
joedro Game profile


Nov 15th 2010, 13:29:36

please contact me!
Team: recruit me

Alliance: recruit me
contact- - pm right here will work just fine tho

Detmer Game profile


Nov 15th 2010, 15:26:10

About what?

joedro Game profile


Nov 15th 2010, 16:03:32

It's bout the hits traded between the clans!
Team: recruit me

Alliance: recruit me
contact- - pm right here will work just fine tho

Detmer Game profile


Nov 15th 2010, 17:43:03

I will work as an intermediary for fluffy unless they tell me not to. Could you post the news here?

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 15th 2010, 19:52:17

Detmer, becuase I love you I will supply you with your news!

Nov 15/10 5:51:18 AM PS Stop Jump and Roll (#73) (fluffy) Manetheren (#96) (xHGx) 159 A (+57 A)
Nov 15/10 5:50:47 AM PS Stop Jump and Roll (#73) (fluffy) Manetheren (#96) (xHGx) 245 A (+146 A)
Nov 15/10 5:49:58 AM PS Stop Jump and Roll (#73) (fluffy) Manetheren (#96) (xHGx) 257 A (+148 A)
Nov 15/10 5:48:55 AM SS Stop Jump and Roll (#73) (fluffy) Manetheren (#96) (xHGx) 237 A (+170 A)
Nov 15/10 5:48:45 AM SS Stop Jump and Roll (#73) (fluffy) Manetheren (#96) (xHGx) 260 A (+181 A)
Nov 15/10 5:48:16 AM SS Stop Jump and Roll (#73) (fluffy) Manetheren (#96) (xHGx) 292 A (+196 A)
Nov 15/10 1:28:13 AM PS Manetheren (#96) (xHGx) Next stop Chicago (#85) (fluffy) 311 A (+186 A)
Nov 15/10 1:27:33 AM SS Manetheren (#96) (xHGx) Next stop Chicago (#85) (fluffy) 284 A (+212 A)
Nov 15/10 1:27:24 AM SS Manetheren (#96) (xHGx) Next stop Chicago (#85) (fluffy) 328 A (+231 A)
Nov 15/10 1:27:15 AM SS Manetheren (#96) (xHGx) Next stop Chicago (#85) (fluffy) 386 A (+255 A)
Nov 15/10 1:26:54 AM SS Manetheren (#96) (xHGx) Wrath of Rockster (#13) (fluffy) 186 A (+102 A)
Nov 15/10 1:26:44 AM SS Manetheren (#96) (xHGx) Wrath of Rockster (#13) (fluffy) 240 A (+168 A)
Nov 15/10 1:26:26 AM SS Manetheren (#96) (xHGx) Wrath of Rockster (#13) (fluffy) 364 A (+207 A)
Nov 15/10 1:26:14 AM SS Manetheren (#96) (xHGx) Wrath of Rockster (#13) (fluffy) Defence Held

NOW3P Game profile


Nov 15th 2010, 19:54:08

HG is mad because they came out ahead on land on the retals? Or are they just wondering when the rest are coming?

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 15th 2010, 19:57:52

looks like 30+ retals to me but hey im just specting so w/e.

Where you at NOW3P? we split up this set cuz you ditched us lol

NOW3P Game profile


Nov 15th 2010, 19:59:36

inactive - got wicked sick the first week of the set, and bled like 200 turns....I just didn't wanna drag anyone else down w/ me. Except maybe mrford, cuz he's my fluff.

Detmer Game profile


Nov 15th 2010, 20:53:00

Alright, well fluffy has authorized me to do their FA. You are welcome to request verification of that from them ingame.

so #96 hit fluffy 8 times
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8=36 retals owed. So far #96 has taken 2099 acres from fluffy. fluffy has recovered 1450 acres in 6 retals.

As a fluffy representative I suggest cutting the retals off at 18 (half owed) or 2L:L, whichever comes first... just to save everybody some time and energy.


joedro Game profile


Nov 15th 2010, 22:31:01

Sounds good to me. This is exactly why I wanted contact!
Team: recruit me

Alliance: recruit me
contact- - pm right here will work just fine tho

Detmer Game profile


Nov 15th 2010, 22:47:32

Alright, I'll let them know.

joedro Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 7:34:17

Well I informed the member of our findings in this case. He said He wont accept another retal. I'm going to stand behind his decision. And any other retals will be seen as an act of war. So do you want some?

