
Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 27th 2010, 2:23:48

Well, like in the real world, you must spend some on the defense budget. It's a balance between cutting the expenses to stock, and keeping enough defense to prevent most suiciders from being able to do you true, lasting harm.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 25th 2010, 6:14:11

To play devil's advocate, people sometimes work together to kill suiciders that never hit them, couldn't someone decide to hit a farmer on principle, even if they never hit them?

In other words, if he had been one of the people you had hit, would it have made it okay then?

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 24th 2010, 20:38:16

Slightly back on topic, it looks like CALLME decided to do some cross tag retals (as it doesn't qualify as a kill run) and show they have manetheren's spirit afterall.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 22nd 2010, 21:11:23

Uh, why not just use the Best 3 from the Leaderboards. If you wanted you could look at it in 3 sets so everyone has a fair chance to either improve or have 3 sets from which to take the best. Then it counts NW which is probably a much better indicator than rankings...

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 22nd 2010, 6:33:17

I've played a few heavy spy countries, and I always feel gipped due to the silly spy DR that causes you to fail, rather than giving you reduced gains.

I agree with kwmi that it would be very difficult to have 50 successful ops anyways, and I sincerely doubt you can drop 20M NW off of anyone in primary, unless you're talking about people who leave stock at home undefended, but GS would probably work better anyhow.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 20th 2010, 21:02:24

I'm pretty sure you can't post most of this stuff on the forums.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 18th 2010, 23:52:58

Okay, that's what I was wondering. So it's just like no one played for 8 hours.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 18th 2010, 23:36:57

What does that mean for the time lost in game?

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 18th 2010, 10:35:42

I feel quite a few people think that spies are underpowered as is, why limit that aspect even further? If people are using them against you, get more. Am I missing something?

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 17th 2010, 22:42:27

Turns are awarded every 25 minutes.

Server length
Nov 2 00:00 - Nov 30 23:59

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 17th 2010, 22:40:20

The general consensus is that this guy should die, but it would be a bit sad if it was from a team which he had not even attacked. Is fluffy going to kill him, or at least take the retals? Or will it be some lame cross-tag killing again?

On the other hand, if someone feels wronged by his remarks on team talk, I guess that might be an excuse for a kill run, but still on the lamer side.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 17th 2010, 7:48:34

Originally posted by Manetheren:
By the by, I entered the game a week into set, I've been hit by 4 other tags than yours, and I'm STILL gracing the top 10 and holding my own against you guys. Yeah, I'm confident.

The reset started on Nov 8 00:00; you started a day and a half later.

Only two other tags have hit you, both retals, and they gained more land from you than you did from them.

I think you might also have the most failed attacks of anyone on the server.

You could be proud of the fact that you were a top 10 commie, but that's very typical at the beginning of every set, and you now are already on the decline.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 15th 2010, 8:50:42

That was your 100,000th turn played on EE! Congratulations, the font is larger!

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 13th 2010, 2:05:55

Some of us will let a hit go, maybe even two if they're spread out, but if you hit the same person every other day near the end of set, don't be too surprised if next set the player is reincarnated as the farmer, and you the farmee.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 13th 2010, 0:39:03

You can see all three games, here is last round:

I'm pretty sure that this is the first set with the new increased food floor price though, so you might expect networths to be a bit higher than they used to be, though I imagine in game B/C that 10mil will put you in the top 10 or so.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 10th 2010, 22:00:01

I'm not too familiar with FIST's situation on EE, and you're more than welcome to stop playing if you don't enjoy it, but this seems a bit childish. You don't get exactly what you want, so you go home?

While people debate whether larger alliances should take it easy bullying other alliances considering the size of the player base, as a smaller alliance you have to know it's not going to be easy. You have to earn your respect. If they don't play nice and over retal and topfeed you, well then spend a few sets and give them a reason not to. There's a few other smaller alliances that you could probably join up with as well.

It just seems silly to blame it all on everyone else and then leave to make the problem worse, when you could stay around, find others in your same situation and make it better.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 10th 2010, 4:07:16

In Alliance, people tend to keep things from set to set too, but is that bad? Cross-server retaliation is very frowned upon, but from set to set, there doesn't seem to be that same feeling.

