
KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 17th 2020, 4:48:30

Marshal is still being denied at LoC....
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 17th 2020, 4:58:14

Originally posted by smegma:
There is only one problem with that whole skill vs skill line. It is so boring to run the same script every set. Run XX number of turns do this. Run XX number of turns and convert. Then chem them on the FS and the war is already over. Is mindlessly following a script really skill?

I think youd disagree with your own statement if ffa were to have a decent war again. The old addage of netters has always been that war is "just an endless string of gs and cm." That's wholly not accurate. Close wars between talented players are so much more than that. I was there for slit and til and the big ones on 1a. It's goddamn so much skill playing the markets and fluff.

Hell donny even showed you guys that when i brought him back for the KARMA war. He was playing the techer bots like a violin and was damn near not worth killing with his skill play. I mean. It's fun when we do it right. Cmon man. Don't just take my work for it. Let's arrange a 5v5 and see who has skill. I promise it's fun. fluff man. You prefer war and this server is such a void you say something like that. That's fluffed and only proof there hasnt been a real war here in years.

That actually bummed me out. I thought man. Smegs. I just thought you knew war is so much more than that.

If that's really the dichotomy here, then the culture of war is DEFINITELY not worth participating in. I hope imp will start leaving me alone one day, because if that is war, i 100% dont participate. You sound like you havent gotten an adrenaline rush from this game in years and that means you have definitely not won close wars or servers or fluffed up a first place finish or got outplayed on pure talent in a war. All that says to me.

Get the stars back in your eyes man. This game is actually fun. That's why we still play it. You just have to actually work pretty hard to make challanges worth accomplishing...

Setting challanges like farming LoC or SOTA and coming out looking like the big man or telling netters how much D they need is kinda gay, man. Just saying. Create a better narrative. We're like old ass men. Find something less petty than that stupid fluff like making a decent war or winning a set ffs.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jan 17th 2020, 5:19:53
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 17th 2020, 5:32:04

Originally posted by Capt Obvious:
"Your whole role is telling me i need some defense to school y'all in literally every other aspect of the game EXCEPT hiding in solos.

You wanna go skill against skill, loc currently would wreck you guys in a friendly and it wouldn't be close but yall aint man enough to. My clan showcases skill."

Did Derrick start leading a clan other than LoC over here in FFA? He can't be talking about LoC. I almost snorted and had beer come out of my nose. I breezed through that post since it looked like hot air anyway but that part had me scratching my head. lol. LoC has always been and will always be trash.

And did he really just thump his chest about calling in ringers to help join a war tag on his behalf? I've been out of it for too long

Check the stats. Check the sweeps. Talk to me when you're done. Real cool to see you, catch up and get back to me.

I wouldn't start a clan on this server for the same reason SOTA is struggling this set. Believe me, I tried. FFA is feast or famine. I had to join an existing tag, rise to leadership, recruit like its 2001 and make some decent fluff because i love it. I hope we train well enough that a 6th LoC member can win the server in the last two years for our 5th win in the last 7 sets, and I'll bet our anw for over 100 tagged record holds until the game dies or we beat it again.

But when i reference KARMA I'm referencing one of my first goes at ffa where i tried to create a clan and I'm leading LoC. Funny strange adventures etc. I'm certainly not thumping that they'd ride for LoC lol. We typically just quit playing if someone hits us and try again next set. People tend to grow tired of killing us after a while hahaha.

I'd bring heavies for a 5v5 tho. Not even playing. Skill me bruh. People dont wanna friendly on this server but also dont wanna war me unless we do 8 sets of grudge wars after i fs so i can't even. I might win a war but I'll lose an endurance challange lol HALP

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jan 17th 2020, 6:25:33
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 17th 2020, 6:27:00

In terms of lines, how am i doing at competing with the other thread?

I keep editing to make more but it's tough you know.

smegma Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 17th 2020, 8:12:59

Overall skill is ok but commitment and living to wall is the key winning a 5 vs 5 war.

These days any clan at war may have a 50% participation rate. Makes it hard.

What is odd is that you say war is more than running a script. You note how others have done things different than the script. Then you turn around and condemn Imp for fighting wars without following the war script.


sinistril Game profile


Jan 17th 2020, 8:40:04

Originally posted by Capt Obvious:
"Your whole role is telling me i need some defense to school y'all in literally every other aspect of the game EXCEPT hiding in solos.

