
kmang Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 2:37:08

Congrats everyone.

My first stock/destock experience hehe.
Made a number of mistakes (i.e. stock all food on market aka starve myself, jumping too late, naively queuing last- minute-orders at public market etc).

Xinhuan Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 3:58:48

Originally posted by AndrewMose:
I'm not sure why 200m bushels would make the prices drop any faster. farmers only need to undercut by 1. obviously the prices did drop to far, but I don't fully understand the mechanics of why it dropped so fast if nobody else was dumping stock.

Yep, but all it takes is another farmer to sell another $1 lower than your $1 drop, and some might anticipate this and undercut by $2 instead. Then if for one day, some farmer's food got stuck and didn't sell and he needs cash to spend his turns, he is forced to recall and undercut by another $2 or risk not be able to play turns (other than by selling food to PM - an even worse outcome). Because Primary server has a 4-6 hour time for goods to reach the market, and giving 1-2 hours reaction time, food price will drop roughly $3-4 every day (as opposed to $4-$5 a day on Alliance server) during a crash.

Likewise, destocking techers need to sell as fast as they can in order to capitalize on the lower military prices. I think you jumped maybe 1 day too early but that is usually better than jumping 1 day too late.

When Reroll revealed that eating corruption was better, that immediately killed any remaining food demand and Crest's attempt to resell food was pretty much foiled.

I think the worst mistake all the other cashers did was to buy food above $42 (this price really depends on number of turns left in the reset to your PM jump date). It was better to eat corruption, which I didn't really eat much of since I turned stored the full 160 turns while it was above $45, I pretty much got most of my food at $42 just before the first peak, at $39 after the first peak, and $37 after the second peak and bought none after the third peak.

Now the interesting thing here is that Decay bonus has proved to be fairly advantageous for oldman and kingofthezulus, since they can hold cash instead of a depreciating product: food. This is at the cost of higher expenses (since you are not getting expenses bonus), which oldman mitigated by being Dictator (lower unit count) and kingofthezulus by being on only 30k acres and unlikely to be topfed (or bottomfed), but at the risk of being stockhunted. Oldman was able to sell all his food daily at whatever the daily peak price was. He had 23b cash on hand of which Bobby grabbed $650m dollars.

I think Herbs and afaik played phenomenal commies this reset, while I think Serp should grab to 70k - definitely would have finished above 130m if so.

Aqua finished lower than expected, probably because as mentioned, he was on holiday (losing some bonus turns and points), and he also chose to go for the land record instead (his final grab was an overall NW loss). He was also 1-1.5m tech points behind although he was on the same acreage.

This is pretty much my post-reset analysis.

Edited By: Xinhuan on Jan 2nd 2013, 4:01:07
See Original Post


EE Patron

Jan 2nd 2013, 4:03:40

Originally posted by AndrewMose:
I'm not sure why 200m bushels would make the prices drop any faster. farmers only need to undercut by 1. obviously the prices did drop to far, but I don't fully understand the mechanics of why it dropped so fast if nobody else was dumping stock.
Well, I may be exaggerating the impact of just one big obvious stock dump, but for one thing, all the farmers that see the 200m bushels for sale will undercut, as that's higher than the daily amount of food sold, thus quickly creating a lower food price. For another, it tips everyone off that stock is now being dumped, and that even cheaper food will be on the market soon. Other techers will probably start dumping their stock under your price. Then you've got farmers undercutting techers undercutting farmers and a spiral as the food market is flooded. This leads to a hard, immediate crash, which was actually an artificial crash because as we saw the food price bumped back up a little bit shortly later, and it also accelerated the decline of food prices imo.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Serpentor Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 6:24:32

You're right Xin, I should have kept LGing.
The EEVIL Empire

afaik Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 8:05:35

good job xin, comfortable win in the end. i pretty much gave up by mid set so v surprised to end up t5. perhaps the bobby and oldman stuff gifted a few places and xmas prob helped distract others. roll on next set anyway... happy new year all

kean Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 8:10:59


Rob Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 16:28:37

Congrats to everyone - it was a truly enjoyable set.

A special mention to a few:

1. Xin for winning by a big margin (proving my prediction of a close finish to be way off the mark)
2. Oldman for getting the dict record.
3. Herbs for finishing top commie
4. Crest for somehow getting past 100m in a truly terrible tech set
5. Afaik and Serp for denying me a top 3 by 0.5m (darn it, ahah)

crest23 Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 19:03:38

Thanks Rob.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jan 3rd 2013, 21:46:32

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Wow, can I dare say that primary is almost civilized now?

I pull out a whip on them every now and then....

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

myrddn Game profile


Jan 8th 2013, 23:44:12


KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 9th 2013, 3:09:51

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!