
EyesofEmber Game profile

New Member

Jun 5th 2015, 13:11:09

Thanks everyone for your kind words and "welcomes back"; I can honestly say that it feels good to be back. I'm doing reasonably well in the tournament C server (I've been hovering around the lower teens for most of it) so it hasn't been embarrassing like I thought it might be lol.

To answer your question Raging Budda I'm not entirely sure whether I'd rather net or war. Both are appealing so I guess what I really would like is to be able to switch between them every reset or something like that. That might be asking to much though. Which servers am I looking at? Any of them. I just want the best experience here I can get so whatever has that is where I'd like to be.

Honestly, what I really want out of a clan is an active community that can help me improve. I enjoy discussing strategies and trying out new things. And more than anything I want to join a clan that will allow me to become a valuable member of their ranks where I can not only accept advice but, eventually, give it.

Edited By: EyesofEmber on Jun 5th 2015, 13:17:49
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