
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 22nd 2020, 11:26:10

Yeah that's actually an extremely important part of it. I put on my mask when I leave my house, take it off when I get home, wash it and hang it up. It's frankly routine and I live in a huge ass city. Once I go into a 7 eleven, I feel as though I dont wanna be touching my face or my mask until after I wash my hands.

Also important side bar, I contact over 100 individual diners per day when I'm working in a city with 1.6 million people and 150+ new cases plus per day. I touch utensils that were literally in mouths. I also have a preexisting heart condition and smoke cigarettes, so one might assume that the game of staying healthy and safe is a little different than some perfectly healthy country bumpkin.

It's likely I've come in contact with the virus, probably more likely for me than most. If I got it and am asymptomatic, the proper masking I do everyday and continuous hand washing is likely preventing the spread. If I did not contract the virus, it's likely the fact that I dont touch my mask until after I wash my hands that has kept me safe. And I won't take it off until I wash up everything.

I think everyone may have a unique situation, and its frankly unlikely that I wont stop to take a piss or buy a water when I'm out and about. It's probably good I'm not touching my mask all day taking it on and off. And it's probably good I'm washing my hands or sanitizing at every chance I get. Because social distancing isnt always a possible reality in a city this large. Perhaps that's why we are the only city in america where over 80% of encounters with 5 people will be with all people wearing masks.

The unfortunate thing is that the 4% contingent of anti-maskers like to politicize it, criticize workers for following rules and tell people they're wrong for making decisions based on their own personal health, or in some cases, literally just following the rules to be an open business. Their decision to not wear a mask is ABSOLUTELY MY PROBLEM. They make that clear. And it's like whoa. Regardless of what you believe, I'm risking my life to get you a fluffin steak dinner. Can it. This is America, right? So when you're in my house you follow my fluffin rules. Get over it, Karen. If you want to have a big ass anti-mask covid party at your house, you have that right as well. My decisions about my health in my place of business or home are my decisions, and not up for debate. I'll happily explain why I do things the way I do. I'm happy to hear others explain why they do things the way they do too. I'm just extremely sick of entitled motherfluffers trying to assert their decisions onto my place of work. Eating my cooking is a goddamn privilege and if I want you to wear a diaper while you do it, you wear a diaper or fluff off.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Aug 22nd 2020, 11:50:10
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