
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 2nd 2018, 20:45:48

Yeah. Having issues with mental illness whether chronic or stress/trauma related, and having physical issues like a broken back and marfan syndrome like I do are often as well treated or better treated by proper diet and exercise.

I don't do a lot of high intensity exercising but I did for a number of years. I did a blend of tai chi and kenpo for cardio for years and it really helped both my mobility and endurance. I lost 80% of the range in my right arm due to a pinched nerve in my winged scapula which I regained thru yoga and that. Basically now I wake up, do 1 hour ish of yoga and walk 5 miles to start my day. To combat marfan syndrome, I eat a diet of predominately nuts and greens with natural anti-inflammatory rich foods (think cayenne, ginger etc). I meditate for either 1 hour before bed if I dont drink, or 1 hour after dinner if I make plans to bring my mind back to center and control daily mental impulses. And I smoke marijuana for pain management.

Not to slap a doc in the face but I feel about a million times better than I ever did with the flufftail of oxy, cellexa (eventually wellbutrin which worked slightly better) and klonopin that I am prescribed. When I took that stuff not only was I not improving, which I have since I started self medicating, I was physically addicted to drugs and mentally unfit to hold down a job.

That's really all I can say aside from "Heyyy heyyy heyyyyyyy, smoke weed everyday"

Edited By: DerrickICN on Aug 2nd 2018, 20:51:12
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