For future reference to all who see's this before you retaliate on my clan talk to me! I almost had 73 killed, then seen it was a retal.
Team: recruit me

Alliance: recruit me
contact- - pm right here will work just fine tho

Vinag Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 12:10:35

Gotta be honest joe, no i dont think this is acceptable. I have not even retalled yet. what happened to 72 hours?

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 14:11:06

ima make a team just for fun now. I will now FARM Joedro tag and I will not accept retals and if you retal we will tag kill you.

how does that sound?

Detmer Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 14:17:12

Originally posted by joedro:
Well I informed the member of our findings in this case. He said He wont accept another retal. I'm going to stand behind his decision. And any other retals will be seen as an act of war. So do you want some?

For future reference to all who see's this before you retaliate on my clan talk to me! I almost had 73 killed, then seen it was a retal.

Wnat a full body search followed by a golden shower?

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 14:23:23

Originally posted by joedro:
And any other retals will be seen as an act of war. So do you want some?

For future reference to all who see's this before you retaliate on my clan talk to me! I almost had 73 killed, then seen it was a retal.

I would advise that you do not threaten fluffy or their FA reprentative. As he showed you mercy by autherizing only half of the retals due (which you ACCEPTED publicly 2 posts above your threat) instead of a kill run on your idiot member.

Executive Assistant to Mr.Detmer

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 14:24:11

Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by joedro:
Well I informed the member of our findings in this case. He said He wont accept another retal. I'm going to stand behind his decision. And any other retals will be seen as an act of war. So do you want some?

For future reference to all who see's this before you retaliate on my clan talk to me! I almost had 73 killed, then seen it was a retal.

Wnat a full body search followed by a golden shower?

body probing, followed by clips and eletric shocking!

joedro Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 16:04:04

I decided this without talking to my clan admittedly my mistake. I was happy with the reduction, my clan was not! I always vote for war. So here we are. The member, not really being to my knowledge is a very respected player coming back that probing for war. Here is our chance, since no one wanted to war with us. And i was kinda pissed that they retaled 8 times with out me knowing. so the biggest point here is to before you retal talk to me especially 3+ retals.

Edited By: joedro on Nov 16th 2010, 16:08:52
See Original Post
Team: recruit me

Alliance: recruit me
contact- - pm right here will work just fine tho

Detmer Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 16:14:57

Originally posted by joedro:
I decided this without talking to my clan admittedly my mistake. I was happy with the reduction, my clan was not! I always vote for war. So here we are. The member, not really being to my knowledge is a very respected player coming back that probing for war. Here is our chance, since no one wanted to war with us. And i was kinda pissed that they retaled 8 times with out me knowing. so the biggest point here is to before you retal talk to me especially 3+ retals.

They retalled fewer times than you attacked them. They took back less than you took from them. You can war them but since you are in essence warring me, particularly by reneging on an offer I extended, now you will also have FBI, GOLDEN and SHOWER to contend with. But hey, if it is a war you want, fluffy has allies as a result of this treachery.

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 17:01:44

Originally posted by joedro:
So here we are. The member, not really being to my knowledge is a very respected player coming back that probing for war. Here is our chance, since no one wanted to war with us.

FYI, fluffy is Wrath, we have a perfect winning streak on this server. You have also now disrespected FBI, GOLDEN and SHOWER. So basically certain detah will come to your tag if you do not accept the retal agreement that you reached. We will continue to retal and any further hits from #96 or any other country in your tag will be dealt with an automatic kill run.

thanks for playing Earth Empires, have a swirvey day :)

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 17:14:04

Ok I lied, we do not have a perfect war record. FBI kicked our butts a few sets ago. However now that we are property of Detmer and Zen we can work on our winning streak.

