
crothersc Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 7:37:16

In no way am I being a smart ass, so I don't want a smart ass response. I have a question...When EVO/SOL hit LAF the numbers were pretty much even, yes? Laf like 73 members, EVO/SOL around 80 members. Why did they feel he need to call in SOF? A 5-10 members difference in my opinion isnt considered a "gangbang". Just wanting to know why they felt they needed SOF?

Sov Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 7:40:28

Because LAF was caught unprepared with no turns saved and no war prep against an enemy that had full turns saved and achieved a 10 kill lead on the first day not to mention enough saved turns to deliver an additional lead on the 2nd day.

That is not an even war despite what the country numbers say.

crothersc Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 7:41:38

Thank you for answering my question and not being a fluff. :)

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 22nd 2012, 7:41:54

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Sov Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 7:42:53

Not to mention, the opposing side was planning this "Server War" for a long time before the first moves were ever made.

It was only when it was discovered that SoF/LAF had such superior numbers and allies that it this course of action was to be the chosen course of action.

The claims of a "fair war" were nothing more than a political gamble hoping to garner public support to deter SoF from taking action.

Alin Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 7:50:31


Because Laf/Sof side can not win a war if they do not outnumber the opponent by at least 30-50 members.

Because they obtained an ill advantage in the last 1 to 1.5 years and now they are building the "cheating" foundation.

Because they simply don`t care to play honest, clean or fair. All they want is to win.

Sov Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 7:54:23

Or you could believe Alin and his zealot-like ideologies.



Jun 22nd 2012, 7:55:10

Alin are you North Korean by chance?

Alin Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 7:57:04

OR you could believe Sov and his U.S.S.R propaganda.

A.k.a - We fs PDM for land trading but we are best friends with RD.

A.k.A - Hanlongs Laf FSes an unprepared Sol ( last set ) and Sof is RED alerted to hit whomever gets in.

crothersc Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 7:59:58


Edited By: crothersc on Jun 22nd 2012, 8:05:38
See Original Post

Sov Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 7:59:59

Or you could also believe Alin's stupid and incorrect assumptions.

crothersc Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 8:05:49

Sov, I play for PDM. I can tell you from just a regular members standpoint that our alert status was dropped and we were not planning anything. (I think someone already mentioned that)I dont think we had any intention of hitting LAF until you (sof)

Either way, at the end of the day its just a game. Just wanted some outside opinions.

iScode Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 8:09:09

ok here is my opinion, this is not a criticism of ether side, its an honest opinion

so here goes.

This war is simply about principle not about fairness. Both sides knew who was participating before the war started.

This war is about EVO/MD/SOL wanting full retributio for their alliances being spied on by ex laf leadership through illegal means. Their members wanted revenge for ex laf leadership blatantly cheating and using this cheating to hurt sol/evo.

Sof wanted to show that they stood by their allies and believe that the culprits had been punished and that laf was punished as well last set for their leaders indiscretions and dont deserve to be punished anymore even if sol/evo think they do.

This is why from a neutral point of view i can understand both sides point of view and why I did not want to get involved. I feel laf have been punished enough, and can respect SoF wanting to stick up for their allies. I can also understand why EVO/SOL feel that they have been basically fluffed in the arse and are not able to get over that and want as much retribution as possible, if i was in their shoes I would feel the same way, im not however in thier position which is why I can view the situation objectively, which nether side can claim they do.

I think even if laf had 20 more members than evo/sol that sof would still of been called in and evo/sol knew this regardless of what they said in their war decs.
God of War


Sov Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 8:12:25

The planning for this war started well before the start of the set.

According to PDM leadership you were not going to pursue a war as the realisation had dawned that it could not be won. Apparently friendly wars were going to be pursued instead. Evo and SOL then decided to a snap decision FS on LAF which MD and PDM were surprised at. (That is what PDM told me anyway)

I don't think the cards fell the way anyone had planned, but I guess that is also the nature of the game.

Thanks for asking sensible questions in a sensible manner :)

crothersc Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 8:26:00

Thanks to you too. I read these forums almost everyday, and I was honestly expecting smartass answers from most

iScode Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 8:26:41

they are in bed, it will come :P
God of War


crothersc Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 8:28:01

awesome..looking forward to it haha

Sov Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 8:30:18

I would agree with your post iScode.

I would also like to add though that I believe the desire for revenge had been in existance long before the scandal had broke.

SOL/Evo/MD had been wanting revenge for some time, the cheating scandal increased that desire and was also a catalyst to achieving that.

PDM on the other hand I do believe in part to be motivated by principle against events with LAF but also have a desire for revenge for what happened to them last set.

anoniem Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 8:36:23

Sov has no idea what the other side has been planning.

Sov has been playing this game for 5 minutes, and knows next to nothing.

How many resets have you been back playing? And, when did you leave earth?

Sov Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 8:40:20

Considering I was one of the main participants in SoF/LAF planning I would say you are wrong.

You are entitled to your opinion. But even a neutral party such as iScode can verify how much I know.

iScode Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 8:43:14

yip i can confirm sov does not know next to nothing anon. I havnt been playing that long and its pretty easy to know what has been happening.

not saying weather or not that revenge is warranted, thats not my place to comment. But my talks with sov about the whole situation have been fair, he has always listened to reason imo.
God of War


bertz Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 8:51:36

IMO, SoF jumping was okey.
It was still even in numbers. It was more fun.
It was RD that spoiled the fun. :)

locket Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 9:00:40

Originally posted by bertz:
IMO, SoF jumping was okey.
It was still even in numbers. It was more fun.
It was RD that spoiled the fun. :)

I agree with that, however MD should have been a bit brighter with how they treated them last set I guess.

anoniem Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 9:08:33

Originally posted by Sov:
Not to mention, the opposing side was planning this "Server War" for a long time before the first moves were ever made.

It was only when it was discovered that SoF/LAF had such superior numbers and allies that it this course of action was to be the chosen course of action.

The claims of a "fair war" were nothing more than a political gamble hoping to garner public support to deter SoF from taking action.

If you even knew half of what you were talking about - you'd feel embarrassed about the above post. Simple fact is that you know nothing.

We never did any collective pacting until this reset, because in the resets prior where we pacted alone - SoF/LaF picked out alliances to alienate with extremely uneven numbers knowing that they wouldn't be able to get help.

The fact remains your alliances (laf/sof) keep going on about how md/sol/evo wanted to get revenge against LaF a few sets ago, but then please tell me why evo pacted laf that set? please, tell me why evo/md only had a unap (the same level of relation as we had with laf)?

if you're going to post lies then at least make them believable.

iScode Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 9:09:37

maybe revenge is not the right word. there was certainly animosity there though
God of War


Ivan Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 9:18:09

"We never did any collective pacting until this reset, because in the resets prior where we pacted alone - SoF/LaF picked out alliances to alienate with extremely uneven numbers knowing that they wouldn't be able to get help."

rofl who did SOF alienate and pick on with extremely uneven numbers?LOL god dont you ever get tired of dreaming up things all day

locket Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 9:24:44

Originally posted by anoniem:
Originally posted by Sov:
Not to mention, the opposing side was planning this "Server War" for a long time before the first moves were ever made.

It was only when it was discovered that SoF/LAF had such superior numbers and allies that it this course of action was to be the chosen course of action.

The claims of a "fair war" were nothing more than a political gamble hoping to garner public support to deter SoF from taking action.

If you even knew half of what you were talking about - you'd feel embarrassed about the above post. Simple fact is that you know nothing.

We never did any collective pacting until this reset, because in the resets prior where we pacted alone - SoF/LaF picked out alliances to alienate with extremely uneven numbers knowing that they wouldn't be able to get help.

The fact remains your alliances (laf/sof) keep going on about how md/sol/evo wanted to get revenge against LaF a few sets ago, but then please tell me why evo pacted laf that set? please, tell me why evo/md only had a unap (the same level of relation as we had with laf)?

if you're going to post lies then at least make them believable.

Those logs Hanlong posted amongst other things would show that you were working as a team. Collective pacting seems to be just an extension of that.

Why don't we all just get past this crap and try to solve it before next set? -_-

Sov Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 9:28:56

Originally posted by anoniem:
Originally posted by Sov:
Not to mention, the opposing side was planning this "Server War" for a long time before the first moves were ever made.

It was only when it was discovered that SoF/LAF had such superior numbers and allies that it this course of action was to be the chosen course of action.

The claims of a "fair war" were nothing more than a political gamble hoping to garner public support to deter SoF from taking action.

If you even knew half of what you were talking about - you'd feel embarrassed about the above post. Simple fact is that you know nothing.

We never did any collective pacting until this reset, because in the resets prior where we pacted alone - SoF/LaF picked out alliances to alienate with extremely uneven numbers knowing that they wouldn't be able to get help.

