
BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 30th 2010, 17:28:38

Gutty, hitting LaF countries is not retalling if they aren't the ones doing the grabbing. So I see #410 made 9 grabs against LaF. Thats perfect justification to kill a country.

Bib Bang Theory(#143) hit you guys many more than 5 times, so killing him would have been justified. Why didn't you?

Edited By: BobbyATA on Jun 30th 2010, 17:49:50
See Original Post

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 30th 2010, 13:03:50

you shall die for that comment locket:P!

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 30th 2010, 2:52:42

way better hpk too

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 30th 2010, 2:46:46

And my point was that you were threatening the entire server with suicide and PDM was letting you stay in there tag. Generally a tag that likes to remain respectable and politically meaningful doesn't let members suicide on other clans. I gathered from that thread that PDM no longer desires to be a respected clan.

My problem wasn't with suiciding at all, or even really with you. From a game standpoint I think that, yes, suiciding is way overpowered, but there is nothing in game rules against it. So if you suicide on someone Orkin more power to you. I have suicided myself in the past on multiple clans. I regret each time I have done it, but I wouldn't hesitate to suicide on a clan given the right circumstances again...

My point was that if you say all set you will suicide on someone (and even go further at times to say it will be somewhat arbitrary who), PDM does nothing to reign you in, and then finally you do suicide on someone then PDM loses basically all credibility as an alliance...Respectable alliances don't "sponsor" suiciders (or terrorists (I thougth that was a catchier word))

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 30th 2010, 2:25:08

the only way I could see a new player joining this game right now would be as a friend of a current player. And in that case I would assume they would play in the recruiter's alliance.

Anyways, its not a justification for bottomfeeding for me personally. i'd bottomfeed anyways, its just a point I'd like to throw out there=)

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 30th 2010, 2:03:54

are there honestly "new players" in Earth empires right now that LaF ios running off by farming them btw?.

I assume any untagged is just someone running a landfarm for the server for fun (i've done this multiple sets myself), someone out for blood to suicide for something that has happened in the past (and is usually unconcerned by the poeple who grab them on their way to this mission) or really I dunno wtf the untaggeds are doing, but my assumption is usually that they are not new players..

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 29th 2010, 16:30:25

also i would point out #152 has been at 0 DR for over 8 hours now. I'm really not sure the farming is as out of hand as everyone always assumes it to be...

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 29th 2010, 16:28:43

Detmer when I play the game in game I'm looking out for my country and my clan. I'm neither smart enough nor compassionate enough to be able to also care for others or the general good of the game.

When I make suggestions at B&S or through other venues then I'm trying to look out for the good of the game. But in game I'm trying to do one thing and one thing only every The game is best when that is how everyone is playing=)

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 29th 2010, 16:21:17

Fearing suicide seems like a legitimate reason to kill a country honestly. I recall an SOF country detagging midset a few sets ago and I demanded that we at EVO kill it. Of course nobody else wanted to, and 72 hours later we were hit and lost tens of billions in stock/cost killing country.

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 29th 2010, 16:09:01

LaF clearly was landkilling that country (they sent nukes as well as just grabbing). Not sure why they did that tho. He was great land for me heh=)!

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 28th 2010, 20:50:27

what exactly is the difference between spies and someone who leaks internal posts?

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 25th 2010, 15:32:17

qz I think you either have to slow express down to 8 minutes/turn (in which case is it really express) or you have to set it up so that you must play more than once a day. I mean wasn't old express like a 24 or 48 hour event?

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 25th 2010, 15:04:06

ohhhhh I finally understand what he's saying. Sorry!

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 25th 2010, 1:18:09

its not at all time for fantasy football yet

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 25th 2010, 0:03:29

oh well if your open to changing things drop the max turns then.

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 24th 2010, 22:38:46

so you can't make any changes to the express server that wouldn't maek it an exact replica of alliance with turns sped up?

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 24th 2010, 22:37:20

You have spent 1000 turns building CS and are sad that it hasn't benefited you more. So you want CS to be more effective so that you can build 1000 CS and it'll be more beneficial. And then at the same time you say that building CS is boring and so we should make it so that you dont' have to build lots of CS. Uhm?

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 24th 2010, 21:18:07

how the fluff were u ever a mod in the old game?

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 24th 2010, 20:45:46

yes lets also have individual forums to discuss each individual country in alliance!

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 24th 2010, 20:41:03

450(450) is just an absurd amount of turns that unbalances things. If you aren't going to play for more than say 30 hours (a bit of a buffer over 24) in an EXPRESS server there is nothing wrong with you losing turns. 30 hours is 450 turns so something like 200(250) max. Even that is probably still too many, so perhaps slow down from 4 minutes to 5 or 6 minutes per turn as well.

I can go into the many problems of being able to store 900 turns if you like, but I would think Slagpit would understand, not sure who designed express...

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 24th 2010, 20:35:22

damn u enshula! I just posted this on another thread, didn't see this. Good idea there should be no debate, honestly this should be changed immediately, its so bloody obvious. Also get rid of the 100 troops!

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 24th 2010, 20:33:36

as silly as we all think this is even tho its a great idea for teh facebook crowd, I think even serious players would enjoy having achievements listed with profiles. I mean we all like discussing who the best players of all time are, but do we really know how many t 10's each of them have etc. etc. Being able to easily look that up could make such discussions and all much more fun

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 24th 2010, 20:31:33


BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 24th 2010, 20:30:07

read and commented there llaar. No reason why we can't modify a few of the other settings (such as starting $$) so that you could build on the first turn. For example, why not start everyone with the $$ and CS count that you would have after building CS for 40 turns...

Also we REALLY should change strating tax rate to 35%. Think of all the noobs that wouldn't learn that you shoudl change that until they'd been playing for 3 weeks. I'd be pretty pissed about that as a new player. Less serious but we should also get rid of the 100 troops b/c they are just annoying...the tax thing really should be changed ASAP tho...

Edited By: BobbyATA on Jun 24th 2010, 20:30:44

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 24th 2010, 20:27:10

just b/c you spent half your turns doing something doesn't mean you should see a benefit from it if what you spent your turns doing was stupid (for example building 1000 CS). Is the purpose of this change to maek it so that in any situation in the game any potential action with a turn is equally beneficial to your country. If so...well thats incredibly dumb. If not, what am I missing?

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 24th 2010, 4:04:16

you could also increase base bpt (kind of silly that we all spend 60+ of first 100 turns just building CS) but that might be a tad more complicated

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 24th 2010, 3:08:35

good change hopefully others follow suit. I do feel like for triple taps or more a larger retal window is still warranted however... Fortunately LaF never more than 2 taps a person so this should not be an issue=)

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 24th 2010, 2:24:18


BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 21:30:40

I posted a pointer on our members board here. I think qz does some FA work to for us so you can try him.

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 19:27:44

Actually RD is doing pretty well on team server atm...

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 4:12:03

In checking the wiki main page I couldn't help but notice that apparently someone decided I am no longer a notable Earth netter. WTfluff=)

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 4:02:05

the fact that we all already have accts and IP addresses linked to these accounts. So trying to create a new player ID for this bonus is just as hard/easy as cheating with multies...

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 1:36:17

lol apparantly I quoted instead of edited. I=fail

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 1:35:53

Originally posted by BobbyATA:
the medals thing would def. be cool altho of course would need to be allowed to be disabled so people can stay anonymous.

I think that a recruiting bonus is a good idea, here is my improvement.

Award the new player a bonus # of turns the next set based on how well they do, and let the person who recruited them get 5% of this bonus. Cap both bonus at like 100 turns or something, and give the turns randomly in 20 turn batches or something like that??

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 1:34:24

120(0) I agree. Another great idea llaar!

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 1:32:18

the medals thing would def. be cool altho of course would need to be allowed to be disabled so people can stay anonymous.

I think that this is a good idea, here is my improvement.

Award the new player a bonus # of turns the next set based on how well they do, and let the person who recruited them get 5% of this bonus. Cap both bonus at like 100 turns or something, and give the turns randomly in 20 turn batches or something like that??

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 1:29:04

ya agree this should totally be removed. It takes away some of the talent from the game too as grabbing a target might not be worth it if it makes you lose a 3 or 6 turn bonus...

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 21st 2010, 16:33:39

Originally posted by ZIP:
i also know that i was being a prick for top -feeding and i would war me if it was reversed. I don't want to sound so innocent in all this. but we had no pact - why not just kill me?

uh thats what they are doing. FFS what the hell is with all the constant whining on AT...

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 21st 2010, 1:53:44

I'm not sure imag likes warring as much as just getting fluffin owned every set=)

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 21st 2010, 1:34:39

Total sidebar but you can give fluff to warmongers who war people who don't want to war with no basis when there are plenty of other clans who do want to war...

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 20th 2010, 23:27:45

usually people FS and then issue war declarations...

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 20th 2010, 23:27:19

The Orkin Man is in PDM btw...

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 19th 2010, 17:37:06

that was my thinking. Also being able to stockpile so many turns benefits strategies that can play 450 turns at once (casher/farmer but esp casher). You can play your first 350 turns focusing on getting land/tech and only buy up military at the very end which can make you way more efficient=)

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 19th 2010, 16:20:09


Anyways, not to disappoint, but i won't be grabbing this set. I had no idea you could store 900 turns on this server. Thats just ridiculous haha and makes grabbing a bad idea...

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 19th 2010, 16:05:49

what? All full now btw...

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 18th 2010, 16:55:55


BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 17th 2010, 18:55:40

I'm #93. Going rep cashier with limited grabbing. First set in express=)

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 17th 2010, 16:00:18

and that is not pathetic how exactly?

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 17th 2010, 14:38:03

I find it somewhat pathetic that RAGE can't retal 445 properly. Its called teamwork. 3 O allies, everyone pumping jets for 48 hours and I would hope you could break anyone in the game. When someone is sitting at 22k land and continuing to hit you I don't see why you wouldn't invest your time and energy into defending your tag in that way. At least make an effort haha.

Hell, if he has attacked you six times in 72 hours, you can bounce 6/8 retals on purpose to lemming him down if you have to and come back 24 hours later when DR wear off.

All that said, what Rage is doing is actually making a decent point, as annoying and childish as it is.