You wanna go skill against skill, loc currently would wreck you guys in a friendly and it wouldn't be close but yall aint man enough to. My clan showcases skill."

Did Derrick start leading a clan other than LoC over here in FFA? He can't be talking about LoC. I almost snorted and had beer come out of my nose. I breezed through that post since it looked like hot air anyway but that part had me scratching my head. lol. LoC has always been and will always be trash.

And did he really just thump his chest about calling in ringers to help join a war tag on his behalf? I've been out of it for too long

It's hot air. Last time loc won a war was before I even started this game and they've brought ringers in before. Derrick knows loc is unlikely to survive a grudge war but he's gotta provide that morale

Actually, has loc EVER won a war?
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Capt Obvious


Jan 17th 2020, 14:18:29

It's hard to win when your country is dead. Maybe LoC leadership should be a little less boastful and a little more thankful for being ALLOWED to compete.

Although last time I renember someone warring LoC it was embarrassing. But those events run together since there have been so many.

Maybe they need a lesson in humility before long?

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 17th 2020, 16:17:09

Yeah. Ok prime with a fake nick. I'm fooled. Got me good.

I didn't say to bring in ringers for loc. Can y'all read or you just skimming? I was talking about the actual members of the actual clan KARMA that was actually here. I'd bring those members back for a skill war but i think i said now 3x that wouldn't happen for loc and said twice that your threats don't bother me because I'll just quit until you get your rocks off.

LoC definitely would not survive a grudge war, and so we don't war. There's no friendlies here either for us to measure fluffs (which going thru my messages, loc has asked imp for in 4 of my 9 sets leading) so there isn't an opportunity to war for a clan that would not survive it. I frankly have a ton of humility about that which is why i ask set after set for imp just to let us do our own thing (or stop prodding us netting and just war us revolutionary war style). We have no interest in the henpecking or the grudge warring here, and have offered legitimately every alternative from pacts to wars to suicider help in an effort to have good relations and stop the poking.

But it's funny. If you're so confident you'd beat us, even run us off the server if we warred, then why hit us during destock each set? Why farm us oop? Why not do a friendly with us? Trying to bait us into a grudge war which would just eliminate a quarter of the server? Or do you just like listening to me complain? It must be one or the other because you aren't competing with us on resource building when that occurs. And it certainly hasnt been to balance how much d we need. Not hitting us during destock. That's a completely different thing, correct? Like, plainly an effort to lower our NWs and grief us, right? And you've done it every set for a while now, yeah? Again Capt bad fake nick (who i might add is a one of a kind person who has told me repeatedly since i started on this server and even before i joined loc that i only play here because they allow me to, captain obviously prime), i ask you a question unanswered, are you even aware your members have hit us during destock every set since last summer? Do you actually know that?

I'm going to assume you do and must just like listening to me complain because you can't possibly be trying to bait us into a grudge war that literally none of us want, and of which we're both confident in the end result. Itd be ridiculous for either of us. Unless there's some other explanation for it? Care to indulge me?

Is it like, so you can feel like the big man on this text game from the 90s? Owwwww wow. Him so big and strong he can kill da l0bzta. Woweeeee!!!! I hope your wife gives you a big old backrub and a kiss on the cheek when you talk about it. Big strong man 💪💪👉👌

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jan 17th 2020, 17:24:38
See Original Post

Oriontakers Game profile


Jan 17th 2020, 16:34:07

no worries Derrick, they told me they will hit me every resett to come till i stop playing.
so dont have time to war you....:P

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jan 17th 2020, 17:48:03

^^Another amazing PvP interaction right there that is surely what keeps everyone playing the game. :P

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 17th 2020, 18:59:59

The moral of the store is FFA sucks.

[end thread]
- Premium Patron Member

Kahuna Game profile


Jan 17th 2020, 19:44:27

STOP WRITTING 5 PARAGRAPH ESSAYS! Makes it hard to read.. Also who said it wasnt a SOTA bashing thread? Medusa gets talked fluff to the most because I dont really know who else is in that bot farm of a clan. Derrick stop being a mean.

Edited By: Kahuna on Jan 17th 2020, 23:42:40

ironxxx Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 17th 2020, 20:03:22

if there actually was any real issue here it was between SOTA and IMP

in my opinion now this has spread beyond those tags and probably beyond this set

i know that i have lost a lot of respect for a certain specific selfish person WHO WAS NOT INVOLVED AT ALL IN THIS. THEY WERE JUST SELFISHLY LOOKING TO RUIN THE SET OF WHOMEVER because they were upset that their tag was netting. Just like I was netting. I was also minding my own business and only hitting bots or untags pretending to be bots.


maybe its because you can put in 6 hours + of land grabbing per day, take 1 day off to vacation in a damn ice storm and then get woken up the next day to some random asshole attacking CLEARLY TOTALLY UNPREP'D LANDFAT NETTING COUNTRIES

it takes a mighty warrior to CM kill 100k landfat countries with 0% SDI

what a joke and you idiots wonder why there is like no one left to play this game

you think anyone is going to pay 30$ for a damn special forum and 1 extra bonus point? weak as fluff.

on top of that suddenly the oil market gets bought out for next couple days, gee what a co-incidence

enjoy your fake war weezy

beerdrinker75 Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 17th 2020, 20:54:26

Originally posted by ironxxx:
if there actually was any real issue here it was between SOTA and IMP

in my opinion now this has spread beyond those tags and probably beyond this set

i know that i have lost a lot of respect for a certain specific selfish person WHO WAS NOT INVOLVED AT ALL IN THIS. THEY WERE JUST SELFISHLY LOOKING TO RUIN THE SET OF WHOMEVER because they were upset that their tag was netting. Just like I was netting. I was also minding my own business and only hitting bots or untags pretending to be bots.


maybe its because you can put in 6 hours + of land grabbing per day, take 1 day off to vacation in a damn ice storm and then get woken up the next day to some random asshole attacking CLEARLY TOTALLY UNPREP'D LANDFAT NETTING COUNTRIES

it takes a mighty warrior to CM kill 100k landfat countries with 0% SDI

what a joke and you idiots wonder why there is like no one left to play this game

you think anyone is going to pay 30$ for a damn special forum and 1 extra bonus point? weak as fluff.

on top of that suddenly the oil market gets bought out for next couple days, gee what a co-incidence

enjoy your fake war weezy

I agree with most of what you said ironxxx. The problem should have been dealt with early. Tagged players only grab other tagged players because they are looking for trouble. If sota had taken retals it maybe could have been avoided. My gut tells me imp would have killed them for taking retals but I'm not a mind reader.

At the very least prime should have reprimanded kahuna or whoever it was (that either mistypes too much or is purposely trying to start trouble). Kahuna played the same stuff a couple sets ago when I was in icd. The guy he hit got pissed off and killed him if I remember correctly. Sherita took care of it through FA because she's good at that stuff. All i see from Prime is claming he had no knowledge of anything happening...never had anyone contact him....blind eye.

That's all I got. No point really. Only... i think this could have all been avoided with a little due diligence from both sides and maybe a little common courtesy. With EVERYBODY threatening to suicide the next few sets should be interesting.
Just shut up and have another beer

sinistril Game profile


Jan 17th 2020, 21:11:47

I'm personally excited
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.



Jan 17th 2020, 22:00:22

Loc last war win was against hell saints. Forever ago.

No worries imp will be running war scripts next set and possibly burning 1 man strings to the ground.
Dev encouraging it

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jan 17th 2020, 22:17:59

Stryke Game profile


Jan 17th 2020, 23:10:49

Personally, I'm not that mad about the whole thing. It was my country that got tapped 10x. At the time it happened, I was on shift at work, I was too busy, and —was— going to message someone in IMP about it.

I'm not laying blame on anyone, however, only after a post on FFAT was made about the situation, and it became conflated into this whole mess, I messaged Aphrodite to stay off the thread m0bzta had started. And I guess I could have worded it a little better, as I was tired AF and was just getting ready to pass out for a few hours. I just wanted to drop the issue and do what I could to de-escalate the situation... but I guess it was taken wrong, and she deleted her countries and quit. It was not my intention for her to self-delete and quit, I just wanted to avoid making a bad situation worse.

As it is, considering how my set has gone from December 24th to January 1st, I am not going to do well this set anyways, as when I was with my wife at her mother-in-law's for the holidays, all I did was cash turns and attempt to grab some bots while I was there, but mainly spent that week just cashing turns so I didn't waste them. So, my getting hit 10x didn't really change much for me, I'm nowhere near my land goals, I have nothing in terms of stock, for me this set outright sucks.

