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Your AB's wont achieve anything, you will continue to be farmed as you have no tag / or credible tag set up.
Rubbish what you have done, but its what the game has allowed you to do, thats a flaw in the game not the person.
If alliance was about being tagged, then there should be restrictions on the untagged countries, the fact that the alliance server lets you run untagged and cause so much damage to me means that the alliance server has a flaw.
I support trying to get people in the game, but this kind of fluff will make more people leave - not move to another server but just call time on the game.
There should be no way a little untagged country should cause so much damage to a country like this, its so easy for a country to get 100k-200k tanks and ruin your set, and the thing is it could happen to any country by random selection, in this instance its a Laf grudge, but any alliance can make a member unhappy and as a result that former member can hold a grudge, spy out your alliance and hit the largest member who is tank light.
Do people just run tank heavy from now on? Who knows, but I personally just think that untagged should not have that much power in an Alliance game.
For the record, I have never farmed untagged and pact the newly created tags to try an limit the farming on them. Thats me personally though.
Ok, since they shouldn't have that much power...how about make it where untagged can just peacefully net without being slammed 20x a day with LG's...then when they actually do something about it, everyone fluffes and whines that untaggeds are a problem. make untagged countries immune to attacks/attacking...