
myerr21 Game profile


Apr 12th 2023, 14:06:10

And here we have a real live Real Man in his natural habitat.

Edited By: myerr21 on Apr 13th 2023, 18:23:55
See Original Post

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myerr21 Game profile


Apr 12th 2023, 2:00:19

Originally posted by En4cer:
I am entertained that you find being in a war you picked to be in and getting your ass handed to you counts as griefing because your side has been beaten and is now also being farmed for land. You realize that is exactly what happened inversely last set?

I know what griefing is - i've been unprovoked griefed more than anyone on this server and have never resorted to retaliating in kind. I much prefer the player base to want to be here and keep playing this game.

how is a 12m nw country farming a 1.5m nw country not griefiing? you think that makes the 1.5m nw country want to keep playing this game? If you do, youre braindead. You must be the one that got butt hurt lol.

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myerr21 Game profile


Apr 12th 2023, 1:54:41

Originally posted by Don Forgo:
Originally posted by Suicidal:
Again, someones feeling were obviously hurt... it's the world of feelings that we live in. Back in the 2025 days, no one would have survived with all the your momma jokes. Today's folks are just too damn sensitive.
Real men know that sticks and stones might break their bones but names will never hurt them......

From what I understand of what was in the message, it wasn't trash talk, it was tasteless desire for personal harm and injury, or worse, for the receipent and people related to the receipent.

Trash talk, like your mama jokes, takes skill and class, people who receive it, won't get offended, just amused or bewildered, at most confused.

I said I hope his parents arent with us anymore. You guys clearly are just soft as fluff and have pocket admins lol. I get that youre trying to get me to say something to get a forum ban too. I said something and got deleted. I heard you guys looked in the game logs and got busted by bhole running his mouth and nothing happened.

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myerr21 Game profile


Apr 11th 2023, 21:24:01

i think reporting anybody for anything other than cheating is a joke in this game. Im one of the younger people here and im in my mid 30s. Some of yall are 60 years old. Toughen up.

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myerr21 Game profile


Apr 11th 2023, 20:17:28

evo hurt my feelings by having a higher networth than me. As we all know, hurting someones feelings is cause for deletion.

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myerr21 Game profile


Apr 11th 2023, 19:38:21

I forgot, words are violence. Maybe you and Kendal Jenner can bring me a pepsi and everything will be ok.

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myerr21 Game profile


Apr 11th 2023, 18:34:44

Either way, I stand by what I said, and his reaction makes me believe I was correct lol.

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myerr21 Game profile


Apr 11th 2023, 18:31:05

you deleted me because you could and youre soft. Its ok to grief someone 1/10th your size, but the second you say words to someone its unacceptable. This is why this game is begging for cash and has unpaid abusive moderation.

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myerr21 Game profile


Apr 9th 2023, 21:31:58

ill try not playing this garbage game lol. They change rules to benefit one side. This is why mods shouldnt be allowed to play the game lol.

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myerr21 Game profile


Apr 9th 2023, 18:28:54

take the forced gdi aids out of the game. Someone twice my size hits me for 10% of my land and i just cant do anything about it. I get that you guys only care about laf, but for one second, get your head out of your fluffing ass.

Edited By: Primeval on Apr 10th 2023, 1:48:09. Reason: Removed viewable previous post

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myerr21 Game profile


Apr 6th 2023, 20:37:17

fluff 12

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myerr21 Game profile


Apr 5th 2023, 14:46:43


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myerr21 Game profile


Apr 4th 2023, 17:15:42

you hit me in primary. Our war has started.

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myerr21 Game profile


Apr 3rd 2023, 14:32:18

Settle down, Zack.

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myerr21 Game profile


Apr 3rd 2023, 14:23:27

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Cat - I feel for you bro.

But let's think about this from an outside perspective.

What are the facts?

Fact 1:

Mercs has said, repeatedly over the past 2 months, they will never let LaF net again.

Fact 2:

LaF wants to net. They have publicly stated this.

Fact 3:

EVO wants to net.

Fact 4:

Evo assisted Mercs and company in their fight against LaF.

So, you're mad because you want to just net, but your clan assisted Mercs in a war against another clan that wants to just net, and that clan wouldn't let you net?

Come on bro. All you had to do was not engage in a proxy war and you guys would still be alive and netting. Engaging in a proxy war is the same as engaging in actual aggression. You've brought this on yourself.

This is not how you get them to stop killing you in team bhole.

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myerr21 Game profile


Apr 1st 2023, 21:15:43

You are my self.

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myerr21 Game profile


Apr 1st 2023, 20:33:48

lol, no we arent. State your allegations here so someone can look into them.

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myerr21 Game profile


Mar 31st 2023, 18:30:17


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myerr21 Game profile


Mar 30th 2023, 20:18:07

Originally posted by Suicidal:
have fun

I bet you wish there were a like button on AT, dont you?

Thats the retarded fluff you said to me lol

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myerr21 Game profile


Mar 30th 2023, 20:03:13

Originally posted by Captain Control:

Blackhole's ego is so huge it crushed under pressure... causing said Blackhole.