Personally, I apologize for this situation getting blown out of proportion, this could have all been attributed to someone typing in the wrong number, I don't know. I am not at all worried about it.
SOTA (President/HFA) • Elders • Darkness

a.k.a. NightShade
Originally posted by kemo:
this dudes either a great troll or a seriously stupid fluff. the kind that takes the pepsi challenge and chooses jiff

PapaSmurf Game profile


Jan 17th 2020, 23:15:26

I only recently came back after being gone 3.5 years. Actually my last two sets I played in 3+ years ago was for LoC which I barely even remember, but I think it was mostly because I wanted to war CC, but the clan I was in wanted a break from it.

I also want to say I think you have done a great job with LoC. From a quick look, it looks like LoC has consistently been a top 3 alliance for the last 15 sets or so.

I will also say my following opinion is only looking at raw numbers.

But since set one of Earth Empires, no clan has improved more than IMP. Now I have no idea what wars have happened since I was gone, but I have a comprehensive list of all the numbers, since set 1. And just looking at the overall numbers, I think I would put IMP ahead of LoC in warring and netting. Netting I would say by a very slim margin, but as far as warring IMP is the clear favorite.

Actually I think LoC is probably the second most improved clan and it appears to me it's improvement is clearly due to your leadership. I have no idea what changed in IMP.



Jan 17th 2020, 23:26:21

Originally posted by Stryke:
Personally, I'm not that mad about the whole thing. It was my country that got tapped 10x. At the time it happened, I was on shift at work, I was too busy, and —was— going to message someone in IMP about it.

I'm not laying blame on anyone, however, only after a post on FFAT was made about the situation, and it became conflated into this whole mess, I messaged Aphrodite to stay off the thread m0bzta had started. And I guess I could have worded it a little better, as I was tired AF and was just getting ready to pass out for a few hours. I just wanted to drop the issue and do what I could to de-escalate the situation... but I guess it was taken wrong, and she deleted her countries and quit. It was not my intention for her to self-delete and quit, I just wanted to avoid making a bad situation worse.

As it is, considering how my set has gone from December 24th to January 1st, I am not going to do well this set anyways, as when I was with my wife at her mother-in-law's for the holidays, all I did was cash turns and attempt to grab some bots while I was there, but mainly spent that week just cashing turns so I didn't waste them. So, my getting hit 10x didn't really change much for me, I'm nowhere near my land goals, I have nothing in terms of stock, for me this set outright sucks.

Personally, I apologize for this situation getting blown out of proportion, this could have all been attributed to someone typing in the wrong number, I don't know. I am not at all worried about it.

Again not your fault. A mentally challenged member in imp
Dev encouraging it

Stryke Game profile


Jan 17th 2020, 23:28:03

Heh, I guess I should welcome you back PapaSmurf, though it'd be a bit belated.

I had been gone from the game from February 2017 to August 2019. Prior to the last two sets, I only popped in from time to time to either wish people a Happy 4th of July, Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, or a Happy New Year. While the last 2.5 years wasn't by any means a picnic for me, taking time away from this game was probably a good thing... but coming back and seeing just how many people and alliances have left FFA did dishearten me a lot.
SOTA (President/HFA) • Elders • Darkness

a.k.a. NightShade
Originally posted by kemo:
this dudes either a great troll or a seriously stupid fluff. the kind that takes the pepsi challenge and chooses jiff

PapaSmurf Game profile


Jan 17th 2020, 23:45:43

And I'm not sure what record you are talking about. Based on the criteria of over 100 members, ICD holds the record for best ANW in a set.

Here are the best 5.

Set Tag Members ANW
46 ICD 124 $298,679,571
49 IMP 141 $268,875,561
42 IMP 151 $258,023,507
54 LoC 160 $253,473,043
45 ICD 149 $246,221,107

PapaSmurf Game profile


Jan 17th 2020, 23:50:55

Thank you Stryke

sinistril Game profile


Jan 17th 2020, 23:51:13

@Stryke and hawk

Why so diplomatic?
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Kahuna Game profile


Jan 18th 2020, 0:23:46

Beer drinker lets see em do that fluff now I only stopped because Prime asked me not to hit into Aphrodite anymore even though she talks a lot of crap, and she managed to make a lot of ppl dislike her cause of her damn attitude. Im not even playing this set with the exception of one country, which I hardly ever run turns on. I ll be back next set. Idk why you guys are blaming me for fluff, when its clear everyone wants war or is too busy to play. A friendly war would be fun though.

