
mrford Game profile


Jul 20th 2014, 17:15:39

you have to stock, and then calculate your destock. destocking off the PM is generally best if you have military tech, and the unit replenishment rate is as follows

3 troops
2.5 jets
2.5 turrets
1 tank

per turn, per acre. so if someone has 10K acres, their PM gains 30,000 troops, 25000 jets and turrets, and 10K tanks every time a turn is given, so every 4 minutes. you can use this formula to find out how much cash you can spend in x amount of time left in the set.

there is also PM unit decay with the tick of every turn, so when you are destocking make sure the units you are buying are empty every turn. most people log out for a day or so to let their PM build up, so they can make a large initial purchase with their stock, and then calc the PM regen rate and how much cash they can spend on their PM the rest of the set

you can see where timing and acurate calculations come into play, and why more land is beneficial, it means your private market replenishes faster.

that is some basics on how to calc your destock. factors including

how much stock you have
how much land you have
how many turns are left in the set
what your private market prices are (dependant on building makeup, tech %, and government type)
and your overall destock plans. (straight destock, early destock with reselling, etc)

as you can see, the game is a bit more complicated than some make it out to be. and weather im an ass or not, i know what the fluff im talking about, generally. every single country, turn, and set are different. thee are general principals that govern this game, but one answer will not always be corect. it is highly situational. this is where Celphi is having problems.

Edited By: mrford on Jul 20th 2014, 17:18:25
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Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford