
Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Sep 19th 2011, 16:29:00


This board is not meant for your theories regarding race and ethnicity. There are, in fact, boards dedicated for people like yourself to share and discuss common ideals and tribulations. In addition, there are many groups throughout the world that hold meetings and conventions to further awareness for the topics that you have posted here, and to other non-General Talk boards. My guess is, these outlets are either unavailable to you, you have not established the courage to attend/visit them, or you have not mentally come to terms with the kind of person that you have grown to become.
Nevertheless, I have reported and will continue to report any post/thread of yours that I find to be inappropriate for these game boards. You have already received a delete-all from the game administrators, and yet continue to post the same related material. This message is simply to inform you that your threads of this nature will not be tolerated and I am the person reporting them.

Best of luck.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Sep 15th 2011, 19:05:04

I wish Mercs Inc, as a whole, nothing but the best. If your village idiot leaves, you may contact a leader of IMP for pacting.

Primeval Game profile

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Sep 14th 2011, 19:47:32


Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
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Sep 14th 2011, 18:39:39


Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
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Sep 14th 2011, 15:23:08

Originally posted by Rico:
Some of the posts in this thread remind me reading some of Jared Loughner's posts.

You know, I was actually thinking that when I first saw them pop up.

However, this guy is only posting this drivel because we respond to him. Nobody likely listens to him anywhere else so he uses FFAT and GT as an outlet for his filth. Use the ignore feature on the boards and pretend he doesn't exist.

Sadly, we've already allowed him to taint a heart-felt thread unrelated to his comments by allowing the original topic to tangent.

Edited By: Primeval on Sep 14th 2011, 15:26:07
See Original Post

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
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Sep 14th 2011, 15:21:04

To be fair, I think the Barbarians were first to the punch.

Primeval Game profile

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Sep 13th 2011, 19:17:34

Originally posted by Cerberus:
...give me a holler and let me know where to find you...

Certainly not on any of the tag listings.


Primeval Game profile

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Mod Boss

Sep 13th 2011, 18:52:44

This server has some major issues when it comes to their God-given right to land and stock...which is nothing new, actually.

Primeval Game profile

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Mod Boss

Sep 13th 2011, 13:53:44

Originally posted by mrford:
keep your "white power" bullfluff to your general talk thread please

Primeval Game profile

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Sep 12th 2011, 5:51:04

War DNHs are pretty unnecessary on this server for established clans. War police ensure that.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Sep 12th 2011, 2:04:04

I don't have the free time that you do to go on and on and on.

Enjoy the situation that you have brought on yourself...again. Get used to it.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Sep 12th 2011, 1:54:42

Originally posted by locket:
This server is just sad -_-

Don't let the door hit you

Primeval Game profile

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Sep 12th 2011, 1:52:25

We're super cereal

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
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Sep 12th 2011, 1:49:06

I doubt FoCuS gives a damn what happens to you anymore.

Primeval Game profile

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Sep 12th 2011, 1:21:45


Primeval Game profile

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Sep 11th 2011, 17:06:57

Actually, I think Rugby is a Furby's toy cousin. But they haven't been sold in years so I'm really confused now.

Primeval Game profile

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Sep 10th 2011, 4:22:49

Moderately-random comment: Crippler and I have both played a long, long time and I have never known him to need a good reason to piss in IMP's cornflakes. If your main reason for pacting them was to occupy us, I doubt it was necessary.

Primeval Game profile

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Mod Boss

Sep 9th 2011, 13:52:26

Are you LD or something? I don't want to continue this if you have some condition that prevents you from thinking clearly.

We agreed to an arranged war with FoCuS as leaders on 8/22. We changed our minds and decided to war Mercs on 8/24. I'm pretty sure I've already posted that here.

Again, we signed a pact with CC at the beginning of the round and, to my knowledge, have had no issues with them.

Primeval Game profile

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Sep 9th 2011, 12:18:25

Saving Trees From Urbanization pact upgrade?

Strange turn of events.

Primeval Game profile

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Sep 8th 2011, 21:01:14

I can't believe its not butter.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Sep 8th 2011, 12:57:54

Originally posted by Rockman:
Originally posted by Primeval:
Originally posted by Crippler ICD:

Instead of asking FoCuS why they defended you, ask yourself Why you got Hit.

'Nuff Said

^ This. I told Pain weeks ago that IMP would likely set up an arranged war with them - I was completely truthful in this response. FoCuS had no reason to believe that IMP would hit you when we arranged our pact or discussed our arranged war. Your attitude is what changed the plan.

PS: I can't believe you created this thread to bash the alliance that not only pacted in a fashion to protect your plans, but declared on us in your defense. I don't really like FoCuS but...what the hell is wrong with you?

Focus was going to war you regardless of whether or not you hit us, so how exactly are they capable of defending us? You hit us, they war you. You don't hit us, they war you.

They didn't declare on you in defense of Mercs. They declared on you because they planned all set to attack you. They were going to war against you anyways.

And how the fluff did my attitude change your guys plans? Was it because you two-stepped PAN, and then I told PAN what we asked for when someone two-stepped us last set? Or because like I have already done dozens of times, I said disparaging things about your alliance? Things that everyone knows are true, and that many other people have repeated? Funny how bsnake is in CC, and actually declares war on you on FFAT, but I'm the one who, in not saying anything about IMP that I haven't said before, somehow provoked IMP? Or was it because Titanium, who should have been permabanned from the game, had his personal attack on a moderator thread closed on the B&S forum and I didn't even ban him for it?

You're full of fluff, Primeval. But I've said that before, haven't I?

IMP chose to forfeit our opportunity to FS FoCuS (they said this) by hitting you. I knew FoCuS would hit us and we did it anyway. They are now ~35 kills ahead of us in this skirmish and have a large NW advantage coming from two strings. On an even ground and us having the FS, I don't think FoCuS could have beaten us - but we won't know that for sure.

In regards to bsnake - bsnake is coming after us next round and we more than welcome it. Since ford is quasi-retired, I really don't have beef with CC as a whole. I actually find mdevol pretty easy to deal with. Not to mention we are also pacted with CC this round. Not that we really need a reason to kill you...

With every post you lose face and support. You're going to find yourself in a sad state when people start appreciating IMP decimating your unprepared alliance; which is also a shame - Mercs is a strong alliance name with a very rich history on this server. You may be the biggest mistake they've ever made.

Good day to you.

Edited By: Primeval on Sep 8th 2011, 12:59:57
See Original Post

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Sep 8th 2011, 12:34:53

Originally posted by Crippler ICD:

Instead of asking FoCuS why they defended you, ask yourself Why you got Hit.

'Nuff Said

^ This. I told Pain weeks ago that IMP would likely set up an arranged war with them - I was completely truthful in this response. FoCuS had no reason to believe that IMP would hit you when we arranged our pact or discussed our arranged war. Your attitude is what changed the plan. Not that it is any of your business how FoCuS or IMP pacts, I will go ahead and tell you that we pacted FoCuS on 8/12 (from PM logs). IMP made the decision to hit you on 8/24 (from council board) and the first hit on Mercs was on 8/31 (from news).

PS: I can't believe you created this thread to bash the alliance that not only pacted in a fashion to protect your plans, but declared on us in your defense. I don't really like FoCuS but...what the hell is wrong with you?

Edited By: Primeval on Sep 8th 2011, 12:45:00. Reason: added dates
See Original Post

Primeval Game profile

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Sep 7th 2011, 0:29:44

Milestone for SALT, indeed. Congrats to all

Primeval Game profile

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Sep 6th 2011, 19:12:28

I realize this is old as dirt. I contacted link about it. Not sure what you guys needed tho.

You'll find me on irc later today

Primeval Game profile

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Sep 6th 2011, 1:43:25

Confirmed - CD is sick these days

Primeval Game profile

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Sep 5th 2011, 19:20:03

They're gunna help SALT and us at the same time.

NBK penis so large.

Primeval Game profile

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Sep 4th 2011, 19:56:48

They could be, but they aren't. One of them was arranged last set with TKO as a war term. The rest were signed before or right at the start of this round. FoCuS was the only pact we signed well after the round began. And there are 2 post-war DNH's that I'm not even counting.

And your last sentence is exactly the point I am attempting.

Primeval Game profile

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Mod Boss

Sep 4th 2011, 17:48:56

Originally posted by jagernacht:
you should be like IMP and alienate the server, leaving behind very few people who would support you in your time of need, eh?

Case in point: IMP is pacted to over 10 alliances on this server. We only pursued two of those. Food for thought.

Primeval Game profile

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Mod Boss

Sep 2nd 2011, 16:54:39

Originally posted by Warster:
Considering Dark demon told me that you asked them to jump in on us , i think i'll take his word over your word prime

Don't really care. You still have it wrong.

Originally posted by Rico:
Originally posted by Warster:
Considering Dark demon told me that you asked them to jump in on us , i think i'll take his word over your word prime

During the first hour of our FS when we offered NBK to police for us, they turned around and asked/offered that they were willing to FS you if we stopped.

That is what happened.

^ This.

Originally posted by Warster:
really then why didnt they FS us after they got us to Ceasefire with you?????

their request was the only reason i agreed to the ceasefire

but either way , who cares that was last reset

Because war had already started and was over. They wanted you fresh.

Let me know if you need further clarification. I have some downtime this evening after unpacking boxes.

Primeval Game profile

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Mod Boss

Sep 2nd 2011, 13:07:03

Originally posted by Warster:
We were waiting for Salt in that war with IMP,

We also knew that IMP asked NBK to jump in


Originally posted by Walding:
You hitting us helped IMP how? Did they not get tag killed?

No, again.

Primeval Game profile

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Sep 2nd 2011, 12:57:52

be in contact please

Primeval Game profile

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Sep 2nd 2011, 12:04:26

You mean I can't count the 70+ Mercs kills in my totals for this war? Damn.

Need more turns.

Primeval Game profile

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Sep 2nd 2011, 3:57:32

Originally posted by Pain:
yall you had to do was war us instead of getting off some easy tag kills.


noone is impressed that you killed llaars spam tag or a netting mercs that had already warred.

Case in point: I didn't want any of those tags killed for "easy kills". I wanted them killed because I didn't like them for one reason or another. 9 countries or 900 - didn't really matter to me.

Continue bickering, though.

Primeval Game profile

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Sep 1st 2011, 19:43:45

ttt for bsnake

Primeval Game profile

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Sep 1st 2011, 18:41:38

Originally posted by Rico:
Man, you guys do love jumping into wars.

Now that you mention it, I think this is the 4th time FoCuS/ABC has warred us and only one of those was an outright 1 vs 1. Remind me how that ended up. ;)


Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Sep 1st 2011, 16:50:21

Our alert image thingy is busted. I used carrier pigeons before joeskin started shooting them. Now I have to burn Lefty's old marijuana stock to use as smoke signals.

Primeval Game profile

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Mod Boss

Sep 1st 2011, 16:46:16

He knows. He was just attempting to illustrate a point. We discussed this in length days before we hit Mercs.

It looks like someone in my alliance failed to have adequate SDI as ordered. You should match our kills pretty quickly.

See you guys out there

Primeval Game profile

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Mod Boss

Sep 1st 2011, 16:18:00

I already tapped the keg, though...

It already took you guys 12 more hours than I anticipated to arrive. I had good money in that pool. Always thinking about just yourselves...

Primeval Game profile

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Sep 1st 2011, 16:10:40

Nobody can really claim they crashed the party. They were sent a formal invitation =)

Primeval Game profile

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Aug 31st 2011, 2:44:24

Who said FoCuS wouldn't hit us?

Primeval Game profile

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Aug 31st 2011, 2:34:03

Primeval Game profile

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Aug 31st 2011, 2:26:51

OH NOES! IMP is warring a small netting clan?


Rockman - Your alliance will continue to suffer if you maintain status quo. We are killing Mercs solely because you run your damn mouth.

Edited By: Slagpit on Aug 31st 2011, 2:56:33

Primeval Game profile

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Aug 26th 2011, 1:19:19

Careful with this one... Its an antique.

Primeval Game profile

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Aug 25th 2011, 14:38:10

Watch yourself there, Havoc.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
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Aug 25th 2011, 2:33:05

I'll save you some time here, SublimeNightmare. Don't even bother with Rockman. Go have a beer instead. You'll thank me later.

Primeval Game profile

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Mod Boss

Aug 25th 2011, 0:59:58

Grab me or KC whenever you have a moment. Nothing urgent.