The fact remains your alliances (laf/sof) keep going on about how md/sol/evo wanted to get revenge against LaF a few sets ago, but then please tell me why evo pacted laf that set? please, tell me why evo/md only had a unap (the same level of relation as we had with laf)?

if you're going to post lies then at least make them believable.

In terms of my post you were quoting, by a "long time" I mean last set. Now re-read my post again with that context in mind and it is correct.

And maybe you were not planning for revenge, but you wanted it. Anyone could see that from the bitterness with every Evo/LAF fight for the past how many sets.

anoniem Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 9:32:24

Those logs showed makinso/arsenal/KJ speaking. They were secret talks (between those 3 only), and the fact that you are even brining them up disgusts me. You are bringing up logs that HANLONG HACKED and stole from them.

Nobody in evo even knew about that chat, so im not sure how KJ could execute that "let's kill laf revenge plot" when qzjul, yank and myself knew nothing about it. i pacted laf myself that set.

so much for your master theory.

note: EVO had a NAP with MD that set, and our pact with SOL was still breakable if they fsed any of our DPs. i mean yeah we were all so close with each other rofl

anoniem Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 9:36:07

People think I am one of the people most against LaF in EVO, but nowhere on the Evo site have I ever advocated driving them off the server or revenge. Evo wanted to get back at LaF the reset after LaF hit us, but SoF hit us first. That was the end of it. We then pacted LaF for the set after, even though they gangbanged us with Rival.

Sov Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 9:42:27

Yes when I say "you" I will clarify I mean Evo in general.

I would agree with you that you personally believed that was the end of it, but I believe that bitterness was still there. And I do admit you were making a small effort into trying to make peace. But bitterness can easily turn into something else when other events come into play.

Now you interpret events one way, we interpret them another. It all comes down to perception. And hence we come to the position we are now in.

locket Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 9:47:05

Originally posted by anoniem:
Those logs showed makinso/arsenal/KJ speaking. They were secret talks (between those 3 only), and the fact that you are even brining them up disgusts me. You are bringing up logs that HANLONG HACKED and stole from them.

Nobody in evo even knew about that chat, so im not sure how KJ could execute that "let's kill laf revenge plot" when qzjul, yank and myself knew nothing about it. i pacted laf myself that set.

so much for your master theory.

note: EVO had a NAP with MD that set, and our pact with SOL was still breakable if they fsed any of our DPs. i mean yeah we were all so close with each other rofl

uhh so why was KJ speaking for Evo then? I'll believe you but I find it very odd that he would speak for Evo in such a POTENTIALLY important talk if no one else knew about it.

You know you don't need to be a complete turdmonger in every post you make.

bertz Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 9:50:34

I'm on Anon with this.
The only reason we don't like LaF before is because we compete on netting.
Evo was annoyed when LaF dropped members spoiling our triple crown but Evo would rather beat LaF in ANW than in war that's why pact still signed.
But LaF started breaking pacts. It was Hanlong's fault though.



Jun 22nd 2012, 9:53:10

turdmonger is ATs word of the DAY!!!

bertz Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 9:56:59

*turd monger

LOL..Nice name for a character

BattleKJ Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 10:19:19

Originally posted by Sov:
Because LAF was caught unprepared with no turns saved and no war prep against an enemy that had full turns saved and achieved a 10 kill lead on the first day not to mention enough saved turns to deliver an additional lead on the 2nd day.

That is not an even war despite what the country numbers say.

The game is so unfair when you don't have your leader hacking the game database and alliance hosting sites to check what your enemies are doing!

Poor LaF. Hanlong would never have let LaF get caught with their pants down.

Flamey Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 10:34:18

Wait, because logs were obtained most likely via Hanlong's boxcar access; nobody is allowed to mention it. Is that the new SPERM defence? You are bad if you mention any immorally obtained info, thus the info never existed and cannot be used?

Immoral, illegal, or whatever you want to label it; Hanlong being given Boxcar access is not against the game rules; and he in fact denies the game database allegations. He like me, finds it strangely ironic that soon after Pang lost his head, started blaming LaF for PDM's problems, etc, he was conveniently caught up in a scandal. He told me that if people wanted to get vengeance on LaF for his site spying then fine, but he isn't the first or last person to abuse site access and he also produced logs of him telling Pang he had access (no problems at that time), along with Pang's more recent ravings about selling the game for $8k (seems to have to illogically rant to become a PDM head). The moral of the story is to host your own site, but even that isn't foolproof as LaF hacked the Evo site. Then again I was told that LaFs site went down for 20 minutes one day then 20 minutes later a lot of LaF information was on Evo's site and days later Pangs announcement was made. An announcement that was taken as gospel and later had to be corrected, despite it being posted by an admin who had himself abused the db to track Rival countries in OMACs Earth2025 (and PDM made him a head). It's also interesting how a lot of private info on our side was beginning to get leaked and how nobody seems to care that Evo admins used db info (and publically apologised) for it a while back.