Glad your having fun.

I dont believe you, mansplain it to me.

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myerr21 Game profile


Mar 30th 2023, 15:54:06

Originally posted by BlackHole:
On the evening of 3/29/23 an unexpected spectacle occurred. This is that story.

The IRC chat was quiet, and it was about WarChat time for the evil empire. Approximately 45 minutes prior, Black Hole and his crew of legends took down another evil empire member. Black Hole was the one who notched the kill, and this happened to be his second kill of the day (and third in 2 days). These facts surely aggravated the belligerents of the Evil Empire. But is anymore aggravation necessary for them to hate Black Hole at maximum strength? Likely not.

As the Evil Empire WarChat started popping off, we all laughed. They were once again hitting a sub 500k NW target. It happened to be another JL target. This kill run brought the hits on JL up to an eye popping ~7600. If you were to ascertain the threat level of a target based on how much attention they receive, JL is clearly the biggest threat in this war.

Black Hole, being the great leader that he is, decided he was going to put his body in front of the next bullet. So he took to IRC, and did what he does best. He incites. He incited hatred, fear, anger, and rage. He asked for his country to be killed again. He mocked the Evil Empire. Jokes were flying faster than a speed attack from JL (which is extremely fast). But there was no response. It seemed the attempted provocation was falling on deaf ears. Or, the big brains in the Empire were too busy attempting to read the hieroglyphics known as their GHQ site, and were looking for help translating the weird characters, but all their children that knew how to read were already in bed.

It seemed, for a fleeting moment, that greatness was not due to Black Hole this night. Until, in an instant, a flurry of attacks came. And it was a glorious flurry. As they arrived, all Black Hole could do is celebrate. Celebrate his victory. He would meet death, for an 8th time, this night. He continued to mock the Empire in IRC chat as the flurry of attacks peppered him. But, as they continued to come, Black Hole realized something. His skills had developed significantly over this war. Not only was he online and ready for this attack, he was unafraid. He was unphased. He was CALM. Like Neo in the Matrix, he could finally see clearly. The attacks came in, and he knew exactly what to do. So he tabbed over to his browser and he got to work.

Now you may be thinking at this point 'big deal, he's going to buy up'. But that's not what happened. You see, Black Hole was on his 7th version of a country. And he has also been extremely active in killing, so his country wasn't exactly in tip top shape. At the beginning of the attack, he had a NW in the neighborhood of 500k, with just 100k troops and maybe 50k turrets. It was hardly a defense. But - he got to work anyway. Any defenses held, any turns wasted, would be an accomplishment. So he sold food and bought turrets. Attacks failed. Black Hole took to IRC to further mock the Empire. Then they came again. He sold all his jets, bought up again. More fails. More IRC mocking by Black Hole, if he was going to die, he was going to do it in style. But then they kept coming. It was getting late, and he knew the end was near. Time to sell troops and go down in a blaze of glory. More fails. This was taking awhile. Spy attempts came, with more fails there. They were clearly struggling with this unexpected, but glorious, defense. The timing of the buy ups was perfect, and the Empire kept becoming flummoxed. Finally they got their new spy reports and switched to troops, clearly seeing the way the defense had unraveled. Black Hole saw it coming a mile away. And he was ready. Time to sell some turrets. Buy troops. More fails. Let's keep it going. Small buys, some fails. It was getting close though.

As darkness was falling on the 7th incarnation of Black Hole, he decided to go to the main page and admire his country one last time. Just then, something happened. A new alert. Someone is sending a relation request. Who is that? Black Hole accepted. Perhaps a friend wanted to lend morale support in his last minutes.

And then, suddenly, the shroud of darkness over Black Holes empire is pierced. A beaming light in the form of an FA package has arrived. And it has arrived from a friend in LaF. As it arrives, in the air I hear 'fvck the darkness, we are the light, viva la resistance'.

The attacks fail. And continue to fail. The onslaught has been repelled. The Empire has no hope to crack the defenses sent by the brothers in LaF.

This aid was most unexpected to the Empire, it would seem, as they believed that LaF simply used The Resistance as blood bags. A resource. From the outside, looking in, it would seem that LaF only cared about their own and were content with letting others die on their behalf. What the Empire didn't know is that the relationship between The Resistance and LaF was far more developed and sophisticated than it appeared. The Resistance understood their role in this war, and they happily marched to the front lines and did what needed to be done. They understood that they were the most qualified to live in the blood. They understood that death breeds inactivity in some. And that they had the fortitude to resurrect over and over again, undeterred from the constant death. They understood that they were purpose built for this mission. Almost as if they were designed in a lab to do exactly this. And so this is what they do.

But today was not a day that another Resistance member would fall. Today was a day of greatness and glory, and salty salty tears. Today was the day that the Evil Empire learned they have a much bigger problem on their hands then they realized. The Resistance and LaF are not simply on the same side of a war. They are brothers in war.

As the FA package arrived, the Evil Empire pathetically turned to spy ops and missile warfare to attempt to finish off Black Hole. Nukes, EMs, Chems, Bioterrorism, Revolutions - you name it, the Empire attempted it. Black Hole shrugged them all off, like a horses tail swatting the flies on it's back.

As the night began, Black Hole was a fiesty 500kNW country with limited resources and a big heart. As the night ended, a legend was made and Black Hole had blossomed into a 6.5m NW powerhouse.

Black Hole survived with a small, but defiant, population.

This is the story of Defying the Grim Reaper.

My brother in Christ... I know we are friendly, but can you at least add a TLDR? Aint nobody got time fo dat.

gains [23:16:55] * Myerr!*@* added to ignore list

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myerr21 Game profile


Mar 29th 2023, 19:45:19

This spring, Freedom isnt Free. We walled them flawlessly.

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myerr21 Game profile


Mar 29th 2023, 17:43:55


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myerr21 Game profile


Mar 27th 2023, 16:31:03

Untrelated, but this is for everybody.

This too

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myerr21 Game profile


Mar 27th 2023, 15:28:30

dang, youre telling me you joined a 25 year old game and expected to be top tier immediately? Thats not very cash money of you.

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myerr21 Game profile


Mar 25th 2023, 15:43:30

Originally posted by martian:
say biggie smalls into a mirror three times and see what happens.
Then you will know if you truly are a "big deal"

Oh fluff, I did it, and now I have a super nintendo and a sega genesis... When I was dead broke, I couldnt picture this.

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myerr21 Game profile


Mar 25th 2023, 15:42:04

you guys are cringe lol, i dont get the point of trying to force new people off the server. We should be welcoming Bhole with open arms, hes the villain we need.

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myerr21 Game profile


Mar 24th 2023, 19:57:43

he overloaded the servers with the amount of restarts is the only thing i can think of lol

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myerr21 Game profile


Mar 23rd 2023, 20:20:11

Originally posted by Coalie:
If Gerdler was to hypothetically resigns as mod, who would be an ideal candidate replace him with?

Me, I promise to be fair, and log in for 2 sets every 5 years.

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myerr21 Game profile


Mar 23rd 2023, 14:32:54

Originally posted by Nate:
You lost to a 3rd string mr irrelevant :p

Yeah haha! the cowboys suck, im glad nothing embarrassing ever happens to my team in the playoffs.

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myerr21 Game profile


Mar 21st 2023, 3:28:39

Never apologize, to anybody, for anything.

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myerr21 Game profile


Mar 21st 2023, 2:46:44


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myerr21 Game profile


Mar 17th 2023, 21:25:22

the risk of getting suicided is too high.

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myerr21 Game profile


Mar 17th 2023, 14:07:29

I still think I should be given 20k acres back that I never had in the first place.

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myerr21 Game profile


Mar 17th 2023, 1:15:41

I think everybody should just relax and get along. Maybe next set we can all come together and make peace.

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myerr21 Game profile


Mar 15th 2023, 22:59:49

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Every time the alliance of evil cheats, they ruin the game.

The kills on two of our sides members today were BLATANT cheating. Abusing a glitch in the game the way that they did to kill two members is as dirty as it fvcking gets.

[quote poster=BlackHole; 51642; 1007886]Every time the alliance of evil cheats, they ruin the game.

I said it in our own warchat. Two members cheating tainted the entire war imo. Its too bad. Im just glad Gerd got his country back. I might want to kill yall, but

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myerr21 Game profile


Mar 15th 2023, 15:51:30

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Are you an idiot? LaF has been running untaggeds last set and this set as well.

Also I am pretty sure that your "tag" is not LaF so you are not crushing anyone..... The purple cheater led tag of JL is mediocre at best. FFS we killed one of you tags biggest guys last night and his break was 2,000 troops raw. Yes 2,000 troops raw.... Noobs

You talk all this crap but you are still sucking LaF/Gerdlers udders and claiming their glory as your own....

You have to stop taking his bait. Hes under your skin and everybody knows it. Just ignore him.

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myerr21 Game profile


Mar 15th 2023, 15:47:18

can you guys all post your country numbers, so we know who to hit?

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myerr21 Game profile


Mar 13th 2023, 14:45:32

Something Something poisoned water supply.

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myerr21 Game profile


Mar 10th 2023, 4:33:38

Dec 20th 2011, 18:54:02

Title says all... :P

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myerr21 Game profile


Mar 4th 2023, 22:17:16

how on the spectrum are you?

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myerr21 Game profile


Mar 2nd 2023, 15:04:20

Originally posted by Buch:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Good try Buch. Keep your head up little buddy, you'll get there.

Stupid Democrat.

Stupid Dems, They teeerk meeer geeerns. All that aside, im in illinois, they did take our guns:(

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myerr21 Game profile


Mar 1st 2023, 9:01:05

Who are you again?

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myerr21 Game profile


Feb 28th 2023, 4:49:22


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myerr21 Game profile


Feb 27th 2023, 17:15:49

buch isnt a real man, he could never play earthempires

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myerr21 Game profile


Feb 27th 2023, 3:01:28


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myerr21 Game profile


Feb 25th 2023, 19:02:42

Originally posted by Link:
Excellent. Ride with me.. one last time!

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