Adding to that, Tournament is obviously special because your ranking in one set determines your future placement; so it is the one unique server that does have set continuity built in. That's one reason why I've always liked that you would need to keep the same name.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 9th 2010, 22:32:30

They originally had it so that you could change your name from set to set in EE, but players wanted it back. If someone aggressively grabs at the end of set, then why shouldn't a player have the ability to return the favor in a future set?

I would be sad if they allowed players to change names without having to drop game levels.

As far as the numbering, I believe it is done how all servers are done, first come first serve. If you remake your country, regardless of what rank you placed or on what server, you get the next available number for whichever server you are placed on.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 8th 2010, 19:16:20

What is express? I don't see that option on the portal page?


Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 7th 2010, 0:37:44

Just curious, how often will these be updated? Is it automated after every server reset or at a set date/time or just manually updated whenever slag feels like doing it?

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 7th 2010, 0:33:42

Darn that kill run, bringing our NW down. DBD2 haunts ETFT from the graaaave! =P

Congrats to all up there.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 6th 2010, 3:16:18

I debated replying a few times, but my post would just have been what Foog said. I only post now so you know that you're not being ignored; I just don't personally agree with you that there is a need, or that it should come before the many other improvements the game devs are working on (with their limited free time).

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 6th 2010, 2:07:30

Uh, I'd call 4k acres in one day on team a pretty good benefit Marshal.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 5th 2010, 21:23:28

Is that equally frowned upon in team server? I guess some teams do not typically care what other people think about them anyways.


Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 5th 2010, 6:55:09

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 3rd 2010, 19:19:50

Originally posted by diez:
$36,260,885 was the cutoff apparently

So last set it was 36M, and this set DBD is not warring, so there are a few more netters. Guesses anyone?

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 2nd 2010, 19:43:23

Well, they are out there because these horrible ads do work, because it makes the moderate independents not want to vote for either candidate, and then those who vote party lines, regardless of the candidate's merits, get to make all of the decisions.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 2nd 2010, 5:06:24

Bobby wanted to war and joined SoL before any wars started. He said as much previously on another thread.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 2nd 2010, 3:55:44

I'm surprised that ANW of all sets on one server would be so difficult? You have the total NW, and considering you can see your previous countries, couldn't you just have it divided by that? Or were you referencing problems unrelated to the calculation?

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 2nd 2010, 2:51:24

If someone has access to minitab or something like that, it would be really easy to look through those statistics.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 1st 2010, 4:15:27

I feel like LaF is a bit overly concerned with evo this set, considering how much they should probably be focusing on their (losing) war.

Plus, I remember the last time LaF netted, one of their players internally farmed another larger player to the extent of a 40k acre bonus... that being said, when players go inactive, they typically become farmland to someone, and they might as well give it to their alliance.

Though, as a member of the development team, perhaps you would like to prevent alliance members from attacking one another entirely?

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 31st 2010, 22:17:34

Under the tournament leaderboard it specifically says that it only shows results from game A.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 30th 2010, 7:05:55

The blue makes it pretty difficult for me, but I didn't see the red. Can't wait for there to be user preferences, I think I'll be going back to the good ole gray asap.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 28th 2010, 18:56:59

Another option which might be easier than a drop down box, would be to have the bpt link next to each building type text box, and when you click on it, it writes in the bpt for you. click it twice, and you get double the bpt, etc etc.

So if you want 400 farms, you just click it 5 times real fast and hit enter. I've seen the concept in other games and it works quite well.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 26th 2010, 23:03:57

But does the game's decision on where to buy from have the same rounding? Otherwise, we're back to the same question of why it chose what it did.

@Marhsal: Did you notice whether you actually paid the extra cash?

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 26th 2010, 23:01:38

Note, these opinions come from someone who typically does not play commie or express. I felt that the increased amount you could sell at a time was too much. As a commie, there is too much fluctuation selling 60% at a time, but then it seemed like a waste of a bonus to do less. Perhaps scaling it back a bit so that it's just right for a commie and not quite enough for other governments? Could be totally alone in that thought though.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 26th 2010, 22:52:23

It was my understanding that the rounding took place over the whole bulk sale, aka over 23k troops, the .04 would matter ($920). Are you saying that instead the market rounds at the level of individual unit * tax?