Derrick, IMP wouldnt prolly hit into you guys if you didnt let Mobzta untagg and hit into us just to go back to hiding behind you guys. I honestly dont have a problem with Loc or Derrick but Sin gets mad cause I talk to you guys (lol) we cant be friends anymore :(


Edited By: Kahuna on Jan 18th 2020, 0:37:40

smegma Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 18th 2020, 2:00:39

Originally posted by The_Hawk:
Originally posted by Stryke:
Personally, I'm not that mad about the whole thing. It was my country that got tapped 10x. At the time it happened, I was on shift at work, I was too busy, and —was— going to message someone in IMP about it.

I'm not laying blame on anyone, however, only after a post on FFAT was made about the situation, and it became conflated into this whole mess, I messaged Aphrodite to stay off the thread m0bzta had started. And I guess I could have worded it a little better, as I was tired AF and was just getting ready to pass out for a few hours. I just wanted to drop the issue and do what I could to de-escalate the situation... but I guess it was taken wrong, and she deleted her countries and quit. It was not my intention for her to self-delete and quit, I just wanted to avoid making a bad situation worse.

As it is, considering how my set has gone from December 24th to January 1st, I am not going to do well this set anyways, as when I was with my wife at her mother-in-law's for the holidays, all I did was cash turns and attempt to grab some bots while I was there, but mainly spent that week just cashing turns so I didn't waste them. So, my getting hit 10x didn't really change much for me, I'm nowhere near my land goals, I have nothing in terms of stock, for me this set outright sucks.

Personally, I apologize for this situation getting blown out of proportion, this could have all been attributed to someone typing in the wrong number, I don't know. I am not at all worried about it.

Again not your fault. A mentally challenged member in imp

"A"? I thought it was a requirement? that is why I joined!



Jan 18th 2020, 2:04:55

Originally posted by smegma:
Originally posted by The_Hawk:
Originally posted by Stryke:
Personally, I'm not that mad about the whole thing. It was my country that got tapped 10x. At the time it happened, I was on shift at work, I was too busy, and —was— going to message someone in IMP about it.

I'm not laying blame on anyone, however, only after a post on FFAT was made about the situation, and it became conflated into this whole mess, I messaged Aphrodite to stay off the thread m0bzta had started. And I guess I could have worded it a little better, as I was tired AF and was just getting ready to pass out for a few hours. I just wanted to drop the issue and do what I could to de-escalate the situation... but I guess it was taken wrong, and she deleted her countries and quit. It was not my intention for her to self-delete and quit, I just wanted to avoid making a bad situation worse.

As it is, considering how my set has gone from December 24th to January 1st, I am not going to do well this set anyways, as when I was with my wife at her mother-in-law's for the holidays, all I did was cash turns and attempt to grab some bots while I was there, but mainly spent that week just cashing turns so I didn't waste them. So, my getting hit 10x didn't really change much for me, I'm nowhere near my land goals, I have nothing in terms of stock, for me this set outright sucks.

Personally, I apologize for this situation getting blown out of proportion, this could have all been attributed to someone typing in the wrong number, I don't know. I am not at all worried about it.

Again not your fault. A mentally challenged member in imp

"A"? I thought it was a requirement? that is why I joined!

My bad I forgot.
Dev encouraging it

Kahuna Game profile


Jan 18th 2020, 2:10:16

Ya me too, hence the IMP saying at the login page.

ironxxx Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 18th 2020, 2:12:59

U basically have to be a nutcase

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Jan 18th 2020, 2:29:58

Originally posted by Stryke:
Personally, I'm not that mad about the whole thing. It was my country that got tapped 10x. At the time it happened, I was on shift at work, I was too busy, and —was— going to message someone in IMP about it.

I'm not laying blame on anyone, however, only after a post on FFAT was made about the situation, and it became conflated into this whole mess, I messaged Aphrodite to stay off the thread m0bzta had started. And I guess I could have worded it a little better, as I was tired AF and was just getting ready to pass out for a few hours. I just wanted to drop the issue and do what I could to de-escalate the situation... but I guess it was taken wrong, and she deleted her countries and quit. It was not my intention for her to self-delete and quit, I just wanted to avoid making a bad situation worse.

As it is, considering how my set has gone from December 24th to January 1st, I am not going to do well this set anyways, as when I was with my wife at her mother-in-law's for the holidays, all I did was cash turns and attempt to grab some bots while I was there, but mainly spent that week just cashing turns so I didn't waste them. So, my getting hit 10x didn't really change much for me, I'm nowhere near my land goals, I have nothing in terms of stock, for me this set outright sucks.

