
breeze Game profile


Nov 28th 2014, 4:42:09

Just food for thought which I know will make me a bad guy here. Is this a war game or is this a netting game? Do all the netters get bored with the same old hum drum crap each and every set? Land trading makes me laugh. Netting makes me laugh. How about we all get back to it being a war game? Curious how a lot of other people feel, other than the same few all the time. I'm trying to see what makes netting so wonderful. For me personally Id rather play a war game and kill others. What fun is it without clans going to war?

flgatorboy89 Game profile


Nov 28th 2014, 12:34:48

Kill them all.

<jon> off to bed fluffbeater :p
<mrford> i dont beat fluffs
<mrford> i eat them
<mrford> gosh
<jon> well, fluffeater
<Kat> oookay....

Savage Game profile


Nov 28th 2014, 12:40:46

its both. I get as tired of doing one for several sets in a row as I do of the other. I like to have a balance.

Over The Hill Game profile


Nov 28th 2014, 14:37:42

when you log into your country and scroll down the main menu to the "scores" icon it lists the top countries by networth.
When you scroll down to the "clans" icon it lists the clans ranked by total networth and average member networth.

These all are NETTING stats.

I don't see any WAR stats listed at all under this main menu.

It's a NETTING game where you try to defend your resources from aggressive war-like attacks on your country.

At times you will see entire clans go to war against entire clans to protect these NETTING resources.

You make the statement breeze that ..."netting makes you laugh"

I'll tell you something, "warring makes me laugh".
There are players out there that will set warning alarms for when their country gets attacked in order to get out of bed, log into their country and stonewall a killrun against them.
They babysit their country 24/7 so they won't get killed off.
Players will set the alarm and wake up at 3am(their time) to participate in a clan organized kill run.
To me, this is ludicrous.
But this is just my opinion.

Actually, it's what Savage said...."it's both"

It's a challange and takes a lot of skill to be a great netter and finish in the top 10

It's a challange and takes a lot of skill to be a great warring clan.

To each his own....

Home Turf Game profile


Nov 28th 2014, 15:29:40

Breeze ive been saying it for years. The netting clique is strong, they don't want any competition, they just want it handed to them. Good Luck on trying to make the game competitive again.

tellarion Game profile


Nov 28th 2014, 15:33:20

Even the most hardcore warring alliances need a break sometimes. Besides, it's more or less the same lineup each and every time. One set off isn't a huge issue, imo.

braden Game profile


Nov 28th 2014, 15:39:36

last time i can think of it being a war game was when til forced their.. netgaining policy.. on everybody.. oh, wait..

Link Game profile


Nov 28th 2014, 16:07:43

i find war is the only thing that can keep my playing now.. and ive been around since 98

I Am a meat popsicle.


breeze Game profile


Nov 29th 2014, 4:01:09

I have played this game since it first started. Heck I even played BRE and ran a BBS to play a war game. Not sure many remember what BRE and a BBS system was (search and see). I know Earth has lost quite a few good players. Maybe playing Earth as a war game, others may return. I just see the boring netting Earth losing players. I remember having players numbers reach a thousand and then when killed restart again. Now were lucky to have 400 to start a set. So where has the numbers gone. Lets see netting and arranged wars. Now the EWPP. Come on don't some see what's going on here? I know some can see it. But some things others don't want to see. Just food for thought.

LittleItaly Game profile

Game Moderator
Alliance, FFA, & Cooperation

Nov 29th 2014, 4:13:41

if its a community driven game, then the game is whatever the players/leaders make it out to be.

This is a netting game yes, but the war aspect normally is a result of the alliances conflicts with each others policies on the "proper" way of netting, be it retalling issues, ally interactions with said clan, buyout interaction, landtradding, grudges, etc.

OR clans join a winning war side to get landfarms for the rest of the reset to then net with. best example historically in recent times is LaF.

If there were no war actions (including SS/PS), then this game would just be a bunch of players number crunching without the need of interaction from other clans or alliance mates.
-Discord: LittleItaly#2905
-IRC: #sol
-Apply today @ for Alliance

locket Game profile


Nov 29th 2014, 4:17:58

Maybe you need to understand what many children understand. Different people have different fluffing opinions and tastes. Jesus.

iccyh Game profile


Nov 29th 2014, 4:50:44

There's room for both in this game.

DStone Rocks Game profile


Nov 29th 2014, 5:44:11

Lets state the obvious, if you're playing a mathematical strategy mmo there is something a little weird about you. You are probly a slight nerd. Try describing this game to a normal human being and they will probly respond with, "WTF are you doing with your life." There are plenty of good war games out there that are way way more dynamic than Earth could ever be. Netting is the basis of the game. The top ranked player wins the set. The alliance that wins a war wins nothing accept rep, respect, and fear(depending on the credibility of the war), which then in turn allows their netters to net in peace since other alliances know that if they fluff around with one of those player's sets they are going to have to war you. There are some great warring alliances here that are able to provide an environment for their few good netters to win a set. For example, an SOL guy just won a set that they warred in. Sorry SOL if labeling you a warring alliance offends you(although I don't really think it does), you are obv good at warring though. There are obviously some alliances that like to war and are good at it, and playing a small part in a greater whole, that allows youre best players to have a shot at winning a set is pretty legit, I think. But your best players are still your best netters, a good netter can usually war, the reverse is not always true. Hopefully you get to spend time learning to both net and war, or you can try to just enjoy playing that support role allowing the people in your alliance that would like to actually win a set one day(or top 10 whatever a reasonable netting goal is for you) to have a shot at doing so.

This game will always be based upon finishing at the highest NW possible. Everything else involved is just a way to make that possible, from wars and politics to retal policies and kill-teams, it's all designed to allow players to net better. That being said, if your alliance didn't have anyone who liked to war or could war(which I don't think there is one, just hypothetical) your netters would have no shot at netting in todays EE environment. Being able to war, allows you the ability to net.

Now the ways in which people net, Landtrading, DR camping, winning a war + farming, etc will always be topic for debate. We'll further see where these opinions land one day I expect.

breeze Game profile


Nov 29th 2014, 5:54:57

Originally posted by locket:
Maybe you need to understand what many children understand. Different people have different fluffing opinions and tastes. Jesus.

Im not a child and I understand others have different opinions. That's life DUH. There were more players when Earth engaged in war and not netting. That's a proven fact. Numbers have dwindled. Like it or not.

breeze Game profile


Nov 29th 2014, 5:56:51

Originally posted by iccyh:
There's room for both in this game.

It sure doesn't seem like it.

hoop Game profile


Nov 29th 2014, 10:15:04

Originally posted by breeze:
Originally posted by locket:
Maybe you need to understand what many children understand. Different people have different fluffing opinions and tastes. Jesus.

Im not a child and I understand others have different opinions. That's life DUH. There were more players when Earth engaged in war and not netting. That's a proven fact. Numbers have dwindled. Like it or not.

The game has been declining for over a decade wars or netting alike. The game is about gaining networth, that is the objective. This isn't really up for debate. You also don't have to care about the game's objective.