However fluffy is a peaceful tag and we hope that HG will not fluff up our set r theirs :)

Jeremy Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 17:22:26

This is one of the most entertaining threads I've seen recently, haha.

joedro Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 18:01:16

ok well it seems that I have no choice but to accept the agreement that we came to. However I cannot control my guy.
Team: recruit me

Alliance: recruit me
contact- - pm right here will work just fine tho

NOW3P Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 18:33:41

Go ahead and war them if you want - just be a man and don't do it on the dumbass pretense that they have somehow wronged you guys by retalling %100 legitimately for your clan's farming. Saying they haven't contacted you on only taking 1:1 retals is just lame....

any sort of clans with intentions to war would have just made the hitting countries go buh-bye anyways.

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 18:40:33

joedro, you have made a wise choice. I just want to let everyone know that fluffy respects xHGx and all other teams on this server. We do value everyones cooperation when it comes to rogue members and farming and multiple hits and so fourth. We always love dealing with issue by diplomatic means, which is why Detmer handles FA for us and not Dragonlance.

However we must retal #96 till our lands are returned to us. joedro, I want to let you know that #96 sent me a threating message ingame, so if he does not accept our legit retals than we will just kill him. Do not worry though, all other countrys in your tag will be spared provided that they do not intervene.

If any one else has issues with fluffy, please contact our Master and Commander Detmer.

Executive Assistant to Mr.Detmer

joedro Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 19:04:29

Master and Commander... why not just call him God! lol.
Well alright then. Case closed!
Team: recruit me

Alliance: recruit me
contact- - pm right here will work just fine tho

Jeremy Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 19:06:19

No, case still open!!!!! This is fun!!!!

Detmer Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 20:12:08

If #96 flips a fluff that is his prerogative and will not be taken as an alliance-wide response by xHGx as long as any death of his which is caused by flipping out is not retaliated by any other members of xHGx. If #96 chooses to violate the terms of the agreement in this thread later than 48 hours from the last retal from fluffy then all of xHGx will be held responsible. If #96 wants to start fluff, someone in FBI would be a much better choice to antagonize... just don't make any agreements you are not willing to abide by.

Sorry fluffies, but I have to be true to myself. I respect the individual berserker who wants to go down with his guns blazing...

Drinks Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 21:05:27

Not arguing, just asking:


He hit 2 different countries. So isnt it

= 20 (not 36)
<Drinks> going to bed
<Drinks> pm me if I get hit
<-- Drinks is now known as DrinksInBed -->
<DrinksInBed> looks like I'm an alcoholic

Detmer Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 21:12:13

Originally posted by Drinks:
Not arguing, just asking:


He hit 2 different countries. So isnt it

= 20 (not 36)

Not generally, no. I don't doubt that someone throughout history did that at one point though.

Pain Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 21:53:10

Originally posted by Drinks:
Not arguing, just asking:


He hit 2 different countries. So isnt it

= 20 (not 36)

that would only be the case if it were 2 seperate HG countries that hit 2 seperate fluffy countries.
Your mother is a nice woman

joedro Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 22:32:21

Originally posted by Jeremy:
No, case still open!!!!! This is fun!!!!

haha it is kinda fun being an ass for no reason!

detmer this sounds like a plan.
Team: recruit me

Alliance: recruit me
contact- - pm right here will work just fine tho

Manetheren Game profile


Nov 17th 2010, 1:34:10

Good luck trying to take me down. You'll burn your set for two idiot land fat targets. It's not worth it. And I'll take on all of the clans -- alone. Don't bring HG into this.

You will all lose. Just warning you.

Manetheren Game profile


Nov 17th 2010, 1:34:45

Your nuclear missile attack on Stop Jump and Roll (#73) was successful!
You destroyed:
573 Acres

Let's begin?

Detmer Game profile


Nov 17th 2010, 1:55:39

Originally posted by Manetheren:
Good luck trying to take me down. You'll burn your set for two idiot land fat targets. It's not worth it. And I'll take on all of the clans -- alone. Don't bring HG into this.

You will all lose. Just warning you.

1) You really think 19 countries won't be able to kill you?
2) You really think this is not how we intended to spend our round from the beginning?

de1i Game profile


Nov 17th 2010, 2:04:36

Guess I might have to get in line, HG thought it would be wise to use one of us as a missile dump at the end of last reset.

Or does being RD mean I get to cut ;)

Manetheren Game profile


Nov 17th 2010, 2:07:24

Detmer, grinding yourself against my military for minimal land gains... nah. You didn't want to spend your round that way.

Afterall, "fluffy is a peaceful tag and we hope that HG will not fluff up our set r theirs :) "

But honestly? No, I don't think you guys can kill me. Good luck trying, though. No one here is as good as I am, and I'm not 10% the player I once was. You're all just newcomers to a game you barely understand.

Manetheren Game profile


Nov 17th 2010, 2:08:14

By the by, I entered the game a week into set, I've been hit by 4 other tags than yours, and I'm STILL gracing the top 10 and holding my own against you guys. Yeah, I'm confident.

Edited By: Manetheren on Nov 17th 2010, 2:12:57
See Original Post

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 17th 2010, 2:57:48

LOL, this is gold. Dude I am a commie/indy, my objective is not to finish in the top 10 (I have done it twice as a commie/indy btw). My goal is protect the others from newcomers like your self that dont know how to land grab. I could have made 15 land grabs instead of 6 that day, but thanks to DR it was not worth my time to make more hits.

Any how for a guy who fully understands the game, you should know that your 3million turrets and 0 tanks and 0 troops do not protect you from my 1 tank that can AB you to the ground. If I use 1 tank and 120 turns tomorrow than you would be forced to sell off your turrets and I would farm you the whole set. Sure you could send me a missle once or twice a day to annoy me. At the end of the day, that would be like me giving you a golden shower and you trying to spit it back at me and only wetting my shoes.

de1i my good man, what time do you want to have a that kill run at? fluffy should be holding 250+ turns tomorrow as we kinda all played earlier lol

Manetheren Game profile


Nov 17th 2010, 3:05:23

And as you try, Super, CALLME and CALLME2 will tear you apart, HG's war partners and good friends of mine. Without sacrificing your set, you will not kill me. You have options, and yes, I may die, but what will the final ramifications be?

You guys throw around a lot of threats. JOEDRO may be willing to bow out before them. I'm not. You can waste 120 turns AB'ing me "to the ground", gaining only your industrial/turn (no land, no real advantages for your time). Then get creamed by an unknown number of enemies an unknown number of times. Or you can keep running your set, I can keep running my set, and we can keep trimming each other up (because let's face it, a week from now, if you don't kill me, I'll be 3x larger than you and a lot more of a threat than I am now; you need to kill me. Come on buddy, do it!)

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Nov 17th 2010, 3:06:29

this guy sounds really good, you better listen to him

Mr. Iris Game profile


Nov 17th 2010, 3:11:12

I was going to borrow LC's bowl but this thread works just as well.
Originally posted by archaic:
see many colors
fluttering in the spring winds
Iris blooms again

BlackMamba Game profile


Nov 17th 2010, 4:01:24

No one can stop the mighty Manetheren and his friends at HG. Manthern can take on 3 tags by himself while finishing in the top ten.

The fluffy tag might as well offer to be his personal landfarms for the rest of the set before he gets mad and decides to multi tap you again next reset.

NOW3P Game profile


Nov 17th 2010, 4:13:51

all hail the mighty Manetheren!

He can put a C/I in the top 10 of a 100 player server, after all!

Oh wait, no he can't - you have to live out the set to do that.

Stupid like this almost makes me wanna run a country.

Manetheren Game profile


Nov 17th 2010, 4:31:38

Funny responses, since HG wants nothing to do with this.

Now3p, CI in top 10 of 100 player server, yeah, no big deal. But add in that I was a week late starting the country, I've been dealing with these big, bad clans, and I'm still outgrossing most other CIs on the server... that's where it becomes impressive.

Stupidity like "oh you hit two of my members 3 times, so I should hit you 32 times" is why this IS a 100 member server. The funny part is, I joined HG AFTER I did those attacks, and fluffy is trying to blame HG lol. I didn't want to join any tag, because I hate this noobish politics of you hit me, so I hit you X times. This isn't the United Nations.

