
Dragon Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 20:15:20

Hit us again tomorrow and the next hit will be retaled 2:1

Havoc Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 20:21:20


Unholy Monks | The Omega

Dragon Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 22:16:07

Cry Havoc! And let slip the............ Oh wait. We're not there yet.


Trife Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 22:25:52

What if I hit you today?

Ravi Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 22:44:59

Retal 2:1 and the second hit will be treated as a new hit and the new hit will be retalled as a new hit which means you would probably treat it as a ROR and retal accordingly so it will be considered an old hit by you but a new hit by Zen so Zen will adapt a 2:1 policy on this new hit.

Havoc Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 22:56:58

Never ending retals!
Unholy Monks | The Omega

Dragon Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 23:00:25

Originally posted by Ravi:
Retal 2:1 and the second hit will be treated as a new hit and the new hit will be retalled as a new hit which means you would probably treat it as a ROR and retal accordingly so it will be considered an old hit by you but a new hit by Zen so Zen will adapt a 2:1 policy on this new hit.

THen we'll war. Not gonna be any BS here friend, SO let me rephrase. Hit us tomorrow and we do kill runs.

Ravi Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 23:11:09

well if you wanna be a fluff about it. Whatever floats your boat

Dragon Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 23:16:24

Up to you. Same guy hitting OG day after day ain't gonna make it.

I'm not the one being the fluff. He's carrying issues over from another server and I'm not gonna stand for it.

Reign him in or be at war. Your call.

Ravi Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 23:23:01

Feel free to PM me the offending country and I will be happy to discuss it with you. As far as I know nobody in Zen is or should be carrying anything over from another server.

Since I don't think this is a cross server issue a simple post asking ZEN to cool it minus any threats will 100% work. When people start making threats it often causes problems where none should be.

If there is a member doing cross server nonsense I will remove him and he is open season for you or anyone else.

Trife Game profile


Aug 27th 2010, 0:15:21

Originally posted by Dragon:
Up to you. Same guy hitting OG day after day ain't gonna make it.

I'm not the one being the fluff. He's carrying issues over from another server and I'm not gonna stand for it.

Reign him in or be at war. Your call.

What're you talking about? Carrying crap over from another Server? We don't stand for it - enlighten us with your theory and if there's any merit, we'll discipline him and probably have a field day farming/ABing our own member. However, since there has only been 3 landgrabs on your tag from ours the whole reset, I think you're blowing things waaaaaaay outta proportion.

Ravi said it best:
'Since I don't think this is a cross server issue a simple post asking ZEN to cool it minus any threats will 100% work. When people start making threats it often causes problems where none should be.'

Ravi Game profile


Aug 27th 2010, 3:33:55

I assume there will be no further issues here. There was never an issue from our point to begin with.

But we still reserve the right to AB Trife.

OGT Game profile


Aug 27th 2010, 3:37:15

cross server issues is ghey.

dragon I have a solution, start hitting zen back or kill the country without warning.

Ravi Game profile


Aug 27th 2010, 3:45:03

OCT I have a solution for you. Mind your own business as there was NO cross server issue. And learning who is actually in OG after seeing them post it seems we are actually allies with those guys on other servers.

As far as I see all hits have been retalled and because they are friends on other servers I don't foresee any further landgrabs on our end.

OGT Game profile


Aug 27th 2010, 4:12:05

ravi this is as much my business as it is yours since its on team talk, pull whatever it is in your butt out.. thank you.

and like i said cross server fluff is ghey so who cares who they are on other servers.. Im probably allied to you on other servers lol

Ravi Game profile


Aug 27th 2010, 4:45:30

Sure cross server stuff is "ghey". I fail to see where it was here...hence why I told you to mind your own business. I'm all about seriousness and cannot stand it when people troll on my threads looking for attention.

This threat is all about me. I am not here for your amusement. Get your jollies someplace else. This space is reserved for mature adults...not little snot nosed punks who like potty jokes and brag that they once saw a girls boobie fall out of her bathing suit at the beach.

trumper Game profile


Aug 27th 2010, 13:18:32

Here's the sequence of events:

Rag country hits Zen country A 14x
Zen country A retals
5 days pass
Same Rag country hits same Zen country 2x
Zen country A retals and Zen country B retals
Rag retals Zen country B 2x
Zen country B retals for his land
Rag country B retals Zen country B saying stop over-retaling
Zen country B retals again and points out not only did they farm his D ally, but then hit him again
Rag country B retals again and launches almost 30 missles
Zen country B responds by launching 2 missles at Rag Country B and Ab-ing the crap out of Rag country A

So this started with Rag farming a Zen country. Then, Rag decides to be antagonistic again and the original farming country hits the same Zen country, again. When he gets retaled, all of Rag starts whining about over-retals and starts launching missles.

Havoc Game profile


Aug 27th 2010, 13:23:41

Err, isn't this thread about OG/Zen?
Unholy Monks | The Omega

Trife Game profile


Aug 27th 2010, 14:30:06

Confirmed, Trumper's in the wrong place..

