
SuperFly Game profile


Nov 2nd 2023, 14:01:36

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
I find it hilarious how the offenders feel like the victims here, LOL

From Quora:

Why is it that people who behave like perpetrators often see themselves as victims?


Mostly because they're narcissist bullies,
and for a narcissist bully,
everyone else is to blame.

Sounds about LaF. Carry on….

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 2nd 2023, 14:29:50

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
I find it hilarious how the offenders feel like the victims here, LOL

From Quora:

Why is it that people who behave like perpetrators often see themselves as victims?


Mostly because they're narcissist bullies,
and for a narcissist bully,
everyone else is to blame.

Sounds about LaF. Carry on….

Funnily enough, if you look up to see what a sociopath is, it describes 2 very specific players in LaF. I won’t say who it is. I don’t want to get into trouble but I’m sure we can deduce it based on simple observations

But after round 82 and 83, we can all agree that AndrewMose is the winner.
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

BEM684 Game profile


Nov 2nd 2023, 14:34:38

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
I find it hilarious how the offenders feel like the victims here, LOL

From Quora:

Why is it that people who behave like perpetrators often see themselves as victims?


Mostly because they're narcissist bullies,
and for a narcissist bully,
everyone else is to blame.

Sounds about LaF. Carry on….

Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:

People want to be recognized as important or mattering without putting in the work. It's never going to happen. If you want respect from me or from LaF, and this goes for everyone, you can't demand it, you gotta earn it. Show me that I can't casually walk into first place ever set. That LaF won't take all the top spots. Because we are and we will.
Right now all the real competition in the game is inside a single alliance, and everything outside is white noise.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 2nd 2023, 14:53:41

Respect from LaF? From LaF???? Real competition???? Like FA to the top????.....LOL.....that's rich coming from the alliance that coded a safe space because they can't do diplomacy effectively, hahahaha yup hahahaha wow yeah narcissist is an understatement!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 2nd 2023, 14:58:02

Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:

t's actually quite likely that I have the highest IQ of the remaining player base

Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:

I once considered what would happen if I ran into someone like me, then I concluded we'd be best friends because I like myself.

Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:

I'm also smarter, richer

Symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder and how severe they are can vary. People with the disorder can:

-Have an unreasonably high sense of self-importance and require constant, excessive admiration.

-Feel that they deserve privileges and special treatment.

-Make achievements and talents seem bigger than they are.

-Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate.

-Believe they are superior to others and can only spend time with or be understood by equally special people.

-Be critical of and look down on people they feel are not important.

-Expect special favors and expect other people to do what they want without questioning them.

-Take advantage of others to get what they want.

-Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others.

-Be envious of others and believe others envy them.

-Behave in an arrogant way, brag a lot and come across as conceited.

Does any of this sound like Turd Creepycrawler?

Edited By: Coalie on Nov 2nd 2023, 15:18:22
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Real Man


Nov 2nd 2023, 15:18:26

LMAO imagine playing in Laughfamiglia and thinking you are important or anybody cares about you.

Imagine coping so hard that your response to the fact that the entire community thinks you’re a bunch of trash bag cheaters who can’t compete on even terms is “only our opinion matters”

lol , lmao!!

TC I hope you keep posting cause I love reading your mindless cope.

your depth of laziness and lack of intellectual curiosity on how we got here should be of genuine concern to your future well being.

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 2nd 2023, 19:38:43

Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:

People want to be recognized as important or mattering without putting in the work. It's never going to happen. If you want respect from me or from LaF, and this goes for everyone, you can't demand it, you gotta earn it. Show me that I can't casually walk into first place ever set. That LaF won't take all the top spots. Because we are and we will.
Right now all the real competition in the game is inside a single alliance, and everything outside is white noise.

edited as I have been hacked. however I will say that I SupeFly have had you all on your knees many times and you could only get up after your daddy helped you up and took me out at the knees.

Also screw all your fake NW records and update the homepage to reflect that this is no longer Earth2025. This is now LaF2023

good day to you all!

Edited By: SuperFly on Nov 2nd 2023, 23:04:10. Reason: I got hacked by the griefers

Anarchist Game profile


Nov 2nd 2023, 21:38:53

Dear bomb i am willing to to help fa your lead person to the top since its encouraged in the greatest netgaining to ever netgain clan and cry when people do something about it

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Nov 2nd 2023, 21:43:38

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:

People want to be recognized as important or mattering without putting in the work. It's never going to happen. If you want respect from me or from LaF, and this goes for everyone, you can't demand it, you gotta earn it. Show me that I can't casually walk into first place ever set. That LaF won't take all the top spots. Because we are and we will.
Right now all the real competition in the game is inside a single alliance, and everything outside is white noise.

I personally dont earn your respect. I F****ng take it. I as a single untagged griefer took most of the LaF tag down a few pegs a few sets ago when I wrecked you with my original and following two restarts.

Two sets ago I had 8 of you killed by the Bomb tag despite your GDI crutch with the help of the Bomb tag and all the others who tagged jump.

I had all of you LaF weenies calling for Slagpit to sanction and ban me cuz I was owning multiple LaF players across different servers as I was superior in the war aspect of this war game...

You say "Show me that I can't casually walk into first place ever set" - Well you / LaF rimming the admin powers that be has made it impossible for anyone to keep you from that #1 spot as you have eliminated all competition. All those retarded new NW records that have been reached in the last 2 sets aren't worth a dog poo covered LaF birth certificate as there is no competition and they are absolutely pointless.

ps. I still do not understand why the game home page is not updates as none of this is remotely true anymore:

Welcome to Earth Empires!
Earth Empires is a free browser based strategy game where you take control of your nation's military and economy. Command your country's military to attack and defend against your enemies. Execute attack strategies to relieve opponents of their resources and land. Strategically invest in technology to outpace the economies of other countries. Ally with your friends or make new friendships by joining a clan. Conduct military operations, govern your country and build your empire.

Continuing the legacy of Earth:2025 - one of the first massive multiplayer browser games - Earth Empires brings a fresh new spin to a classic style of gaming.

Damn, I never expected this plot twist.
Chevs.... You used the wrong forum account to post.
Makes sense though. Both of you are in Canada, but I really didn't think Chevs = Superfly.
Heh learn something new each day.
See you nerds in another 2 months.

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 2nd 2023, 22:05:33

Oh....Chevs is Superfly? Or..... Is Superfly Chevs?
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

HH Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 2nd 2023, 22:42:20

What would you guys do if LaF left the game? Seriously, its all you guys talk about. Stop being obsessed with LaF!

Chevs, Superfly, Real Man, Requiem, Gettafix, Coalie, as far as I'm concerned you're all one person.

I thought Real Man was Chevs btw, the french/canadian guy? Atleast he does the entertaining videos, wtf do the rest of you do? Step up your game, make some videos! Chop chop!

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 2nd 2023, 23:00:29

damn it! Chevs was it you or Coalie who posted under my name?

stop that and stop soiling my good name on these boards......

I might be a griefer but I stopped being obsessed with LaF after the clain GDI bs....

I am changing my password now so you all cant post as me....

Suicidal Game profile


Nov 2nd 2023, 23:07:09

Originally posted by HH:
What would you guys do if LaF left the game? Seriously, its all you guys talk about. Stop being obsessed with LaF!

Chevs, Superfly, Real Man, Requiem, Gettafix, Coalie, as far as I'm concerned you're all one person.

I thought Real Man was Chevs btw, the french/canadian guy? Atleast he does the entertaining videos, wtf do the rest of you do? Step up your game, make some videos! Chop chop!

What woould we do??????
WE would get rid of ClanGDI, roll 1A back to 2011, most importantly..... get rid of LaF

Real Man


Nov 2nd 2023, 23:17:32

Just to clear up and confusion I am not Chevs.

He was at MacDonalds that time theBOMB farmed marshall or whatever his name was.

In fact, I am just a nobody named Barry. Each time you guys are good fathers and husbands, you are all Real Men in my book.

BlackHole Game profile


Nov 3rd 2023, 0:23:04

holy crap, SUPERFLY IS CHEVS?!?

hahahahahahaha, omg that's so funny. I wonder how many other multis there are out there.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 3rd 2023, 2:34:56

Originally posted by BlackHole:
holy crap, SUPERFLY IS CHEVS?!?

hahahahahahaha, omg that's so funny. I wonder how many other multis there are out there.

You are me
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

BigDogs Puppies

EE Patron

Nov 3rd 2023, 2:58:40

They are all us.



Nov 3rd 2023, 3:48:49

Originally posted by Chevs:
“LaF being dominant has always been more important than game quality”

“That dominance was coming to an end”


I'll take things that never happened for 500 Alex.

So stunning, so brave

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 3rd 2023, 6:02:07

Originally posted by BlackHole:
holy crap, SUPERFLY IS CHEVS?!?

hahahahahahaha, omg that's so funny. I wonder how many other multis there are out there.

