't belong on the server, but if your a solo player your overall effectivness should be that of a solo player. Solo players should never be as powerful as an alliance on THIS server.

I believe a new member posted on another server with the question "if all the suiciders tagged as one alliance would the attitude be different", yes it would, that would be a legitimate alliance war in my personal opinion, not the cowardly suiciding that you see at this time.

As always, I wont bother responding to the new members who troll my post etc, the post isnt for those who dont have the interest of the genuine people who play the game for fun / build friendships but are more interested in driving the genuine people from the game*

*I dont buy the common post of "LAF drives people from the game", they and others may drive solo players from the server, but not from the game, the solo players started to play on the wrong server, I am sure they are bright enough to find Primary, you know... the solo server.

**For Reference, I am not a member of LAF and I have never been known on the tinterwebs as anything other than DFA I mean, who has the time to create so many accounts?

locket Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 22:06:57

I like the way you put that



Jan 16th 2014, 22:11:49


Originally posted by locket:
I love the amount of trolls in this game. For someone to actually sit here and talk about how people should be revealed while he hides under a fake name... ridiculous.

You have fluffing Evo and a few other clans supporting Laf and you think this isnt an actual problem? People like you should be banned. You are pathetic.

locket, it's kinda funny when you are the one who used a fake name to run away from old problems, then used a fake name after to cover up more problems.

~LaF's Retired Janitor~

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Jan 16th 2014, 22:12:36

neal: I'm keeping an eye on the thread.
As long as there isn't serious flaming going on I'm not going to decide which posts to keep/delete based on merit of argument.

Saying things about tags that may/may not be true is ok as long as it's not a mass cheating accusation. Some of the statements made on this thread on both sides are really a matter of viewpoint and perception. And again I'm not going to delete posts based on if I agree with them or not. Believe me, there is a lot I would like to say on this thread but for a variety of reasons it would compromise my impartiality as a game and forum mod.

you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


CandyMan Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 22:15:24

lol let's get real. laf has always been a farmer of untaggeds. it's just noticeable the amount that our players have gotten suicided this set.

it's cool. we'll handle business.

albob Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 22:17:34

Just because you one of the 'best alliances' in the game doesn't mean you will have enemies. Sorry Goku you have earnt the reputation and enemies all on your own. The actions of LAF for YEARS have built up a huge list of enemies, and now the recent changes makes it more 'even'. When you have over 30 members who camp DR and farm every single untagged or small tag into the ground for YEARS.. you WILL get enemies.

You reap what YOU sow.

Man up, accept your OWN decisions. Don't like it? Too bad, when you refuse to pact small tags, and farm them for years. The shoe is on the other foot and you want actual GAME CHANGES to help you continue your dog like ingame behavior? LOL wow..



" You can never have too much cheese... unless your... "

locket Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 22:24:02

Originally posted by Forgotten:

Originally posted by locket:
I love the amount of trolls in this game. For someone to actually sit here and talk about how people should be revealed while he hides under a fake name... ridiculous.

You have fluffing Evo and a few other clans supporting Laf and you think this isnt an actual problem? People like you should be banned. You are pathetic.

locket, it's kinda funny when you are the one who used a fake name to run away from old problems, then used a fake name after to cover up more problems.

... yah Lets just ignore that I was supporting you. You are such a fluffing child. OH NO SOMEONE LEFT LAF. I BETTER ACT LIKE A SPOILED BRAT AND BE UPSET ABOUT IT FOR A YEAR AFTER THE FACT.

Grow the fluff up dude. I changed my name. I will change it again. I left Laf for my own reasons and not to hide from anything I had done or will do. I dont use fake AT names and I dont go and suicide people ingame so yah. I wanted space and I got it. I dont pretend I am anyone but who I am and never said otherwise. I just didnt tell everyone where I was going and didnt tell them who I was once I got there. If I dont talk to people on a personal level they have no need to know where I am.

You are claiming I changed my name again after that fact? That's funny because I have the same name I had in RD right now and it didnt change once in RD. I do plan to change my name but I havnt thought of anything fitting yet so yah...

