
vettiv Game profile


Apr 25th 2024, 23:30:25

By someone from the darkness clan, and what I’d like to know is if this in a common policy to bully the smaller untagged countries

VicRattlehead Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 0:31:20

Everyone bullies untaggeds on servers with tags.

VicRattlehead Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 0:32:19

If you would like to learn how to improve your game and find a place that can protect you, message me. I would be happy to help.

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 0:32:29

Typically darkness actually protects those that are bullied. The most likely source of bullying in the server right now are the russians and others in the light tags.

You may want to reach out to darkness and ask them what's up, it may have been a mistaken identity.

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 0:33:25

That’s was me that missiled you homie.

I apologize and invite you to please tag up next set cuz usually untaggeds are farmed and killed :(

Sorry again.

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 0:39:11

Vettiv, if you want to play with me, you can. You might get attacked by some of the server bullies, but I'm pretty sure the darkness guys won't hit you if you're in my tag.

vettiv Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 0:44:58

I appreciate the offers. I haven’t played this game in nearly 15 and trying to get the feel for this game again, so I’ll be deadweight to clans at the moment. Just thought it was odd that a country with 25mil net worth declared war on my 1 mil net worth country just to send 100 missiles my way.

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 0:46:17

Vettiv, you won't be dead weight for me. There are no expectations, we just play for fun. You on discord by chance?

EmpyreanMKR Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 0:49:31

Vet... Blackhole is most definitely not going to teach you to play honestly. Come join us in alliance (msg me) and join lights here on teams. Darkness is blackhole's clan.
M4D - IA/War


BlackHole Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 0:56:37


Holy cow. Empy, don't lie to this guy.

Vettiv -

A few things.

1. Darkneses is DEFINITELY not my clan. I fought them for the last year straight. They mostly hate me.
2. I'm not going to teach you to anything. You're an adult, I'm sure you can figure it out. If you want to learn different strategies, I can link you to people far more knowledge than I.
3. I'm just offering companionship. If you want to hang out and have a little fun, you can hang out with me. Again, I don't think darkness will attack you if you're tagged with me. Empys people might though. As you can see, they don't like me much :P

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 1:08:29

Originally posted by vettiv:
I appreciate the offers. I haven’t played this game in nearly 15 and trying to get the feel for this game again, so I’ll be deadweight to clans at the moment. Just thought it was odd that a country with 25mil net worth declared war on my 1 mil net worth country just to send 100 missiles my way.

Join bad4u or weedylar to netgain and get back in the groove u won’t be dead weight.

If you wanna kill untaggeds and suiciders join darkness.

EmpyreanMKR Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 1:10:47

Suit yourself. See yah soon.
M4D - IA/War


vettiv Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 1:11:30

Weedylar? Any chance THE Llaar is a part of it?

VicRattlehead Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 1:18:34

Originally posted by vettiv:
Weedylar? Any chance THE Llaar is a part of it?

No, but I am back because Llaar sent me an email to come join M4D in alliance, he is back and active.

I used to be an FA officer for NA, so I've been around with llaar for a long time to. I also used to be in weedylar - check my profile I finished second in Team tagged weedylar - they are fun folks too.

Blackhole is not the person you want to join. You'd be better off just you and me tagging up and playing.

My offer stands, I will be happy to help you knock the rust off privately, or in alliance, join us our Discord server to come say hi!

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 1:39:53

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by vettiv:
I appreciate the offers. I haven’t played this game in nearly 15 and trying to get the feel for this game again, so I’ll be deadweight to clans at the moment. Just thought it was odd that a country with 25mil net worth declared war on my 1 mil net worth country just to send 100 missiles my way.

Join bad4u or weedylar to netgain and get back in the groove u won’t be dead weight.

If you wanna kill untaggeds and suiciders join darkness.

Good advice. I've played with weedylar a few times. They are good peeps.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 2:49:50

Yes, this community is full of narcissistic dorks who go online and bully people as some sort of cope. They are very clannish and will lie and manipulate if it suits their agenda. They think that not lying is a bad thing. I mean quite literally, that they seem to lie with glee simply for the sake of lying.

Very dishonorable crowd over at darkness. Don’t let their hype and lies fool you. If you check superflies express history he has spent about 300 sets on end ab’ing new players to the game.

Players like me have stomped him out in 1 on 1 wars multiple times so I think he targets the weak because he knows he can’t quite cut it with the elite players. He’s a mid tier player.

He also likes to provoke drama and then snitch. I would not trust him at all. Just a heads up.

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 3:21:29

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Yes, this community is full of narcissistic dorks who go online and bully people as some sort of cope. They are very clannish and will lie and manipulate if it suits their agenda. They think that not lying is a bad thing. I mean quite literally, that they seem to lie with glee simply for the sake of lying.

Very dishonorable crowd over at darkness. Don’t let their hype and lies fool you. If you check superflies express history he has spent about 300 sets on end ab’ing new players to the game.

Players like me have stomped him out in 1 on 1 wars multiple times so I think he targets the weak because he knows he can’t quite cut it with the elite players. He’s a mid tier player.

He also likes to provoke drama and then snitch. I would not trust him at all. Just a heads up.

This coming from the senile old man who is currently attacking random people on multiple servers and who is currently hated by basically everyone in the alliance server lol

Shouldn't you be on some conspiracy witch hunt on how eestats is corrupt?

Or maybe how the mods are conspiring against you and deleting your attacks from the history books?

Or maybe you need to make another thread on how everyone here is a nazi Jewish hating bigot?

With all the insanely comical threads you have made and had closed by moderators in the last 2 months you sure keep things interesting around here lol

vettiv, word of advice. Before you befriend anyone here first search their name on the forums and figure out what level of crazy they are.

Good luck to you on your next round!

Edited By: SuperFly on Apr 26th 2024, 3:23:35

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 3:31:09

Notice how triggered he got ^^^ I am a truth teller, I stir up trouble and make a lot of people mad. This is true. I am a rebel at heart.

Superfly on the other hand is a little tyrant who appears to be a pathological liar from what I can tell in my interactions with him.

Remember that kid that everyone grew up with that would tell ridiculous lies and everyone would always know it’s a bunch of tall tales and avoid him?

That’s superfly. He’s that kid everyone hated. So now he bullies people online and then lies about it and virtue signals like a karen.

The entire thing is very bizzarre. I’ve never seen a man act like that before.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 3:32:42

He also tattle tells and gets threads deleted when he can’t handle the heat. That is true as well. He’s very insecure so he can’t handle the banter and runs and tells the teacher when he gets roasted.

He is like that one kid alright.

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 3:37:42

Senile I tell you. I literally posted some of your greatest hits. Anyone can look at the forums and see how much crazy crap you have posted and had deleted / closed by the moderators.

Everyday and with every post you make you just prove to us that you are losing it……

Rest easy tonight sweet prince. Tomorrow is another day….

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 3:47:42

This is what I am talking about ^^^

Notice I don’t even care enough to dig up some old post. Because I actually don’t care. Superfly is always on some wierdo stuff.

I hope you notice how he feels the need to control the convo so badly that he dug up all of his proof.

Like I said mini tyrant with mid wit iq. Likes to bully people and is a teachers pet Type.

He will probally dig up 50 more pages or some other weirdo activity like that knowing him to prove I said something offensive or something. I don’t even know the point. I think he grew up in the suburbs so he argues like a suburbs soccer mom. The whole thing is strange tbh

Lord Milk Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 3:53:40

Originally posted by vettiv:
Weedylar? Any chance THE Llaar is a part of it?

No vettiv Llaar is part of The Light and Empy was right whether you want to net or war we can show ya some new tricks if you like! Don't listen to blackhole he's just a fun sucker! And he will just talk in circles over and over again like that one chick at the party who has had like 3 mixers and thinks she can yell and clap her hands to make the point finally mean something to you!
“Light must come from inside. You cannot ask the darkness to leave; you must turn on the light.”

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 3:53:52

lol this guy Cath. I don’t need to “dig”; your closed threads liter the first and second pages of alliance talk, team talk and express.

This is why people need to search the forums and decide how much crazy they wanna be involved with lol

vettiv Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 8:08:46

Can't we all just hold hands and kumbaya?

Rokkie Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 8:23:34

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Notice how triggered he got ^^^ I am a truth teller, I stir up trouble and make a lot of people mad. This is true. I am a rebel at heart.

Superfly on the other hand is a little tyrant who appears to be a pathological liar from what I can tell in my interactions with him.

Remember that kid that everyone grew up with that would tell ridiculous lies and everyone would always know it’s a bunch of tall tales and avoid him?

That’s superfly. He’s that kid everyone hated. So now he bullies people online and then lies about it and virtue signals like a karen.

The entire thing is very bizzarre. I’ve never seen a man act like that before.

To be fair, you seem to just spin anything that suites your current agenda, where as SuperFly on the other hand spits facts and brings the receipts to back it up.

vettiv Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 9:13:43

CM Apr 25, 06:10 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
CM Apr 25, 06:10 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) 114 B
3619 C
CM Apr 25, 06:10 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) 109 B
3148 C
CM Apr 25, 06:10 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
CM Apr 25, 06:10 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
CM Apr 25, 06:10 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) 105 B
2739 C
CM Apr 25, 06:10 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
CM Apr 25, 06:10 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) 101 B
2383 C
CM Apr 25, 06:10 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
CM Apr 25, 06:10 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
CM Apr 25, 06:10 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
CM Apr 25, 06:10 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
CM Apr 25, 06:10 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
CM Apr 25, 06:10 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
CM Apr 25, 06:10 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) 97 B
2073 C
CM Apr 25, 06:10 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
CM Apr 25, 06:10 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) 94 B
1804 C
CM Apr 25, 06:10 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
CM Apr 25, 06:10 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
CM Apr 25, 06:10 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) 89 B
1569 C
CM Apr 25, 06:10 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) 86 B
1365 C
CM Apr 25, 06:10 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
CM Apr 25, 06:10 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) 83 B
1188 C
CM Apr 25, 06:10 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
CM Apr 25, 06:10 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
CM Apr 25, 06:10 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
CM Apr 25, 06:10 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
CM Apr 25, 06:10 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
CM Apr 25, 06:10 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) 80 B
1033 C
NM Apr 25, 06:11 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) 147 A
NM Apr 25, 06:11 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
NM Apr 25, 14:03 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) 140 A
NM Apr 25, 14:03 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
NM Apr 25, 14:03 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
NM Apr 25, 14:03 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
NM Apr 25, 14:03 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
NM Apr 25, 14:03 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) 133 A
NM Apr 25, 14:03 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
NM Apr 25, 14:03 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
NM Apr 25, 14:03 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
EM Apr 25, 14:03 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
EM Apr 25, 14:03 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) 14,152 MU
EM Apr 25, 14:03 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) 14,012 MU
EM Apr 26, 05:13 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
EM Apr 26, 05:13 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
EM Apr 26, 05:13 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) 11,925 MU
EM Apr 26, 05:13 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
EM Apr 26, 05:13 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
EM Apr 26, 05:13 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
EM Apr 26, 05:13 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) 11,808 MU
EM Apr 26, 05:13 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) 11,688 MU
EM Apr 26, 05:13 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
EM Apr 26, 05:13 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
EM Apr 26, 05:13 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) 11,571 MU
NM Apr 26, 05:13 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
CM Apr 26, 05:13 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH
CM Apr 26, 05:14 2009 Porsche Cayman R (#25) (Darkness) Chicago (#62) DH

vettiv Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 9:20:30

Part was before my post...part was after....

Now I get that picking on smaller untagged countries might be fun and all, but you have to be pretty bad at this if you're about 20x my size and can't finish me off, or my defenses must be pretty decent for a person who hasn't done this in 15 years.

Find something safe to do, whomever this is.

Rokkie Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 9:39:18

Originally posted by vettiv:
Part was before my post...part was after....

Now I get that picking on smaller untagged countries might be fun and all, but you have to be pretty bad at this if you're about 20x my size and can't finish me off, or my defenses must be pretty decent for a person who hasn't done this in 15 years.

Find something safe to do, whomever this is.

I think its more that someone just using you as an end of set missile dump.

vettiv Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 9:42:29

Would that be why they're running spy ops to take down my missiles and drop my readiness as well?

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 11:11:56

Originally posted by Lord Milk:
Originally posted by vettiv:
Weedylar? Any chance THE Llaar is a part of it?

No vettiv Llaar is part of The Light and Empy was right whether you want to net or war we can show ya some new tricks if you like! Don't listen to blackhole he's just a fun sucker! And he will just talk in circles over and over again like that one chick at the party who has had like 3 mixers and thinks she can yell and clap her hands to make the point finally mean something to you!

By new tricks do you mean how to run multis? Then yes, I agree. if you join light you will learn some new tricks.

EmpyreanMKR Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 12:17:58

As in multiple great countries one at a time? Yes. That is true.
M4D - IA/War


Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 26th 2024, 13:00:23

… any chance m4d is recruiting? I’d like to send Superfly there

There he goes again.

Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 26th 2024, 13:03:04

Superfy bro comon man
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 26th 2024, 13:04:47

Originally posted by Rokkie:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Notice how triggered he got ^^^ I am a truth teller, I stir up trouble and make a lot of people mad. This is true. I am a rebel at heart.

Superfly on the other hand is a little tyrant who appears to be a pathological liar from what I can tell in my interactions with him.

Remember that kid that everyone grew up with that would tell ridiculous lies and everyone would always know it’s a bunch of tall tales and avoid him?

That’s superfly. He’s that kid everyone hated. So now he bullies people online and then lies about it and virtue signals like a karen.

The entire thing is very bizzarre. I’ve never seen a man act like that before.

To be fair, you seem to just spin anything that suites your current agenda, where as SuperFly on the other hand spits facts and brings the receipts to back it up.

Rokkie miss u brother.
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

EmpyreanMKR Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 13:05:44

M4D is doing M4D stuff, if that answers the question.
M4D - IA/War


Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 26th 2024, 13:07:38

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
M4D is doing M4D stuff, if that answers the question.

Have the cofounder milkman reach out to me. I need to send Superfly there to get straightened out.
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 13:49:41

Originally posted by Rokkie:
Originally posted by vettiv:
Part was before my post...part was after....

Now I get that picking on smaller untagged countries might be fun and all, but you have to be pretty bad at this if you're about 20x my size and can't finish me off, or my defenses must be pretty decent for a person who hasn't done this in 15 years.

Find something safe to do, whomever this is.

I think its more that someone just using you as an end of set missile dump.

Hi Rokkie, nice to see you again bud. Hope you are well!

Vetti, I posted above that I was the one who missiled. I just picked a random untagged and let all 63 missiles ago. I invested in technology to kill and we had no targets this set so I picked a random untagged.

Like I also posted above I am sorry but please do join any tag next set as untaggeds are always farmed and or killed on this server.

All the best to you next round

VicRattlehead Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 13:55:57

Vetti I am not in Teams currently and I would be happy to 2 man tag with you next set.

vettiv Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 14:17:36

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Rokkie:
Originally posted by vettiv:
Part was before my post...part was after....

Now I get that picking on smaller untagged countries might be fun and all, but you have to be pretty bad at this if you're about 20x my size and can't finish me off, or my defenses must be pretty decent for a person who hasn't done this in 15 years.

Find something safe to do, whomever this is.

I think its more that someone just using you as an end of set missile dump.

Hi Rokkie, nice to see you again bud. Hope you are well!

Vetti, I posted above that I was the one who missiled. I just picked a random untagged and let all 63 missiles ago. I invested in technology to kill and we had no targets this set so I picked a random untagged.

Like I also posted above I am sorry but please do join any tag next set as untaggeds are always farmed and or killed on this server.

All the best to you next round

I’ll be honest with you, I didn’t believe it was you and I honestly thought you were trolling because no one would apologize for doing that, then go and do the thing they just apologized for.

Now that I wrote that, you must be trolling but on a different level.

Either that, or I’m being too diplomatic

Symbolic Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 14:22:59

Lol no, it was him

EmpyreanMKR Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 14:28:23

Let's restart MKR
M4D - IA/War


vettiv Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 14:31:45

Oh I get it now. I was just telling myself no one can be that arrogant or disrespectful to nuke someone multiple times, apologize, then go back to doing the thing they apologized for.

Darkness will see me next set.

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 26th 2024, 15:08:18

Welp. I did this to bhole once and look at what happened.

Now Superfly will suffer the consequences
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

EmpyreanMKR Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 15:12:44

Yes. This is the way.
M4D - IA/War


SuperFly Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 15:32:15

Originally posted by vettiv:
Oh I get it now. I was just telling myself no one can be that arrogant or disrespectful to nuke someone multiple times, apologize, then go back to doing the thing they apologized for.

Darkness will see me next set.

I don’t mean the disrespect man. I am legit just sending the missiles out as I bought the tech to make them becuase I want to take the #1 spot for most missiles.

I seriously have 0 Ill will towards you. I only want the #1 missile spot if you can click the profile thing beside my name.
Current ranked #2 at 12,171 missiles sent.

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 15:35:22

Originally posted by vettiv:

Darkness will see me next set.

Just for you I’ll name my country superfly so u can get your retribution on me.

But seriously if you are untagged you will just be hit by multiple people. Check eestats and look at all the dead untaggeds and farmed untaggeds.

You only didn’t get farmed cuz you had 2k land

VicRattlehead Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 15:35:47

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by vettiv:
Oh I get it now. I was just telling myself no one can be that arrogant or disrespectful to nuke someone multiple times, apologize, then go back to doing the thing they apologized for.

Darkness will see me next set.

I don’t mean the disrespect man. I am legit just sending the missiles out as I bought the tech to make them becuase I want to take the #1 spot for most missiles.

I seriously have 0 Ill will towards you. I only want the #1 missile spot if you can click the profile thing beside my name.
Current ranked #2 at 12,171 missiles sent.

That is... not a great reason to apologize for it and then keep going. 😂 Never change.

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 26th 2024, 15:40:01

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by vettiv:
Oh I get it now. I was just telling myself no one can be that arrogant or disrespectful to nuke someone multiple times, apologize, then go back to doing the thing they apologized for.

Darkness will see me next set.

I don’t mean the disrespect man. I am legit just sending the missiles out as I bought the tech to make them becuase I want to take the #1 spot for most missiles.

I seriously have 0 Ill will towards you. I only want the #1 missile spot if you can click the profile thing beside my name.
Current ranked #2 at 12,171 missiles sent.

Man I really hate to say this.. but this sorta make sense. Wtf
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Rokkie Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 17:06:30

Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Rokkie:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Notice how triggered he got ^^^ I am a truth teller, I stir up trouble and make a lot of people mad. This is true. I am a rebel at heart.

Superfly on the other hand is a little tyrant who appears to be a pathological liar from what I can tell in my interactions with him.

Remember that kid that everyone grew up with that would tell ridiculous lies and everyone would always know it’s a bunch of tall tales and avoid him?

That’s superfly. He’s that kid everyone hated. So now he bullies people online and then lies about it and virtue signals like a karen.

The entire thing is very bizzarre. I’ve never seen a man act like that before.

To be fair, you seem to just spin anything that suites your current agenda, where as SuperFly on the other hand spits facts and brings the receipts to back it up.

Rokkie miss u brother.

<3 feelings mutual

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Rokkie:
Originally posted by vettiv:
Part was before my post...part was after....

Now I get that picking on smaller untagged countries might be fun and all, but you have to be pretty bad at this if you're about 20x my size and can't finish me off, or my defenses must be pretty decent for a person who hasn't done this in 15 years.

Find something safe to do, whomever this is.

I think its more that someone just using you as an end of set missile dump.

Hi Rokkie, nice to see you again bud. Hope you are well!

I'm Good, I had a small feeling it was you who offloaded the missiles as i know you going for world record :D

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 22:21:34

Originally posted by Rokkie:

I'm Good, I had a small feeling it was you who offloaded the missiles as i know you going for world record :D

glad to hear you good bro. come back for a set and net with us. its all quite netting now days!

btw, I am actively chasing these Earth records currently:

Total Missiles
This leaderboard ranks users by the total number of missiles they have launched across all rounds. Only Team and Alliance countries count towards this leaderboard. This leaderboard is updated once a day.
Next Page
Rank Name Score
1 Scorba 12,919
2 SuperFly 12,171

Total Population Killed
This leaderboard ranks users by the number of enemy civilians killed through special attacks, missiles, and spy ops from all previous rounds. Only Team and Alliance countries count towards this leaderboard. This leaderboard is updated once a day.
Next Page
Rank Name Score
1 Scorba 85,408,384
2 SuperFly 80,302,706

Total Attacks
This leaderboard ranks users by the total number of attacks they have done across all rounds. Only Team and Alliance countries count towards this leaderboard. This leaderboard is updated once a day.

Rank Name Score
1 Scorba 106,806
2 SuperFly 90,539

If i can just secure these records and defeat the legend of Scorba I can go down as the GOAT as I already have #1 spot for Most Land, Top 100 finishes, Top 10 finishes.

As Caty said on another thread I am leaving behind to my kids the legacy that their dad was the GOAT at Earth2025.....

Edited By: SuperFly on Apr 26th 2024, 22:23:50