I am also Gerdler. I have played you all by playing the long game....

BlackHole Game profile


Nov 3rd 2023, 6:56:54

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
holy crap, SUPERFLY IS CHEVS?!?

hahahahahahaha, omg that's so funny. I wonder how many other multis there are out there.

You are me

That explains why we get along so well!

Suicidal Game profile


Nov 3rd 2023, 12:04:03

I am Superfly

Syko_Killa Game profile


Nov 3rd 2023, 17:05:48

Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
I find it hilarious how the offenders feel like the victims here, LOL

From Quora:

Why is it that people who behave like perpetrators often see themselves as victims?


Mostly because they're narcissist bullies,
and for a narcissist bully,
everyone else is to blame.

Sounds about LaF. Carry on….

Funnily enough, if you look up to see what a sociopath is, it describes 2 very specific players in LaF. I won’t say who it is. I don’t want to get into trouble but I’m sure we can deduce it based on simple observations

But after round 82 and 83, we can all agree that AndrewMose is the winner.
whatever you guys do over there, please don't even try to take responsibility for yourself. Life is easier when you blame others.
Do as I say, not as I do.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 3rd 2023, 17:17:32

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
I find it hilarious how the offenders feel like the victims here, LOL

From Quora:

Why is it that people who behave like perpetrators often see themselves as victims?


Mostly because they're narcissist bullies,
and for a narcissist bully,
everyone else is to blame.

Sounds about LaF. Carry on….

Funnily enough, if you look up to see what a sociopath is, it describes 2 very specific players in LaF. I won’t say who it is. I don’t want to get into trouble but I’m sure we can deduce it based on simple observations

But after round 82 and 83, we can all agree that AndrewMose is the winner.
whatever you guys do over there, please don't even try to take responsibility for yourself. Life is easier when you blame others.

Pot meet Kettle!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 3rd 2023, 19:35:12

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
whatever you guys do over there, please don't even try to take responsibility for yourself. Life is easier when you blame others.

Literally the LaF way; blame everyone else.

carry on lol

Lord Milk Game profile


Nov 3rd 2023, 19:55:18

Thanks to The Real Superfly Chevs this just made my fluffing day!
“Light must come from inside. You cannot ask the darkness to leave; you must turn on the light.”

Turtle Crawler Game profile


Nov 3rd 2023, 22:12:56

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
whatever you guys do over there, please don't even try to take responsibility for yourself. Life is easier when you blame others.

Literally the LaF way; blame everyone else.

carry on lol

No kidding, I blame all my earthquakes on Gerdler

Syko_Killa Game profile


Nov 4th 2023, 1:30:02

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
whatever you guys do over there, please don't even try to take responsibility for yourself. Life is easier when you blame others.

Literally the LaF way; blame everyone else.

carry on lol

How about self reflection instead of diversion. U couldn't possibly be wrong for anything. Awaiting your next cute little comment.
Do as I say, not as I do.

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 4th 2023, 1:54:16

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
whatever you guys do over there, please don't even try to take responsibility for yourself. Life is easier when you blame others.

Literally the LaF way; blame everyone else.

carry on lol

How about self reflection instead of diversion. U couldn't possibly be wrong for anything. Awaiting your next cute little comment.

Karnage you seriously have drank way to much kool aid.

You know very well why I and everyone else left laf. You have been in our mercs chats for many many years. Before these laf vs coalition wars became a thing you damn well knew how all of us ex-laf members felt.

Laf made their bed and most of got out and stopped sleeping in it. You can keep rolling around in those soiled sheets but do look in the mirror. You know damn well that all that laf has done is make suiciders and enemies by their style of play….

chapman951 Game profile


Nov 4th 2023, 2:53:29


KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 4th 2023, 3:46:42

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Syko_Killa Game profile


Nov 4th 2023, 6:47:17

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
whatever you guys do over there, please don't even try to take responsibility for yourself. Life is easier when you blame others.

Literally the LaF way; blame everyone else.

carry on lol

How about self reflection instead of diversion. U couldn't possibly be wrong for anything. Awaiting your next cute little comment.

Karnage you seriously have drank way to much kool aid.

You know very well why I and everyone else left laf. You have been in our mercs chats for many many years. Before these laf vs coalition wars became a thing you damn well knew how all of us ex-laf members felt.

Laf made their bed and most of got out and stopped sleeping in it. You can keep rolling around in those soiled sheets but do look in the mirror. You know damn well that all that laf has done is make suiciders and enemies by their style of play….

I enjoyed participating in those wars, they were fun and even a challenge. If you guys decide to leave LaF alone and fight in a war where both parties want it. You can count me in.
Do as I say, not as I do.

HH Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 4th 2023, 8:56:59

Any game mods looking into Superfly and Real man aka "The BOMB" aka Chevs game accounts? If they are multies they should be deleted.

SuperFly edited his post and claimed he was "hacked" but his edited version pretty much said the same thing as the original version lol.

I hope galleri passed the message along, if I remember correcly she was not game mod for alliance.

Edited By: HH on Nov 4th 2023, 20:21:52
See Original Post

Syko_Killa Game profile


Nov 4th 2023, 11:05:24

Pretty sure, they will work to bury that one.
Do as I say, not as I do.


Nov 4th 2023, 11:19:46

Originally posted by HH:
Any game mods looking into Superfly and Real man aka "The BOMB" aka Chevs game accounts? If they are multies they should be deleted.

SuperFly edited his post and claimed he was "hacked" put his edited version pretty much said the same thing as the original version lol.

I hope galleri passed the message along, if I remember correcly she was not game mod for alliance.

Would not be the first time she had passed information along... oh you mean to another mod and not another player?
Carry on.

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 4th 2023, 15:11:06

Originally posted by HH:
Any game mods looking into Superfly and Real man aka "The BOMB" aka Chevs game accounts? If they are multies they should be deleted.

SuperFly edited his post and claimed he was "hacked" put his edited version pretty much said the same thing as the original version lol.

I hope galleri passed the message along, if I remember correcly she was not game mod for alliance.

They should also investigate me as being Gerdler as well. HH you better watch it or I’ll give you a 2 week ban for talking about a mod in a negative light. Don’t you dare accuse me of doing things like cheating as I am protected around these parts.

Syko_Killa Game profile


Nov 4th 2023, 15:13:38

[quote poster=ツ; 52199; 1023522]
Originally posted by HH:
Any game mods looking into Superfly and Real man aka "The BOMB" aka Chevs game accounts? If they are multies they should be deleted.

SuperFly edited his post and claimed he was "hacked" put his edited version pretty much said the same thing as the original version lol.

I hope galleri passed the message along, if I remember correcly she was not game mod for alliance.

Would not be the first time she had passed information along... oh you mean to another mod and not another player?
Carry on. [/quote] Really of all things that a hacker can do, why would they want to hack your earth empires account and post on your behalf, first of all the hacker would have to understand the context of this game and it's politics, which means that it would have to be someone who plays this game. Very unlikely that anybody hacked his account to post something from his forum handle other than himself. Perhaps one of the stupidest lies about multi accounts I've heard in a long time.
Do as I say, not as I do.

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 4th 2023, 15:20:56

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
Really of all things that a hacker can do, why would they want to hack your earth empires account and post on your behalf, first of all the hacker would have to understand the context of this game and it's politics, which means that it would have to be someone who plays this game. Very unlikely that anybody hacked his account to post something from his forum handle other than himself. Perhaps one of the stupidest lies about multi accounts I've heard in a long time.

There we go. My man Karnage. The only LaF guy who is not retarded.

A stupid lie indeed my friend. You can all see Chevs face in his green guy videos. He is a well endowed white guy with facial hair.

For all of the people who have seen me in real life or photos of me from earth reunions back in the day in Alberta would know that I am not white…..

Some of you people are so gullible and stupid. I see why it’s so easy for LaF to brain wash you all…

Galleri got you guys good. Can’t wait for her to tell you all that black hole and coalie are the same person next.

Edited By: SuperFly on Nov 4th 2023, 15:23:12

Shweezy Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 4th 2023, 15:26:22

Lmao HH, keep quiet and go transfer oil, simp

SF - Columbian kingpin

Real Man - A real man

Chevs - Canadian nobody

Just because they sleep together doesnt mean anything
Catch me on ir c

BlackHole Game profile


Nov 4th 2023, 17:01:07

Well chevs and real man are the same person, Shweezy. That is known for sure.

I think Superfly was likely just trolling, it is in his nature to do such a thing.

Syko_Killa Game profile


Nov 4th 2023, 17:15:58

Originally posted by Shweezy:
Lmao HH, keep quiet and go transfer oil, simp

SF - Columbian kingpin

Real Man - A real man

Chevs - Canadian nobody

Just because they sleep together doesnt mean anything
pipe down weezy, go exploit GHQ again so you can win a war.
Do as I say, not as I do.

HH Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 4th 2023, 20:21:24

Originally posted by Shweezy:
Lmao HH, keep quiet and go transfer oil, simp

Am I famous now for transferring oil? Omg yes! Somebody noticed me.

I'm gonna tell my mom, she will be so proud

HH Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 4th 2023, 20:29:51

SuperFly has 0wned us all? Is SuperFly black? I might have to reconsider everything.

Symbolic Game profile


Nov 4th 2023, 20:40:36

Originally posted by HH:
SuperFly has 0wned us all? Is SuperFly black? I might have to reconsider everything.

You refer to him as Lord SuperFly thank you

Lord Milk Game profile


Nov 4th 2023, 21:03:27

Im the only Lord here Symba lmfao
“Light must come from inside. You cannot ask the darkness to leave; you must turn on the light.”

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 4th 2023, 21:06:21

Originally posted by HH:
Originally posted by Shweezy:
Lmao HH, keep quiet and go transfer oil, simp

Am I famous now for transferring oil? Omg yes! Somebody noticed me.

I'm gonna tell my mom, she will be so proud

I think you're supposed to go to IKEA with that glamour....that's where the hot chicks are from what I've read here on AT...
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Shweezy Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 5th 2023, 1:11:21

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
Originally posted by Shweezy:
Lmao HH, keep quiet and go transfer oil, simp

SF - Columbian kingpin

Real Man - A real man

Chevs - Canadian nobody

Just because they sleep together doesnt mean anything
pipe down weezy, go exploit GHQ again so you can win a war.

Catch me on ir c

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 5th 2023, 1:44:05

I hate to do it because I know my audience is primarily conservative...but this argument type is a little bit "haha" for liberals....

Whenever someone's son is about to go down for heinous crimes, they always go "well so, the other guys son is about to go down for heinous crimes too."

Most people where I sit, liberals is who I mostly speak to, would like to see Hunter in prison for being a criminal. Using him as an excuse to commit/justify heinous crimes know...hilarious. Like, if you'd like to compare yourself against the goalposts of Hunter Biden, well, you're a crackhead lol.

It's objectively funny to be an outsider and see folks compare themselves to the worst trash in the game and be like "HE DOES IT TOO."

Syko, even if weezy was a tech nerd exploiting GHQ, it doesn't make what LaF does manipulating developers ok. It wouldn't make what weezy supposedly did ok either, but it's a dumb way to justify inappropriate actions.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 5th 2023, 1:49:10
See Original Post

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 5th 2023, 1:48:18

Agreed ^

Bad is bad, mmmmkay........
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 5th 2023, 2:09:06

Lol KoH. Bill Hicks (RIP) had this great bit about being "for the war, but against the troops." Like, it's pretty good that people who want to kill other people have a job we can employ them for, rather than interacting with dirtbags like me at the local pub lol.

One person being wrong doesn't automatically make another person correct. People can be wrong simultaneously.

You'd like Doug Stanhope in a video called something like "battle of Austin" on YouTube. He had Alex Jones open for him and just do his radio bits selling diet pills and riling people up, and then goes on to a fully toxic environment of the crowd fighting each other over listening to Alex Jones for 20 minutes, and just runs the gamut of abortion jokes, military jokes, etc. It's a 20 year old video, but just being who we are in this community, and knowing you for a while. I think you'd find it all time awesome. I'll turn it up when I get done working lol.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 5th 2023, 2:19:02
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 5th 2023, 2:27:48

Found it fast:

All timer I swear. You can skip Alex Jones when he gets into the 9/11 stuff. It's annoying to hear it 20 years later. The crowd really makes it. An absolutely topical comedy set 20 years too early I think haha.

(On a person joining the military to escape poverty....)"There's other other ways to get college money. That kid's an idiot and college wasnt going to help. You can suck a fluff, you can steal some car radios. Rob a pallet of fluff off that Ford truck at Home Depot. Sell it out of a van at a highway offramp. Swing around the pole a few times, Jessica Lynch, and you'll have plenty of college money and never leave West Virginia."

" long as people who kinda who want to go kill other people, are going to kill other people, who kinda want to kill other people, you're killing all the right people, and opening up some pretty important parking spaces that we desperately need. Because people who kinda want to kill other people are the last people that I want to party with, because I get mouthy when I drink."

Just legendary crowd interaction stuff.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 5th 2023, 3:07:48
See Original Post