
Vic Game profile


Feb 8th 2015, 16:09:37

<3 to all

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 8th 2015, 18:04:40

Originally posted by tellarion:
The difference is that in the past, Laf or another big netting alliance would have killed you for winning via FA :)

I should have been 3rd btw, but Herbs didn't pay me for my leech I gave to him! For shame!

is what you said

its reperations FA, even if someone got killed for other FA, i dont think anyone has ever been killed for getting FA after being suicided

in this case the alliance that did the suiciding even paid it back

perhaps they should have suicided, paid it back, then killed the country that they paid reps to themselves so it wouldnt win after getting fa

locket Game profile


Feb 8th 2015, 20:37:06

Tella you flat out said that Laf would have killed for receiving the suicide FA which they wouldnt. Laf also never killed for tech allies. They killed Evo because neither side ever got along even slightly and you had many members run your mouths on AT for far too long. Most reasons either side ever hit eachother were only a small small portion of the real reason.



Feb 8th 2015, 21:44:53

Originally posted by enshula:

perhaps they should have suicided, paid it back, then killed the country that they paid reps to themselves so it wouldnt win after getting fa

Sounds like a perfect way to run a tag.

Suicide when you can't retal.
Pay reps after you suicide.
Kill the country you paid reps to.

Rinse and repeat.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Furious999 Game profile


Feb 8th 2015, 21:55:52

I'd say a free translation of tellarion's post is that "It sucks Evo's netting was not good enough this set. We are determined to do better next set."

Home Turf Game profile


Feb 8th 2015, 22:00:55

lol now dat was even funnier

En4cer Game profile


Feb 8th 2015, 22:25:24

No mud slinging is needed here guys. I understood what Tella meant and all is good :)

Also for anyone hanging onto the past. LaF is under new guidance now with absolutely no hang ups on the past and is looking to move forward and help this community do this also. I want to see this game attract new and old blood back to it. The only enemies that En4cer's LaF will have are those that are made from here forward in time :) - Slate Clean!

breeze Game profile


Feb 8th 2015, 22:27:21

Congrats to LaF



Feb 9th 2015, 1:15:05

*throws pie at En4cer*
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

tellarion Game profile


Feb 9th 2015, 3:52:32

Originally posted by locket:
Tella you flat out said that Laf would have killed for receiving the suicide FA which they wouldnt. Laf also never killed for tech allies. They killed Evo because neither side ever got along even slightly and you had many members run your mouths on AT for far too long. Most reasons either side ever hit eachother were only a small small portion of the real reason.

Yeah, you know me Locket. I didn't mean getting FA for suiciding would result in being killed. Sorry it came out that way, but that's not what I was talking about.

Getting free land from detaggers...that's a different story.

tellarion Game profile


Feb 9th 2015, 3:53:21

Originally posted by Furious999:
I'd say a free translation of tellarion's post is that "It sucks Evo's netting was not good enough this set. We are determined to do better next set."

True :) I honestly didn't expect Laf to pull ahead in average, but they surprised us. As I said, it's nice to have competition, and we were pretty complacent.



Feb 9th 2015, 4:36:52

LaF only won Total Net because I got bored and started a country on boxing day.

LaF only barely won average net because I dragged down our finish. LOL
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

locket Game profile


Feb 9th 2015, 5:28:25

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by locket:
Tella you flat out said that Laf would have killed for receiving the suicide FA which they wouldnt. Laf also never killed for tech allies. They killed Evo because neither side ever got along even slightly and you had many members run your mouths on AT for far too long. Most reasons either side ever hit eachother were only a small small portion of the real reason.

Yeah, you know me Locket. I didn't mean getting FA for suiciding would result in being killed. Sorry it came out that way, but that's not what I was talking about.

Getting free land from detaggers...that's a different story.

Makes sense. Most stories between Laf and Evo were both dumb and a different story :P Looking back it is funny really. Should have each sent maybe 2-3 people out of the tag and nothing would have ever gone as bad as it did.

En4cer Game profile


Feb 9th 2015, 5:48:10

This guy above me has definitely seen things in the past the same way as i have.

tellarion Game profile


Feb 9th 2015, 6:07:28

Yeah, the worst part of all this crap from my experience is that a lot of the animosity goes back 4+ years ago, before I was even playing in Evo again. It's hard to make any meaningful change when the deck is already stacked against you. In any case, I think we've made great strides towards putting that crap behind us.

locket Game profile


Feb 9th 2015, 8:01:43

The best stride being this set's leader change! Almost tempts me to visit them :P

I suspect a few alliances falling apart due to server war fatigue had some to do with it to

SolidSnake Game profile


Feb 9th 2015, 8:02:11

Hate is so much more fun than love.

En4cer Game profile


Feb 9th 2015, 10:59:12

It all depends on what the person with the other hand from that deck decides to do. The lines of communication are open and the hand is now extended.