Ravi Game profile


Aug 27th 2010, 17:09:59

Trump..are you smoking dope?

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 27th 2010, 21:05:01

There needs to be more ZEN talk.

I back Ravi in all decisions made by him or conjured in his sleep. We war all.

trumper Game profile


Aug 27th 2010, 23:05:45

Are you offering to buy, Ravi?

Dragon Game profile


Aug 28th 2010, 0:31:23

Originally posted by Ravi:
Sure cross server stuff is "ghey". I fail to see where it was here...hence why I told you to mind your own business. I'm all about seriousness and cannot stand it when people troll on my threads looking for attention

Talk to the owner of country #86. Unless you're him. If he chooses to be honest with you, he'll tell you that reset before last in Tourney, he was deleted for cheating. I happened to be the one who turned him in.

Then, you may want to ask him what motivated him to triple tap me in Tourney in the first couple days of the current reset.

After that, you may want to ask him what motivated him to "coincidentally" decide to grab my Team twice in two days.

It doesn't take a genius to figure this out.

Ravi Game profile


Aug 28th 2010, 0:59:23

I am the owner of 86.

In tourney the reset before last you went nuts on Assassin when he double tapped you. Assassin and I have been playing this game for over 10 years. We always use the same country names. We watch each others news. We have for over 10 years. I saw you basically suicided on him so I AB'd you. We were deleted for supposed rules violations, appealed the deletions and martian overturned the mod who fell for your false accusation that we were multies. However when trying to log into my country it wouldn't let me even though it said my appeal was successful. You can confirm this with martian if you wish. It was decided there was no rules violation.

I triple tapped you in 1 day at the start of the set since you had almost no Def...after which you proceeded to suicide me. Have I bothered you since? My country is certainly stronger than yours. I could farm or suicide you at will if I wanted to. But I don't hold grudges.

Now I would have to be a genius to know you are the same person in tourney as you are in Team since the country names are not the same. I don't even know which country is yours in Team. I made two total grabs on your Team this set.... on different countries. I don't know nor care if either was your country. However the country who did retal me both times can confirm I complimented him on both which netted your team much more land than I took...the other he failed but I still gave him kudos for the effort.

The only reason I ever grabbed your Team in the first place was because another Zen member said a few of your guys were landfat with little Def and I didn't think you had anybody who could retal. You showed you have a good retaler so there is no point for me to grab any of you anymore.

Is this making any sense yet? There is no conspiracy here.

Assassin Game profile


Aug 28th 2010, 2:33:26

while ravi is indeed my rl multi, i must correct him. dragon never went nuts on my country when i hit him. he just sent a snotty message saying that he was going to spend the rest of the reset ruining my country. when people do that, i consider it my sacred duty to devote the rest of the reset to them, too.

i never messaged ravi about the spat but, like he says, we both check the news. when we got deleted, i appealed the deletions. martian said that the countries had been wrongly deleted and that they would be reinstated. they never did get reinstated, presumably because it was the end of the reset. but, there was no cheating whatsoever.

Dragon Game profile


Aug 28th 2010, 2:46:40

Well Ravi, there it is. Since you've at least admitted it, if a country named "your own stupidity" ever grabs OG, it will be killed. Period.

I'm not going to tolerate you. You're an utter idiot and you should just avoid contact with me. You're well within your rights as a player to make contact, but I'm telling you now that the end result will be a kill run on you.

In fact, to drive the point home, OG has just adopted a 1:KILL policy on tag ZEN or any tag that harbors a country I can tie to you as a player.

Go ahead. fluff with me.

Ravi Game profile


Aug 28th 2010, 2:57:07

You know, you are kind of stupid Dragon. I have gone out of my way to be kind and reasonable with you. You have a tourney country I can ruin if I want to. I sure as hell aren't going anyplace netting-wise. Yet I won't. You have an alliance on Team I can kill right now if I want to. Yet I won't. But you continue to make threats and insult me. Soviet from Imag is more reasonable than you. I use the same country name on most servers. I don't hide. I even let you and everyone on Team know what my country is.

Okay I agree to your terms. But if I see so much as a failed spy op on ZEN from OG we will pick a country of yours and kill it. In fact if anybody we have not had any dealings with on the server hits us we will assume you are behind it and kill an OG country. Would you care to provide your country number so we don't kill an innocent country?

That sounds kind of childish doesn't it? Well that is how you sound here sparky.

OGT Game profile


Aug 28th 2010, 4:43:17

ravi what you said is probably the most rediculous thing i have ever read in my life.. your a tool. If anything i am backing you by saying what i said.. whatever.. be a grown up pal.. that must be working out great for you.


Havoc Game profile


Aug 28th 2010, 18:08:08

As trife is my secret lover, I don't think any further conflicts should exist between OG and team ZEN.

Trife will be along soon to confirm.
Unholy Monks | The Omega

Trife Game profile


Aug 28th 2010, 18:52:38

I guarantee you that we will not have any problems as long as Dragon doesn't PMS again and escalate things after they've already been settled.

