Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2512
Currently Logged in: 192

Game Profile for BlackHole on the Team Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: Twenty-second

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 10027#115
Top 10UnrankedN/A
Best 3$3,458,598#944
Attack Success89.63%#297
Pop Killed1,181,025#208

Countries on this server

175 LAG SUCKS (#34) 120$5617 M  
174 39 BH3 (#61) 5222$954,836 M xHELLSx
174 Blackhole2 Electrici boogaloo (#52) 7326$838,753 M xHELLSx
174 President THraurmrpris (#20) 14,575$3,164,310 F xHELLSx
173 44 jobb (#23) 19,114$928,701 M  
172 50 Mule (#76) 120$5617 M  
172 Double standards make me cry (#43) 1307$163,362 M  
172 Mule (#40) 4748$457,714 F  
171 41 BH3 (#63) 1470$424,564 M DarkHub
171 34 BH2 Hate speech is bad (#50) 4607$1,591,595 T DarkHub
171 Blackhole (#24) 18,596$4,835,757 F DarkHub
170 33 Bh4 (#74) 1489$959,788 T Darkiess
170 42 Blackhole 3 you cant stop me (#66) 1779$410,770 T Darkiess
170 Jamarcus Russell (#48) 4433$1,822,025 T Darkiess
170 The Blackhole (#25) 16,854$5,528,055 F Darkiess
169 54 bh5 (#92) 1441$106,771 M Darkies
169 52 BH4 bet you cant get me again (#90) 1219$149,065 M Darkies
169 49 BH3 you cant kill me (#79) 2653$386,121 T Darkies
169 Blackhole (#66) 4355$1,084,026 T Darkies
169 Blackhole (#14) 15,370$5,515,661 F Darkies
168 50 ugh BLACKHOLE (#86) 2749$159,058 M Cali
168 BH (#84) 2459$146,362 M Cali
168 Blackhole (#81) 2209$157,145 T Cali
168 They hate us cuz they aint us (#75) 1969$125,824 F Cali
168 BH (#71) 2469$172,972 M Cali
168 West Virginia (#65) 2828$314,389 F Cali
168 Superstar (#52) 2849$765,777 F Cali
168 Rain or shine (#34) 8572$1,164,014 D Cali
167 44 BH3 (#79) 7254$1,370,424 M Cloud9
167 Squeeze me (#66) 4425$802,684 M Cloud9
167 Geoffrey Chaucer (#27) 3521$969,578 M Cloud9
166 65 BH Feed me your turns (#182) 1941$142,749 T PENIS
166 67 Blackest of Holes (#179) 1870$114,722 M PENIS
166 BH (#175) 1102$73,656 M PENIS
166 Blackhole (#172) 1511$92,848 M PENIS
166 BH THE LEGEND (#171) 899$49,857 M PENIS
166 BH You cant kill an idea (#170) 876$52,449 M PENIS
166 BH Hugs for everyone (#166) 847$71,899 M PENIS
166 Bh show me the love (#163) 845$52,201 M PENIS
166 Bh they hate us cuz they aint us (#162) 0$7525 M PENIS
166 BH5 Im still alive (#157) 1999$141,209 M PENIS
166 BH4 (#156) 1449$108,443 M PENIS
166 Bh3 you finally got me (#146) 2523$196,641 T PENIS
166 lol (#103) 4050$540,064 T PENIS
166 This is my love to galleri (#60) 5446$1,318,206 F PENIS
165 AQUA (#130) 2317$502,319 M SNOW
165 CYAN (#122) 4480$1,107,086 M SNOW
165 TAN (#12) 20,979$5,690,294 H SNOW
164 67 BH6 (#141) 1520$116,652 T RIP
164 61 BH5 (#125) 3294$248,098 T RIP
164 BH4 (#100) 3528$214,986 R RIP
164 BH3 (#88) 2639$169,893 T RIP
164 Blackhole2 (#64) 1731$208,283 T RIP
164 Blackhole (#61) 4408$746,118 I  
163 70 Blackhole (#52) 280$12,817 M  
161 22 Blackhole (#35) 18,040$6,455,650 RG weedylar
160 56 BH5 hahahah (#118) 2698$237,079 M JELLY
160 54 BH4 (#100) 3976$361,982 M JELLY
160 BH3 (#99) 1397$279,685 M JELLY
160 Furocity brought it upon himself (#95) 1850$984,751 M JELLY
160 Blackhole (#37) 14,783$6,174,266 H JELLY
159 42 BH2 BOO (#106) 3173$2,328,550 I Jelly
159 Blackhole (#6) 9909$9,694,741 R Jelly
158 52 BH3 You cant hurt me (#68) 5124$966,381 M Jelly
158 BH2 I can do this all day (#67) 1466$727,495 I Jelly
158 BlackHole (#58) 8822$2,920,013 R Jelly
158 hehateme (#57) 100$8158 M  
156 15 (#77) 4529$540,590 T  
156 46 (#62) 4349$312,564 T  
156 26 (#45) 1530$226,887 C  
155 52 Black LIGHT (#125) 3397$369,272 T R3SIST
155 BlackLIGHT (#83) 4373$563,721 T R3SIST
155 BlackLIGHT (#20) 0$15,953 T RESIST
154 53 Action Jackson (#62) 540$24,517 M  
153 41 Black Hole (#93) 5444$1,066,754 T RESIST
153 Black Hole (#73) 3685$691,603 M RESIST
153 Black Hole (#60) 3635$609,717 M RESIST
153 Black Hole (#2) 7950$1,113,889 F RESIST
152 39 Join the Resistance (#59) 1955$205,574 M HR
152 Wish I had 3 teams working toget (#54) 3970$458,777 M HR
152 Wooo (#50) 4887$724,594 M HR
152 Black Hole (#19) 12,644$1,829,610 F HR
151 39 Black Hole 3 (#64) 5199$720,014 M NoMore
151 Black Hole 2 (#63) 1638$549,635 M NoMore
151 Black Hole (#44) 5995$2,289,381 R NoMore
150 Blackhole (#47) 4695$343,298 T  

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism