
Raf Game profile


Jun 23rd 2012, 15:26:17

Originally posted by Drow:
Xinhuan: 6 months of no pact =/= 6 months of war.
It is an attitude like that that is causing this game to go backwards.

I am an inactive player in none of the alliances involved but those post didn't look like you were just not going to pact LaF. It looked like your intent was to get as many people as possible on the server to drop them and hit them. They all made a point of saying you would go to war for anyone who did dropped LaF. They sounded like you were saying we are going to screw with LaF for at least 6 months join up for the fun. I am not saying that is wrong given the situation but i don't see how you can't see the posts were essentially hostile from the other perspective.

The SOL thread pretty much sealed the deal that there was going to be war when they said where they would not accept L:L. Something those alliances have gone to war about before.

It be like someone posting on PDM we are dropping your pact and we will be taking cross country L:L retals on you. Oh don't like that?? Well you will be taking it or didn't you notice those 4 other posts of people itching to hit you with an open invitation for anyone else interested.

That may not have been you intent but you can see how it could be seen that way. If you guys really want to move past this you need to stop posturing on AT and actually sit down both sides and come to an agreement as a whole.

ArsenalMD Game profile


Jun 23rd 2012, 17:21:48

Originally posted by Sov:
PDM/SoF is not comparable to MD/SoF.

MD/SoF was, simply put, "drop LAF and pact out and we will kill your ally LAF or our allies will kill you". That is a very very dumbed down version of events. The clause mentioned was that the pact would be void if we fought for our allies. Now remember this was supposed to be an act of one of our closest allies.

PDM was simply a clause to do with landgrabbing. At no point did we threaten PDM with war over it. In fact we offered to drop the clause (a point conveniently forgotten) but your leaders chose to FS us instead. Then after that war your leaders decided not to engage in diplomacy but rather threaten SoF publicly.

None of the mentioned issues are remotely comparable. Maybe details were not included in the original statement but the point remains.

What the hell?

Xinhuan Game profile


Jun 24th 2012, 5:20:26

Originally posted by Drow:
Xinhuan: 6 months of no pact =/= 6 months of war.
It is an attitude like that that is causing this game to go backwards.

You must be joking right? With differences in policies, and the current underlying dislikes of each other, a couple of stray (or intentional hits), LaF wanting L:L and SoL not accepting L:L, war will happen, it is only a matter of when.

Have you ever considered it is a flaw of the game that stonewalling is right now pretty hard (kills are too quick), and as a result higher member numbers currently equates to a win during a war (with equal activity levels)? This has always been a flaw, and one that will always be taken advantage of. This is partly why solo server are actually more fun, outside of the fun of manipulating/reading inter-clan politics.