So my question: is it Round(134*1.06)*23000 or Round(134*1.06*23000)?

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 26th 2010, 19:43:12

I have wondered if the auto-private-buy feature included tax or not. I kind of hoped it wouldn't so there would still be some benefit into making the decision to buy on private or public (even if it's only 4 cents per troop).

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 25th 2010, 3:49:11

They're okay, but not my favorite. I kind of like the creepy guy. Can he stay an option? =P

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 24th 2010, 20:24:57


Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 23rd 2010, 6:49:27

Not quite a bug, but on the market page it still says:

Goods take 0 to 30 minutes to be placed on the market.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 23rd 2010, 6:31:38

give me cheaper fooooood

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 23rd 2010, 6:21:17

Oh yeah, this was settled, thanks!

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 21st 2010, 20:48:57

Please. Sent a message to Vilse but no response yet. Could you get in contact with me or diez (preferably him). Thanks

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 21st 2010, 20:13:25

I wasn't thinking of a separate server or anything like that, and the reduced land pool would only be in the same way that two teams already warring would be given the respect of isolation.

In fact, if anything, I was thinking it might increase grabbing if two teams were competing against each other and had set guidelines in place. Say the two teams decide to only LG each other, with the only rule being no special attacks. Maybe they go all dict and farm away. Or maybe the two teams decide all's fair in love and war and see who wants to get the highest NW, whether that means killing off some of the other team's members or going for the straight netting win.

It is just the idea to pit a team vs team with pre-determined agreements that might loosen up the typical politics of the server (aka all-x quietness, though recently there have been a few more grabs).

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 21st 2010, 19:43:45

Also, those in KGB (FSB) should create a sexy centerfold spread:

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 21st 2010, 19:18:58

Maybe the reason people don't grab is because there are few targets, and if you grab excessively then those few countries will get fed up and start a war. If you want to stay in game A, it's easier if you don't have to fight off a war with several people that you farmed.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 20th 2010, 16:17:02

The random teams was more of a second thought after seeing that draft thread again. It doesn't seem popular at all, so let's just drop it.

But what about a tournament of sorts? any interest there? It would still be with the same group of players you have currently, just given a more specific goal for the set.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 19th 2010, 19:23:47

Ah, and another separate idea related to a draft. Have a pool of players who are interested in going into a draft, have "top" players be on different teams and then draft their new teammates one by one. We could have a thread with people posting a small blurb such as "typical C/I, plays aggressive blah blah blah" and then each team can be picked such that they are well-rounded. Might help everyone meet a few new players and bring a little new life to the game.

Everything open for criticism. Have at it.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 19th 2010, 19:19:55

Well... on the alliance forums there has been talk about netting vs warring etc etc, and since team server is a bit smaller, would any of the teams be interested in doing a tournament of sorts? Probably lasting a few sets. We could do a round robbin of team vs team, where the two teams involved decide if they would like to war it out, netgain, or a combination of wargaining with acres farmed accounting for some portion of a "win".

If we have several teams involved, then it would be a large enough chunk to help police from too much outside interference and would at least give some higher purpose to the server. In some sense, it would be a league of champions, and with 5 vs 5 it would be on equal footing. It's long term, but if two teams decided to net vs each other then it wouldn't really be too different anyhow. Of course if two teams wished to war each other, it would give an actual reason for war and they could agree on whether to have a set time or even have an outside alliance randomly pick a date, and then give the teams notice only 24 or 36 hours prior, etc etc.

Really it's totally open ended, but considering the server is smaller, and we already have equal sized teams, it could be really fun to see who the "best overall" team truly is. Any takers? Any other ideas to make it better or more enjoyable? We could have a three set round robin if we have 4 or 8 or 12 teams, then a champions league set where the winners of each "group" face off.

In fact, we could even have a 1v1v1v1 etc just to see how teams take advantage of each other when they know another team might be lurking to hit them after DR wears off, etc.

So if nothing else, that should give us a lot to talk about!