
fingolfin Game profile


Dec 16th 2011, 7:36:30

the guys over at earth baseball said to say hi
croaker, makila, ghost, gregles, tarheel, myself and groton are still in our league, that's getting close to 8 years now we've been doing that i think

that would be a pretty good foundation of an alliance right there wouldnt it?

fingolfin Game profile


Dec 11th 2011, 18:30:38

wazmo's archive is still around? what's the url?

fingolfin Game profile


Dec 11th 2011, 0:11:21

I know squat about destocking, i've only lived that long a couple of resets total.

Last good destocking plan we had involved PIBM and I getting an aid chain that we made a wee bit too efficient and ventured a bit into the grey area of coordinated effort. i think that puts the last reset I lived at the top ranks somewhere around 2001

fingolfin Game profile


Dec 10th 2011, 22:18:00

After about a billion requests on facebook to play again, I've suited up for the reset.

Those who know me will have little trouble figuring out what country I am.

i've offered to do FA for any alliance that needs it but for some reason there were no takers LOL

I'm just planning on chilling and pressing cash and/or explore button and saying hi while sitting on my rocking chair this reset. if you want to stop by and say hi please leave your jets and missiles at home por favor.

fingolfin Game profile


Dec 10th 2011, 22:02:56

i've been blaming my problems on Laf for decades

fingolfin Game profile


Feb 2nd 2011, 19:27:41

neat seeing these happening again.
the earth awards was one of the most fun things i did in this game along with my Kilkenny alliance rankings

fingolfin Game profile


Jan 28th 2011, 1:18:22

zen your band was so bad i didnt want to get invited again! seriously though if you guys are still gigging tell me when and i'll show up again.

funny story after i shut down UCN the second time in 2005 a few people in RD felt badly about what ronnie did. reminds me that i still have somewhere the FBI cybercrimes taskforce report from when Ronnie used his companies computer network to hack my personal computer. I remember calling his boss to explain the situation, i wish i could have seen ronnie's face then. but i digress anyway a few in rd felt badly and let me play a country completely under the radar in the RDjr tag. i had no site access and had no idea who anyone wsa but for i think almost 2 resets i netgained in peace as a jr. 2 of the only resets in history my country didnt go down in flames.

lot of great people i got to interact with in this game. many long phone calls with Croaker, Mrs. croaker and thumper are foremost in my mind. the great earth2025 Vegas trip was a blast with Mist, norcal, Al-man, sutler and 5-10 more was unforgettable.

the many dates, plans, work that got cancelled because of earth2025 "emergencies"

maybe i wasn't the most tactful or diplomatic at times, maybe i could have taken time to listen to others more, hindsight being what it is. However one thing i'm proud of through those years is that i did what i thought was right at the time and i stuck with it regardless of the cost. i never joined a coalition but rather evaluated each reset on it's own merits and made choices accordingly. we played as fair as reasonable given the way the game was, we tried to teach each member as best as we could how to play, we tried to instill a sense of pride in the UCN name with every member.

Being the leader of UCN is something i'll continue to cherish

fingolfin Game profile


Jan 27th 2011, 7:55:13

i bought into the insanity of running an alliance from 1998-2005 (with a break in 2002 when i shuttered UCN due to RD bots) never again my friend, never again. i still shudder at the hours i spent on this game

fingolfin Game profile


Jan 27th 2011, 7:33:54

i feel an addiction trying to kick back in. LCN, SOL, RD, PDM, LAF... oh my.

excuse me i think i need to call my therapist before i think starting up Osgiliath again makes sense.

UCN Forever.

Miss 91.2% of you non-multis, glad to see you all still playing.

I'm on facebook if you ever wanna drop me a line.