And... for your information, there were plenty more conversations that were sent to me. I was told it came from a MD spy with Heads access, unhappy with leadership. That is why I have to laugh out loud at half the SPERM propaganda on this board, having being sent your true intentions in the last few months (not years as you like to claim). Hell his 'Evo spy' told me about your so-called Operation Anaconda plan that you and dagga tried to inspire...

Or am I dirty immoral bad little man for mentioning that as it was private info again... Is the guy who 'obtained' our logs in #sofcommand then posted them on AT as lulzsec really going to give me a lecture on what I can post here. Or are you still denying that it’s you even though Hanlong said so. If not, then maybe Hanlong's omnipotent powers you are trying to portray to the server were not all they were cracked up to be.

anoniem Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 10:38:20

We had a DP with SoL, so I'm assuming that's why KJ spoke to them. If hanlong/laf were so unhappy with talks (he got hold of due to ill-means) then he should have spoken to qzjul or yank in private. Nobody in evo knew about those talks, so how could KJ get us to war an alliance i.e. laf when he made no mention of it on the evo site or to any evo leaders? i was HFA, so i decided who we pacted. i pacted laf, but clearly that wasn't enough.

this is not evo's doing. you wanted the game the way it is. now you have it.

evo only became friends with sol because of the way your alliance's treated evo. evo only became friends with pdm because of the way sof treated us both. you created these shotgun marriages, and now are complaining when we speak to each other about how not to get destroyed/out-numbered for the umpteenth reset?

as for MD- we had a DP with them on their first reset back, then it got downgraded to a NAP, and this current reset is only the second time we've been DPed to them, so much for all your conspiracy theories.

i really don't know why i play this game.

Edited By: anoniem on Jun 22nd 2012, 10:41:05
See Original Post

locket Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 10:41:39

Originally posted by anoniem:
We had a DP with SoL, so I'm assuming that's why KJ spoke to them. If hanlong/laf were so unhappy with talks (he got hold of due to ill-means) then he should have spoken to qzjul or yank in private. Nobody in evo knew about those talks, so how could KJ get us to war an alliance i.e. laf when he made no mention of it on the evo site or to any evo leaders? i was HFA, so i decided who we pacted. i pacted laf, but clearly that wasn't enough.

this is not evo's doing. you wanted the game the way it is. now you have it.

evo only became friends with sol because of the way your alliance's treated evo. evo only became friends with pdm because of the way sof treated us both. you created these shotgun marriages, and now are complaining when we speak to each other about how not to get destroyed/out-numbered for the umpteenth reset?

i really don't know why i play this game.

Man.. you really do think you fluff gold bricks... can I buy your fluff cheap to test it's consistency?

anoniem Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 10:44:15

Flamey: Yes, i posted your private logs, but they were given to me by someone who was in the chat. They asked me to post under an alias.

Anyway, the only way hanlong knew it was me - was by reading evo's heads board where i posted the logs a few hours before posting on AT.

Helmet Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 10:55:18


anoniem Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 11:29:03

yes i do.

CandyMan Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 14:18:38

Originally posted by anoniem:
Those logs showed makinso/arsenal/KJ speaking. They were secret talks (between those 3 only), and the fact that you are even brining them up disgusts me. You are bringing up logs that HANLONG HACKED and stole from them.

Nobody in evo even knew about that chat, so im not sure how KJ could execute that "let's kill laf revenge plot" when qzjul, yank and myself knew nothing about it. i pacted laf myself that set.

so much for your master theory.

note: EVO had a NAP with MD that set, and our pact with SOL was still breakable if they fsed any of our DPs. i mean yeah we were all so close with each other rofl

It's hard to believe that qzjul, yank, or yourself knew nothing about it... is KJ the only one with access to your clan head forum? lol

lostmonk Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 14:49:09

Originally posted by Flamey:
blah blah blah

I honestly have to ask Flamey. If you dislike pang, and the way he has done things, even though you have 0 proof or any idea as to anything to do with it, why do you still play his game? Why not just gtfo, spam sof boards, and keep your baseless vitriol to yourself?

I'm sure pang will just laugh at your post, but I am personally offended for him, that all the time he and others have put into this game is just spat upon by you.

Raf Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 14:53:34

Originally posted by iScode:
ok here is my opinion, this is not a criticism of ether side, its an honest opinion

so here goes.

This war is simply about principle not about fairness. Both sides knew who was participating before the war started.

This war is about EVO/MD/SOL wanting full retributio for their alliances being spied on by ex laf leadership through illegal means. Their members wanted revenge for ex laf leadership blatantly cheating and using this cheating to hurt sol/evo.

Sof wanted to show that they stood by their allies and believe that the culprits had been punished and that laf was punished as well last set for their leaders indiscretions and dont deserve to be punished anymore even if sol/evo think they do.

This is why from a neutral point of view i can understand both sides point of view and why I did not want to get involved. I feel laf have been punished enough, and can respect SoF wanting to stick up for their allies. I can also understand why EVO/SOL feel that they have been basically fluffed in the arse and are not able to get over that and want as much retribution as possible, if i was in their shoes I would feel the same way, im not however in thier position which is why I can view the situation objectively, which nether side can claim they do.

I think even if laf had 20 more members than evo/sol that sof would still of been called in and evo/sol knew this regardless of what they said in their war decs.

+1 good post



Jun 22nd 2012, 14:56:03

Originally posted by Sov:
Because LAF was caught unprepared with no turns saved and no war prep against an enemy that had full turns saved and achieved a 10 kill lead on the first day not to mention enough saved turns to deliver an additional lead on the 2nd day.

That is not an even war despite what the country numbers say.

You should answer questions on your sides behalf more often. A spin-free, honest answer.


ArsenalMD Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 15:03:46

Originally posted by Flamey:

And... for your information, there were plenty more conversations that were sent to me. I was told it came from a MD spy with Heads access, unhappy with leadership. That is why I have to laugh out loud at half the SPERM propaganda on this board, having being sent your true intentions in the last few months (not years as you like to claim). Hell his 'Evo spy' told me about your so-called Operation Anaconda plan that you and dagga tried to inspire...

Nothing was leaked by any MD head - you are gullible and foolish to believe these ridiculous excuses for hacking. The fact that as an FDP (and an alliance we'd previously come to with suspicions about laf) you didn't tell us you were getting such information from laf shows your intentions pretty clearly as well).

lostmonk Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 15:05:02

Originally posted by TheMatrix:
Originally posted by Sov:
Because LAF was caught unprepared with no turns saved and no war prep against an enemy that had full turns saved and achieved a 10 kill lead on the first day not to mention enough saved turns to deliver an additional lead on the 2nd day.

That is not an even war despite what the country numbers say.

You should answer questions on your sides behalf more often. A spin-free, honest answer.



ArsenalMD Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 15:06:12

Originally posted by TheMatrix:
Originally posted by Sov:
Because LAF was caught unprepared with no turns saved and no war prep against an enemy that had full turns saved and achieved a 10 kill lead on the first day not to mention enough saved turns to deliver an additional lead on the 2nd day.

That is not an even war despite what the country numbers say.

You should answer questions on your sides behalf more often. A spin-free, honest answer.


Welcome to how the rest of us have felt, LaF and her allies always one step ahead of the rest of us - never being on an equal footing in any war because of the inside information gained and shared by LaF leadership.

Least this advantage was legitimately gained and to be fair legitimately countered by calling in. (Cowardly though in my opinion).

lostmonk Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 15:10:24

Originally posted by ArsenalMD:
Originally posted by TheMatrix:
Originally posted by Sov:
Because LAF was caught unprepared with no turns saved and no war prep against an enemy that had full turns saved and achieved a 10 kill lead on the first day not to mention enough saved turns to deliver an additional lead on the 2nd day.

That is not an even war despite what the country numbers say.

You should answer questions on your sides behalf more often. A spin-free, honest answer.


Welcome to how the rest of us have felt, LaF and her allies always one step ahead of the rest of us - never being on an equal footing in any war because of the inside information gained and shared by LaF leadership.

Least this advantage was legitimately gained and to be fair legitimately countered by calling in. (Cowardly though in my opinion).

I don't know if I would agree with the cowardly part on calling in SoF. It truly did make for what was turning out to be a fun war before RD showed their true colors.

Edited By: lostmonk on Jun 22nd 2012, 15:17:07. Reason: Whups
See Original Post