Personally, I apologize for this situation getting blown out of proportion, this could have all been attributed to someone typing in the wrong number, I don't know. I am not at all worried about it.

Well and generously spoken. I will reach out to you soon to arrange land and/or other reps above what was lost to be paid this round or, if it would help you more, next round.

Aphrodite Game profile


Jan 18th 2020, 5:58:55

Originally posted by sinistril:
Originally posted by Aphrodite:
Originally posted by sinistril:
Originally posted by Aphrodite:
Sad thing is they got all free land and still won't win 😂😂😂

Aphrodite total wins: 0

Don't think free land would help you either

It doesn't matter whether I win or not. I've only been playing a few short years. Some of you fluffers have been playing since the 90s and still can't get a win. You guys risked going to war over 9K acres. You'd think if you were that desperate for land you would actually do something with it. Also I'm done with this game so it doesn't matter. Nice try though 😉

If you're going to talk fluff, you should be able to back some of it up. You can't net or war, yet you talk fluff on both fronts. You're a moronic noob. Fyi, I'm not "you guys" nor have I been playing since the 90s nor is it the case I can't get a win.. I'm just pointing out how useless you are. Good riddance.

I will continue to talk fluff whether you like it or not. Help your clan win and STFU
Screw This Game
Derrick <3

Aphrodite Game profile


Jan 18th 2020, 6:03:30

Originally posted by Kahuna:
Beer drinker lets see em do that fluff now I only stopped because Prime asked me not to hit into Aphrodite anymore even though she talks a lot of crap, and she managed to make a lot of ppl dislike her cause of her damn attitude. Im not even playing this set with the exception of one country, which I hardly ever run turns on. I ll be back next set. Idk why you guys are blaming me for fluff, when its clear everyone wants war or is too busy to play. A friendly war would be fun though.

Derrick, IMP wouldnt prolly hit into you guys if you didnt let Mobzta untagg and hit into us just to go back to hiding behind you guys. I honestly dont have a problem with Loc or Derrick but Sin gets mad cause I talk to you guys (lol) we cant be friends anymore :(


Plenty of people like me. I just don't put up with the disrespectful ass fluff fluff. As I told Sinifluff respect is a 2 way street. Kinda funny coming from the Sexual predator though. Have you been sexually harassing any other Earth Empires women? 🤔
Screw This Game
Derrick <3

sinistril Game profile


Jan 18th 2020, 6:07:25

What clan? And I don't care if you talk fluff or not, it was a suggestion for your own benefit. Strictly speaking, fluff talking when you're a useless idiot is an evolutionary disadvantage. It's bound to get you and those around you killed.
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Aphrodite Game profile


Jan 18th 2020, 6:33:02

Originally posted by sinistril:
What clan? And I don't care if you talk fluff or not, it was a suggestion for your own benefit. Strictly speaking, fluff talking when you're a useless idiot is an evolutionary disadvantage. It's bound to get you and those around you killed.

Too bad there's no one around me. As for your advice you can take it and shove it up your ass.
Screw This Game
Derrick <3

Aphrodite Game profile


Jan 18th 2020, 6:33:44

Old ass dusty bastard
Screw This Game
Derrick <3

sinistril Game profile


Jan 18th 2020, 6:38:20

Originally posted by Aphrodite:
Old ass dusty bastard

I'm younger than you.

If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Aphrodite Game profile


Jan 18th 2020, 6:40:45

Originally posted by sinistril:
Originally posted by Aphrodite:
Old ass dusty bastard

I'm younger than you.

You wish. You don't know me
Screw This Game
Derrick <3

sinistril Game profile


Jan 18th 2020, 6:44:37

Originally posted by Aphrodite:
Originally posted by sinistril:
Originally posted by Aphrodite:
Old ass dusty bastard

I'm younger than you.

You wish. You don't know me

I guess it's hard for you to conceive of such things since theory of the mind kicks in for most people around 4 years old, but never occured in your case
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Aphrodite Game profile


Jan 18th 2020, 9:07:33

That literally made no fluffing sense. You've gone full on retard. Do you need lickable windows and some coloring books?
Screw This Game
Derrick <3

sinistril Game profile


Jan 18th 2020, 9:28:38

Originally posted by Aphrodite:
That literally made no fluffing sense. You've gone full on retard. Do you need lickable windows and some coloring books?

Your education is showing.
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Warster Game profile


Jan 18th 2020, 9:57:13

ok i think this thread is done
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

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