Have a nice reset, OG

Dragon Game profile


Aug 29th 2010, 0:20:47

Originally posted by Ravi:
You know, you are kind of stupid Dragon. I have gone out of my way to be kind and reasonable with you. You have a tourney country I can ruin if I want to. I sure as hell aren't going anyplace netting-wise. Yet I won't.

That didn't stop you from deciding to make me a special case when you attacked me daily and without provocation in Tourney last reset. Oh. Wait. I did provoke you. You decided to farm me with your other country and got caught cheating.

Then, as a reminder of times past, you started THIS round of Tourney with a triple tap. Probably a gesture of Good Will on your part.

THEN, you decide to bring it to Team and start grabbing my team on a daily basis.

You're not the victim here by any means, so don't try to play the martyr. You know what you are and I know what you are.

And we WILL stay out of each other's news.

You have an alliance on Team I can kill right now if I want to. Yet I won't. But you continue to make threats and insult me.

I've done nothing but tell the truth. I'm not the one who brought Tourney issues over to the Team server. That was you.

Neither myself nor OG collectively have any interest in dragging this out any further. Both sides have said everything there is to be said.

My guys will cause ZEN no problems and I would expect that the same will go for the ZEN side.

GL to ZEN for the rest of the reset.

Ravi Game profile


Aug 29th 2010, 0:38:29

Excuse me, hello STUPID.

Have you read anything I wrote? Any of it? There was no cheating in tourney last set. You had an issue with Assassin. He has posted here. I got involved. Two DIFFERENT countries. Two DIFFERENT people.

So I triple tapped you in tourney this set. Cry me a river. You were the fattest in the game and had no defense to speak of. You missiled me back. End of story. I have not bothered you since.

And how the hell did I bring tourney to Team? I don't even know who you are. You do not have the same country name here as you have in tourney. I did not know the person I fought in tourney last set happened to play on the Team server let alone in OG. I still don't even know which country in OG is yours. I made TWO grabs on OG all set. They were grabs of opportunity not some sort of revenge.

If I was what you are claiming I am your tourney country would be a parking lot and your Team alliance would all be dead by now.

Nevermind. You must be messing with me. The jokes on me. Nobody can actually be a stupid as you are acting. Good job, you certainly had me fooled.

Dragon Game profile


Aug 29th 2010, 1:00:53

Originally posted by Ravi:
Excuse me, hello STUPID.

Have you read anything I wrote? Any of it? There was no cheating in tourney last set. You had an issue with Assassin. He has posted here. I got involved. Two DIFFERENT countries. Two DIFFERENT people.

That's your claim. Your deletion for cheating indicates otherwise.

No matter. We know each others' country names. We know that we should avoid one another and we know that if we don't, bad things will happen.

Private Pyle out.

Ravi Game profile


Aug 29th 2010, 1:09:06

haha you remember the Pyle message.

Look I don't know your country in Team. I know your tourney country and I have not bothered it since you missiled and AB'd the crap outta me for the 3 grabs.

And please stop with the cheating accusation. Martian overturned it. Feel free to contact him since I can talk til I'm blue in the face and you won't believe it.

Dragon Game profile


Aug 29th 2010, 1:57:09

What I'd really rather do is put this behind us and try to actually become friends. If that's even possible.

I'm not real good at holding grudges forever. In my case, they're shortish but intense.

And every time I see your name, I think of Ravioli. My wife bought ravioli at the supermarket today. I don't really care for Ravioli but I love my wife. And she loves ravioli.

Go figure.

Ravi Game profile


Aug 29th 2010, 2:04:21

We're good Dragon.

Ravioli was my original name in earth. People told me to shorten it to Ravi.

Trife Game profile


Aug 29th 2010, 3:08:44

Awww, now a group hug!

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 29th 2010, 5:39:40

everyone can relax it all sounds like a minunderstanding that escalated :)

Assassin Game profile


Aug 29th 2010, 15:21:58

for the record, i'm really good at holding grudges forever, and i refuse to be part of this group hug. i'm utterly appalled by my multi ravi's conciliatory behavior. but, i don't even play on this server.

Dragon Game profile


Aug 29th 2010, 15:48:39

Originally posted by Assassin:
for the record, i'm really good at holding grudges forever, and i refuse to be part of this group hug. i'm utterly appalled by my multi ravi's conciliatory behavior. but, i don't even play on this server.'re the Evil twin, then?

Assassin Game profile


Aug 30th 2010, 0:17:27

we used to both be the evil twins, but ravi, you've changed.

Ravi Game profile


Aug 30th 2010, 1:44:05

I think it was more of a bad cop/worse cop thing.

trumper Game profile


Aug 30th 2010, 12:21:40

Originally posted by Dragon:
What I'd really rather do is put this behind us and try to actually become friends. If that's even possible.

I'm not real good at holding grudges forever. In my case, they're shortish but intense.

And every time I see your name, I think of Ravioli. My wife bought ravioli at the supermarket today. I don't really care for Ravioli but I love my wife. And she loves ravioli.

Go figure.

Your wife loves Ravi? I see what all this triple tapping is about when you mention Assassin and Ravi.