Regardless of all else, I'll live out the set or Superfly will die killing me off. Either make me happy. To cause this much turmoil not two weeks after starting back... God, why did you guys ever play Earth without me? Musta been so boring...

Jeremy Game profile


Nov 17th 2010, 4:37:15

Nov 15/10 1:28:13 AM PS Manetheren (#96) (xHGx) Next stop Chicago (#85) (fluffy) 311 A (+186 A)
Nov 15/10 1:27:33 AM SS Manetheren (#96) (xHGx) Next stop Chicago (#85) (fluffy) 284 A (+212 A)
Nov 15/10 1:27:24 AM SS Manetheren (#96) (xHGx) Next stop Chicago (#85) (fluffy) 328 A (+231 A)
Nov 15/10 1:27:15 AM SS Manetheren (#96) (xHGx) Next stop Chicago (#85) (fluffy) 386 A (+255 A)
Nov 15/10 1:26:54 AM SS Manetheren (#96) (xHGx) Wrath of Rockster (#13) (fluffy) 186 A (+102 A)
Nov 15/10 1:26:44 AM SS Manetheren (#96) (xHGx) Wrath of Rockster (#13) (fluffy) 240 A (+168 A)
Nov 15/10 1:26:26 AM SS Manetheren (#96) (xHGx) Wrath of Rockster (#13) (fluffy) 364 A (+207 A)
Nov 15/10 1:26:14 AM SS Manetheren (#96) (xHGx) Wrath of Rockster (#13) (fluffy) Defence Held

Looks like you're tagged HG. So I doubt you joined afterwards...

And no, I don't think CALLME would defend you... at least i know I won't, and I'm their best country right now. You're an idiot, just saying.

Manetheren Game profile


Nov 17th 2010, 4:48:01

So in other words Jeremy, you're saying you support tags retaling against provoked attacks? I found wrath of rockstar's spies in my country, noticed he was land fat, hit him. Then hit his friend, who was even fatter than he was.

You're also saying you support a tag calling in 2-3 other tags when they can't fight their own battles?

"Now that you got RD involved (who basically run and own this server as they make up 25% of the countrys here) you basically going to have your entire team killed now lol"

None of this has anything to do with HG. This was all me. Yet SuperNoob here keeps trying to find excuses to take out HG. All I see in fluffy are bullies, conning and vying for advantage. All I see on these forums are people protecting them while they do it. I may be seen as an aggressor, but each person I hit was within 15% of my NW at the time I hit them.

Among their other threats in bringing in GOLDEN, SHOWER, etc. Not once did I ever mention that crap. Fight your own battles, that's how I see it. If you really do think in the above terms, and consider yourself "smart", then I'm proud to be an idiot.

Edited By: Manetheren on Nov 17th 2010, 4:51:56
See Original Post

joedro Game profile


Nov 17th 2010, 6:16:37

Wow... This this thread took one hell of a turn!

I did turn around and try to break my word. That was kinda fluffed up, I must agree. I did it because I'm bored, and am pretty blood thirsty. Other then that... Wow, this is fun!
Team: recruit me

Alliance: recruit me
contact- - pm right here will work just fine tho

Vinag Game profile


Nov 17th 2010, 6:26:43

I must be confused, but you are clearly implying i spied you before you hit me. Sorry but we both know that is wrong. You are a tool and will be killed one way or another.

NOW3P Game profile


Nov 17th 2010, 6:36:33

No Mantheren - what I think he's trying to say to put this don't know what the fluff you're talking about.

If you had hit any clan I was running that many times, you wouldn't have a country the next time you came to log in.

You grabbed like a tool. You're gonna lose some land for it IF you play it smart, and a country as well as those of your 4 clan mates if you don't.

I'd suggest sucking up your pride, taking your lumps, and finishing out the set. I don't care what kinda Commie you're running, it's not gonna keep you from logging into a dead country.

You don't strike me as the rational decision type though, so I'll just sit back and watch the fireworks. Not like it's my country that's gonna be lighting up the news...