Jul 19th 2011, 23:47:54
FBI and WoG while are possibly differnt teams, we are one unit. We share kill targets, farm tagets, and bed mates(not that you need to know, but it's fun)
Our tags are xRMx Rigor, Mortis, HAN, RoCK, TGA, IX. We are very peaceful to people peaceful to us. And team server is like the wild west. You mess with us, better have your guns drawn.
Some of our simple policies as far as how I remember(Ravi, ZEN and SF may correct me).
1) Mouthing off, calling names, being really rude will get you nowhere. We will continue to institute a 4:1 policy for this, and if it happens more then once, that country/alliance may die. Depends on our mood.
2) While we will not retal cross tags, continuing to hit our tags is a problem as a whole. so I'd make suggestions of if you decide to lg us(I wouldn't recomend it) I wouldn't LG multiple tags of ours at the same time. This could piss us off, and as those that have been here a while know, IT takes alot to piss us off.
3) I can handle FA for either tags, but as the set goes on, FA gets boring. Don't do anything that will cause you to have to talk to an FA, and things should be great!
4) IF you don't like our policies(which are subject to change by our moods) do something about it. Thats what we do!
5) We like our land. We are also fair about it. We will take our retals, and topfeeds are blah. But there's a good chance, that if you get more land from us on a LG, that we can get back, well the country will probally not prosper from the land gained. I know thats vauge, but thats good, because it leaves loop holes!
ANyway, just wanted to give some friendly reminders to all out there. To be sure to have it easy and no problems, you could always just do the smart thing, and not hit us. It works for DBD.