
Nuketon Game profile


Feb 25th 2012, 22:02:08

ooooooh I'm so scared. Keep your name and see what I do to you next set. I bet you're the kind of fluff who still asks his mommy if he can go to potty like a big boy someday.

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 25th 2012, 21:58:16

haha, i cant huh? try me you fluff ass flufftard.

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 25th 2012, 19:20:02

I didn't call in anyone... I don't have any relations with the guy who missiled you. In fact when approached about if I wanted help with you after I first ab'd you I politely told the guy if you didn't attack him then to leave you alone. You apparently piss off more and more people every day.

And if you ever want to net again you best not double tap me... I don't care about netting nearly as much as you do and I will spend an entire reset just to ruin your country. Republics are somewhat weak and can't defend every avenue while still hoping to be #1. If truly "Winning Is Everything" you best rethink your strategy.

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 25th 2012, 19:10:06

Originally posted by Nuketon:
I was winning this war before whatever # it was came in and missiled you... hence why you resorted to AB's. And if you do try to farm me in express I will kill your country... End of story.

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 25th 2012, 19:09:19

I was winning this war before whatever # it was came in and missiled you... hence why you resorted to AB's. And if you do try to farm me in express I will kill your country... End of story.

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 24th 2012, 23:13:50

Originally posted by iScode:
those logs could so be fake :P

At least there's no denial about them being real :p

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 24th 2012, 23:09:41

I run The Fourth Reich and I'm a moron? For what? Being able to retal you? At least I can calculate a break.... How many abs did you fail on me JJ23 the uber leet?

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 24th 2012, 23:03:34

These are the logs hanlong was talking about in that enormous flame thread a while back... It all becomes clear.

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 24th 2012, 15:08:52

Lol, anything more than two hits on me in this server and you would be dead.

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 24th 2012, 11:44:44

Also, unlike most of this community it seems, I don't dislike you. However messaging that you will fluff me up in express for resets to come is weak. I would not bring this cross server and someone who would is just lame. You are the one who tried to farm me... So when I get the upper hand you have no one to blame bit yourself. I'm not some idiot noob who has no idea how to play. But since I don't change names in my countries if you do mess with me on another server I will gladly point out to the world which country is yours and the wolves will surely come out.

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 24th 2012, 11:09:29

JJ23 if you run winning is everything you sir are done for the set... have fun cashing in negative income.

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 21st 2012, 20:36:12

Xinhuan there was

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 20th 2012, 23:48:37

I love that I have a job! Does that count?

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 20th 2012, 23:31:59

I'm willing to bet 100m net won't get you top 15 this set. There's gonna be some big finishes I think.

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 15:01:47

Originally posted by dansteve:
Also since your the amazing expert in this game and im new, please explain whats so good about sending AB's at me over and over agian and failing each time? can someone else also explain why this is a good tactic also?

Its a tactic used when someone can not buy/make enough military to break your defence.... Since he is probably a farmer by sending waves of attacks which lower your defense, he gains bushels and sells them on his private market to buy enough military to actually break you. On alliance we use this tactic at times to lower a targets defense so others can kill it. Its not the best tactic IMO, but can be effective when other options are not immediately available.

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 6:06:11

And if she didn't there's always translators :p

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 18th 2012, 23:07:31


Nuketon Game profile


Feb 18th 2012, 23:05:01

Red Sox are gonna have a tough time this year I think :/

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 18th 2012, 6:49:25

Does advice given to those who upload their status for help go to them ingame via PM, or do they actually have to come to the forums and look for their thread?

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 18th 2012, 0:53:09

Dang, Serpy was running another good commie too...

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 17th 2012, 3:47:12

valid point.... this is why I never play farmers on single servers... I suck at em

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 17th 2012, 3:20:41

With prices like these, farmers don't have to sell as much to roll their turns... stocking even more than normal.

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 17th 2012, 3:19:05

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
That makes no sense Kevan. They end up making less food, and food price goes even higher!

makes sense if he has stock, then he gets the food!

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 17th 2012, 0:11:35

Ok first, a strategy is all about specialization, building construction sites (needed for all strategies) and the rest of one or two types of buildings mostly. You would focus your technology primarily on the type(s) that will make your buildings produce more. You have some of many types of building which we call a rainbow strategy. Rainbow's are very inefficient and will not grow well. We need to get you on a particular strategy.

I see your strategy is listed as casher, but your government is a communism. Communism is not a good government for a casher, but it is good for an industrialist. Each government has bonuses and penalties associated with it. For a communism your bonuses are +35% industrial production, +20% tech effectiveness(means less tech points = higher%) and +35% market sale size, meaning you can sell more at one time. The penalty is 10& market commission instead of 6%.

Better governments for a casher are republic, democracy, or theocracy. Bonuses for those government better suit someone attempting to build a casher.

I would suggest looking at the wiki pages:

From there you should decide which strategy to follow and we could help you learn how to play it effectively.

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 16th 2012, 23:46:52

Originally posted by AzNiZe:
Originally posted by bug03:
I just teched 100k ag, i'm switching to farmer eff you guys

one less techer is always a plus

corrected that for you :p

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 16th 2012, 23:08:20

I'm with you TY.... And I agree with Judge Napolitano 100%. All of our presidents since FDR really, have been serving special interests way bigger than most people realize. There is no choice between Rep and Dem... they are all the same in the end. Maybe one goes into Washington with the best of intentions... but it sure never seems to come to fruition. What happened to Obama and his campaign pledges? Change we can all believe in. Maybe he did go into Washington hellbent on change.....

But something happened... and now he is one of them, serving his masters like a good puppet. I would be very interested to see if Ron Paul would be different if he makes it in. He's the only one running who even promotes true change in this race. He's been playing the same broken record for 30 years so at least he's consistent.

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 16th 2012, 21:59:46

That all depends... I would like to see 120m by the end of the set... gonna require some good luck and good timing to do.

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 16th 2012, 21:34:27

But, no one hit me when I had that laying around, so therefore I didn't have to farm anyone :) All is good

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 16th 2012, 3:17:49

I didnt notice any difference.... could still build my first 17 cs then 3 cs then 40 farms so i dont think i saw any change...

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 16th 2012, 2:44:16

Ok, what you are doing is called a "rainbow" strategy. This is where you build some of every kind of building. They are ineffective and will not grow well. One of the keys to growing is to specialize, or build all/nearly all of one particular type of building. I see your government is a Communism, which has an industrial production bonus. I would suggest that you switch to become an industrialist.

First, your build per turn is low, you should double it by building only construction sites until you have 60 BPT. Switch your tax rate to 35%, Set your industrial production to at least 70% turrets, 10% spies, and the rest as you see fit. Then I would begin converting your buildings to industrial complexes in this order: Research Labs(tear all down at once) Military bases(all at once), farms 1 bpt at a time, ent zones 1 bpt at a time, residence 1 bpt at a time. Oil rigs can be optional however I would switch them as well.

During this conversion you will go into negative income and food production, this is ok! however do not run out of food or money. When you need money, sell military on the public market at a price that will sell. With the profits buy food, industrial tech, and leave yourself enough to run turns and build buildings.

If you continue to update we will help you out further :)

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 16th 2012, 0:26:03

I think its something like 10% give or take with mil strat... either way I didn't want to find out lol

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 15th 2012, 23:48:14

Problem is my hand was somewhat forced... I had far too much cash to be hopeful enough bushels would come so I could roll turns again... not to mention if anyone spied me they'd realize I was the lg target of the century. Also if I re-bought my stockpile at higher than 65 then it would have been a complete waste. I took my chances and now its just market play to get over 100m... pretty confident i can get there.

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 14th 2012, 4:14:02


Nuketon Game profile


Feb 14th 2012, 1:26:20

indeed Jiman, has to be 2

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 14th 2012, 0:55:51

Originally posted by Nekked:
md is 11th!!!

blasphemy! everyone knows who the 11th best alliance is.

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 14th 2012, 0:48:31

without a hint, the only logical answer is 2

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 21:28:09

lol at DH

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 8:42:11

he quad tapped me, so I thought he wanted some lovin :)

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 4:12:59

hoping for a strong finish myself, tech is still fairly decent and I have more stocked at this time than I did at this time last reset... think I should hit 80m give or take.

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 3:32:48

Won't be winning anything this set :) Have a swirvey day!

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 17:03:33

this just bad...

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 4:46:22

PM need to fill one slot

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 8th 2012, 3:32:14

if you want to put a commie more on par up the tax to probably 12%... costs them 2% more for every good they buy and sell which I believe would be fairly significant in the long run.

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 7th 2012, 22:43:56

Originally posted by Trife:
Nope - food stamps should only be able to buy staple foods.

If you wanna be able to buy twinkies, cigarettes, and other luxury items... get a job in order to do so.

Agree 100% I have a job and can not afford luxury items :( Limit food stamps to staple foods to be purchased in a grocery store period. I don't have the food budget to afford more than one "junk" item per week and I do not collect food stamps. My weekly food budget is $50 for my son and myself and I make it work quite well. We don't eat steak or seafood often but we are not hungry by any means. I know people who get $200/month for just themselves, primarily live off of the junk food they can buy with their food stamps and end up starving themselves for a week because they are out. I know others who do buy cigarettes or other items at shady convenience stores who will just ring it up as something else. I have once been offered by some crackhead looking woman to buy my groceries with her food stamps in trade for cash.

We should not have to afford other people junk food or anything other non-essential item when many of us who work can not afford those luxuries for ourselves.

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 6th 2012, 22:12:19

good job man

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 6th 2012, 22:05:42

Originally posted by AzNiZe:
Originally posted by Nuketon:
slid into the 5th spot, would've been better had I not misjudged the market on sat and got some turrets stuck for too long and had two 1k+ acre grabs on me :( also I didn't realize I did a RoR and paid for that quite handily.

triple check your targets next time bro ;)

will do :) still getting a little better at this server each reset. 5th is my best so far.

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 6th 2012, 4:21:29

slid into the 5th spot, would've been better had I not misjudged the market on sat and got some turrets stuck for too long and had two 1k+ acre grabs on me :( also I didn't realize I did a RoR and paid for that quite handily.

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 5th 2012, 20:57:25

K, thanks... Thought I did attack someone within that range a couple resets ago but apparently it must have been before that.

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 5th 2012, 20:34:34

Change this reset for the final hours? Or have they been this way and I just didn't notice.

Nuketon Game profile


Feb 5th 2012, 4:55:34

notes to self to keep some of those rigs i got