I havnt done anything in the game to hide from so if you want to not make up retarded fluff then that would be great.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 16th 2014, 22:25:43

Originally posted by albob:
Just because you one of the 'best alliances' in the game doesn't mean you will have enemies. Sorry Goku you have earnt the reputation and enemies all on your own. The actions of LAF for YEARS have built up a huge list of enemies, and now the recent changes makes it more 'even'. When you have over 30 members who camp DR and farm every single untagged or small tag into the ground for YEARS.. you WILL get enemies.

You reap what YOU sow.

Man up, accept your OWN decisions. Don't like it? Too bad, when you refuse to pact small tags, and farm them for years. The shoe is on the other foot and you want actual GAME CHANGES to help you continue your dog like ingame behavior? LOL wow..


The chickens are coming home to roost!, question is, can LaF handle it?, by what I've seen on the forums, doesn't look bright for them haha
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!



Jan 16th 2014, 22:38:43

locket, stop over-reacting,

I was stating how ironic it was for you to talk about others hiding behind fake handles. That is all, it doesn't matter why.

And, again, I don't miss you from LaF, I never really cared. People leave for whatever reasons, and I just found yours hilarious. No one cares about you leaving LaF more than you, you just keep bringing it up.

Heck, after reading that post again. Good riddance you left LaF.

On a personal level, please seek assistance in whatever you are battling.
I'm battling depression as well as multiple non cure-able sicknesses.
I hope you find what you need, cause you just sound so angry, at everything.

~LaF's Retired Janitor~

locket Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 22:44:00

I bring it up? Yah I am sure me changing to TJ and leaving Laf had nothing to do with your "used a fake name to run away from old problems" comment.

You get called out and pretend you werent saying anything you are and go into the "locket has problems" troll? Congrats I guess. You are no better than the person who ABd you.

I have known you had problems for a long time so there is no need to admit to it now. Good on you though.

Oh and I dont use fake handles. I simply change the name of my "official" one. In case you didnt know, Oscar wasnt my first name in Earth. Oh and Locket wasnt it either. I had plenty before then and none of them were for hiding. I just like changing my name.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jan 16th 2014, 22:52:15

just don't bother engaging locket anymore, Forgotten.

also, qz did read the thread and said that things are going to be balanced on an ongoing basis. he also said he would have a fix instituted soon when the server is working properly.

i don't see why there is still complaining; he's fixing the thing most people complaining seem to want fixed.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Yippie Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 22:54:16

Originally posted by DFA:
I would recommend changes asap, as I would hazard a guess that many players are considering bothering playing next set if things continue.

We said the same things when LaF and SoF were continuously killing smaller clans because they can. But we all still here and this will be the same thing.

locket Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 22:56:06

Originally posted by Pang:
just don't bother engaging locket anymore, Forgotten.

also, qz did read the thread and said that things are going to be balanced on an ongoing basis. he also said he would have a fix instituted soon when the server is working properly.

i don't see why there is still complaining; he's fixing the thing most people complaining seem to want fixed.

Yah because it was definitely me who went out of line here right Pang!? You are so fluffing blind and one sided. Ridiculous.

Vic Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 23:00:10

damn forgotten sorry to see this as well :/ that sucks dude. don't let these losers get you down or get the best of you. they've been around forever and i have faith that qz will amend these recent changes and take some power away from these idiots.
hope you've been well other than this crap

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jan 16th 2014, 23:04:18

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Pang:
just don't bother engaging locket anymore, Forgotten.

also, qz did read the thread and said that things are going to be balanced on an ongoing basis. he also said he would have a fix instituted soon when the server is working properly.

i don't see why there is still complaining; he's fixing the thing most people complaining seem to want fixed.

Yah because it was definitely me who went out of line here right Pang!? You are so fluffing blind and one sided. Ridiculous.

My point was that you clearly came here looking for a fight and then sound taken aback when others engage you. I'm not taking sides.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting