
Dragonlance Game profile


Aug 21st 2012, 12:39:08

well, you do make me yella tella.

Dragonlance Game profile


Aug 13th 2012, 12:45:17

i lance dragons in my spare time.

a dragon is an asian cougar. they stalk, its creepy.

Dragonlance Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 14:41:44

ps love you guys, hope everyone is well in team.

cant sleep so killing time on ee forums:p

Dragonlance Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 14:40:47

lol yeah probably hahahaha

Dragonlance Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 14:20:48

the players were given a chance to dictate the direction of this server.

For me this just proves that the players of this game are fluffed in the head, and are the problem.

I don't imagine why anyone would want to admin the bunch of morons that are left here tbh.

much as i love you guys, you're insane!!!

except anyone from WoG, who are awesome.

Dragonlance Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 14:01:17


i'm feelin good now!!

on that note, cya again in 3 months EE:p

love you all!

Dragonlance Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 13:30:26

and yes i am bias:D:D

Dragonlance Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 13:30:15

ps Brent Tate is a fluff

any fluff that does that on the ground to a bloke, and gets away with it...

he should be banned for weeks..

seriously, punching a bloke on the ground..

what a fluffhead.

Dragonlance Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 13:28:59

so i thought here would do..

fluff you Queensland you mother fluffing fluff licking fluff juggling cheating fluff fluff fluffs.

i fluffing hate everyone of you for sucking so much ref fluff. I hate GI for being so fluffing good at footy, i hate cronk for having an elite boot, i hate hodges & tate for being fluffing fluffs who love slamming men in the ass and cheating like fluffs driving blokes heads into the ground.

I hate Tony archer for sucking queensland fluff. I hate Rugby league for allowing decoy runners to get to the point where they are blatently interfering with play.

Most of all i hate the NSWRL for being fluff fluffs and letting our 2nd home game go to melb and give the ref cheating fluffs a chance to rob us of the series.

fluff we needed that.. NRL is dieing here in sydney, everyone i know plays soccer, and 50% of my mates prefer following AFL, the other 40% EPL, and only 10% NRL... Queensland is going to kill league for their own chip on shoulder gratification... and tbh now.. i don't care that much, because i prefer the other games!!

cheer cheer the red & the white!!


Dragonlance Game profile


May 17th 2012, 9:06:22

however if you are quitting because you find the game boring, or have trouble finding time/interest in playing, then that is ok:p

Dragonlance Game profile


May 17th 2012, 9:05:30

any laffer that quits because of 1 set of self inflicted death, is a fluffing pathetic human being.

Laf tacetly supported the large scale multi operations run against multiple alliances in 2025, that involved years of reset after reset death for various people. I know people that died 14 times in 1 set fighting bots run by people that were associated with, and at times played in Laf.

truly sad.

Dragonlance Game profile


May 10th 2012, 10:15:37

i definetly meant food.

Dragonlance Game profile


May 10th 2012, 10:08:42


do you have any hot birds?

or a good porn collection insite?

any amusing drunk stories?

Dragonlance Game profile


May 10th 2012, 10:06:33

p.s. the left bit, my name i guess, of my posts are like highlighted or something when i'm logged in?

is this new?

Dragonlance Game profile


May 10th 2012, 10:05:51

Don't play with kiwis out of principal.

I should bring back the annual LG a Kiwi day.

Dragonlance Game profile


May 10th 2012, 9:42:47

i imagine for rage the decision was:

members want to war
laf consistently pushes them every set with retalling/Lg'ing. Playing hard but fair but making it much harder for them. They do this with all small clans. Nothing wrong with that, it is the game, but i imagine that for Rage it is a great opportunity for a little bit of revenge for that sort of stuff!! Doubt they will war LaF multiple sets in a row tbh if i know the leaders. Will be lucky to still be actively hitting laf in a week...

i don't know about sol/evo recent politics so can't comment really.

Dragonlance Game profile


May 10th 2012, 9:34:33

you prez of imag atm scode?

sweet! love it!

Dragonlance Game profile


May 8th 2012, 11:56:41

i think i first played in UCN actually. not under this name, back in highschool.

can't even remember the name, maybe gilgamesh?

was only a new member for a set or so. before leaving to uhh......go play utopia when it started... i know.....i quickly stopped that..

was definetly much later than this but.

Dragonlance Game profile


May 8th 2012, 11:54:11

I saw superfly's country in LaF when i was cruising through the rage site and checking ingame country lists. Gotta find out if he is alive or dead, looks like boxcar is fubar or something atm.

Hopefully someone in LaF can teach him how to run a decent country ;-)

I don't know why they don't just take the 2 sets of death or whatever, then move on with proper internal shuffling/change etc. I'm sure laf can keep most members over that time. I mean it's only a couple of deaths. we used to die 10 times a set back in the day ;-) I'm thinking give it 3 months and Evo will be at SoL's throat or MD will want to kill Evo or something.

A bit of a culture change with their great skill set and they could be #1 again in no time.

Dragonlance Game profile


May 8th 2012, 11:46:16

i also think the logging in, playing turns, getting to warchats etc. thing could be an issue.

AT is more fun than the game!

Dragonlance Game profile


May 8th 2012, 11:42:24

p.s. i realise evo are not much better on the farming, but at least Yank is a nice guy:p Irony being Hanlong was prob the nicest Don to small clans in my dealings anyway:p

p.p.s. i also realise SOL was also tacit in the actions of Angy known cheater and general douche.

so maybe not +1 then.. unless MD?..

Dragonlance Game profile


May 8th 2012, 11:40:42

I know literally 50 rage members that quit because of LaF not taking ownership for the RD'ers in it's midst, and the tacit approval of botting through inaction in earth2025.

I'm sure there are hundreds more across both games that have left due to laf farming untags.

I'm also sure i speak for all of them when i say, nobody gives a flying fluff what LaF members want, or deserve. They gave that up years ago when they went with the anything to win attitude. Actually now i have a bit of time, i think i'll start up a country and join in with one of the alliances killing them.

so there is +1 because of the killing of the cheats =) Consider it payback for years of untagged farming:p

Dragonlance Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 11:38:47

And this is the reason why hundreds of people like me don't play the game anymore =)

Idiotic hezad in the sand leadership, that destroyed 2025, and is clearly at play here as well.

though it is hard not to check this forum every couple of weeks, its like crack!

Dragonlance Game profile


Mar 13th 2012, 10:39:18

what? people contact me?!?!?!

only if you enjoy booze and good times should i be contacted.

and if you mention earth empires i will not talk to you most likely.

Dragonlance Game profile


Mar 10th 2012, 12:58:00

i think the country i started this set is still alive, and is terribly inactive, retal it:p

Dragonlance Game profile


Feb 26th 2012, 11:29:10

did they get to read some of our hilarious banter and good times?

i wish there was a pic of yheti puking at that club in hungary or wherever it was still on there.

Dragonlance Game profile


Feb 26th 2012, 11:24:51

whenever you get sick of sydney's many issues.

wander down to the harbour..

you quickly get over it ;-)

Dragonlance Game profile


Feb 26th 2012, 11:21:03

was about to ask what it entailed..

then i read the line about "being active".

not gonna happen.

Dragonlance Game profile


Feb 25th 2012, 12:18:25

Face the facts.

We are awesome.

Dragonlance Game profile


Feb 17th 2012, 7:48:28

there is a story once every couple of years that always gets in the funny section of the paper over here when some idiot books a flight to sydney canada thinking it's sydney australia... hilarity ensues.

Dragonlance Game profile


Feb 15th 2012, 12:42:20

ill meet for a beer for sure.

just flick us a msg and we can orgnaise soemthing.

would be sweet if we could get a couple more involved but not to sure any of the sydney siders play anymore.

Dragonlance Game profile


Feb 13th 2012, 12:28:30

it's really hard not to be racist against suarez with those teeth...

He should get lessons from the king of racists John Terry about how to get away with grubbery.

Dragonlance Game profile


Feb 13th 2012, 12:07:07

*like* swampy's last post.

Dragonlance Game profile


Feb 13th 2012, 7:34:53

there are more kiwis in bondi than NZ anyway

Dragonlance Game profile


Feb 13th 2012, 7:33:46

I do indeed live in sydney.

Do you enjoy beer?

Dragonlance Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 12:46:21

There's only one racist striker!

Dragonlance Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 12:44:04

WoG would smash TSO.

Then crush PP.

Then chill smokin cigars and playing dogs @ poker.

But like, we totes cbf.


Dragonlance Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 3:46:16

yeah but i wasn't playing boltar!!

with me!! we last extra 30 seconds, FO SURE.

Dragonlance Game profile


Feb 9th 2012, 12:39:59

is there really a PDM twitter account?

Dragonlance Game profile


Feb 9th 2012, 12:17:52

hey scode did you see the sonny bill "fight"?

that's how short the war would be if WoG chose to try!

Dragonlance Game profile


Dec 16th 2011, 6:01:02

Cricket? Wat is that? Too busy drinking on the company at work xmas parties toworry about that silly game... ;-)

Dragonlance Game profile


Nov 28th 2011, 9:42:00


Golf (technically rolling around the course with a few mates drinking beers is playing right...)
Touch footy

league (bad rugby)
union (rugby)
Darts! (180!!!!!!!! nanananaaaaa)
olympics (winter & summer)

i will watch any sport.

Dragonlance Game profile


Nov 28th 2011, 9:34:21

New Zealand has politics?

I thought the sheep voted in your leaders?

Dragonlance Game profile


Nov 28th 2011, 9:28:14

I take it as a compliment that BF3 is thought of as a better game than MW3 but MW3 has sold more ;-) :D Means we are doing our job well!

Dragonlance Game profile


Nov 10th 2011, 10:23:11

few points:

1.) (to pang) i've got to side with LCN on this one. How is a war dec relevant or even necessary? everyone knows LCN was going to hit PDM, everyone knows PDM hit LCN first. who cares if there is a war dec. up? war decs have no meaning. Killing a country ingame has meaning:p

2.) (to AxA) typing "spin spin spin" doesn't answer the questions, it merely shows you have no answer:p

3.) (to LCN) i think that the restitution that should be given should include the death of all of the KSF countries. Just my opinion.

I approve of the seal of approval pic:p

Dragonlance Game profile


Nov 8th 2011, 9:59:50

didn't notice the KSF landgrabbers.

i take back the nice things i said about LCN.

that is pathetic.

Dragonlance Game profile


Nov 8th 2011, 9:52:58

oh disclaimer: my opinion should be read as a friend of PDM not as a neutral if it appears slightly bias.


Dragonlance Game profile


Nov 8th 2011, 9:51:47

Some points i take out of this if i was PDM:

1.) Why should PDM have to contact another FA other than Thomas? surely what Thomas says is representative of Sanct's official position? If he was authorised to do FA, then his opinion is Sanct's opinion, and PDM have every right to act/react/whatever based on that assumption. It is not their duty to find "the right" sanct FA. It is sanct's duty to provide competent FA's.

2.) I think it is entirely unfair that you expect PDM to act in a certain way, and yet expect Thomas to act in a completly different way.

3.) You admit here that Thomas blatently lied in his FA dealings with PDM, where he threatened war, especially if he had no intention of bringing about war. This means Thomas cannot do FA in the future for Sanct as no-one can take anything he says to be truthful. + i doubt any alliance will be prepared to deal with him, knowing that other Sanct FA's will handle the issue much more sensibly.

I personally think that the issue at hand for sanct here is that you have allowed people who are inadequate for the job at hand to take over important positions in Sanct, and the alliance is suffering as a result. However i can see you may not ahve any choice if there is no-one within who is prepared to step up instead of someone like thomas, or no-one who can. I feel for you, as it is a predicament i am completly familiar with myself.

As for LCN & PDM. I tend to agree that surely PDM would know that LCN will hit them in defence of Sanct, and to have any issue with it is stupid of course. But to be fair to PDM i don't think i've seen any of them have any issue with it on the boards? no idea if privately they been bleating like sheep:p

These things happen, it's just part of the game. On the plus side i think PDM are prob the sort of guys that when next set rolls around, a new set is a new set:p and will prob not have any issues:p

Dragonlance Game profile


Nov 7th 2011, 11:20:15

MD 45
LCN 47
Evo 44
Omega 43
SoF 37
Monsters 26
Sanct 19
fluff 16
m0m0 14
WoF 12
ICN 10
Rival 10
NA 5
RoCk 3
Elysium 1
Rigor Mortis 1
KSF -3
HAN -5
PDM -5
LaF -21
RD -32
iMag -49
SoL -88
Elitez -144

Dragonlance Game profile


Nov 6th 2011, 1:08:00

you confuse me det