
Flamey Game profile


Jun 2nd 2013, 17:17:08

<u>SoF Doctrine</u>

To state the obvious; SoF is primarily a war alliance. We seldom netgain. We love to war and we live for war. However, there is much more to us than that. When Helmet formed SoF long ago, he founded the alliance upon 'Truth, Honour, Justice, Courage, Dedication and Community' To this day our doctrine is to continue these fine values.

We are TRUE to our allies and friends. We will try to do what's right for them and we are prepared to die for them. We HONOUR our pacts and scorn those who fail to abide by their treaties. We deliver JUSTICE to those who oppose our interests and those of our allies. We'll always collect our debts one way or another. We are DEDICATED to our mission to be as strong as we can possibly be and we have a strong COMMUNITY, which gives us to strength to try and shape the wider game into following our ideology.

<u>Types of Pacts and Ideology</u>

SoF has two types of pacts, a FDP, which are for genuine allies whose interests we will fight for and we have a uNAP/PP, for those alliance we have cordial relations with and have been able to come to terms with.

The terms of our pacts, reflect the level of relationship between our alliances with ideals of competitiveness and fairness in mind. While SoF is a war alliance, we have allies who netgain and know that we must netgain ourselves during some resets for the good of the game; therefore policies aimed at ensuring fairness and encouraging competitiveness are behind our wider policy.

The following two paragraphs give an insight behind our ideals and policies:

- Netgaining is both an individual and alliance competition; just as warring is. In war we fight as an alliance to win and stand together, but we also compete for most hits, most spy ops, etc individually. Similarly, while netgaining, we stand as an alliance to win TNW, ANW and total members, but there is an interesting individual element to it, which abusive 'landtrading' in particular destroys. It is a lazy and unfair way of playing, which can only be countered by everyone doing it, which we disagree with (see next paragraph) or by countering the practice through our policy. Of course some of you may argue that all-explore is boring and grabbing other alliances adds something to the game; I agree with you. That is why the policies we have designed act to encourage 'non-abusive landtrading', which is better than all-exploring, but not as effective as people who spend hours bottomfeeding and micromanaging to win.

- Furthermore netgaining should be competitive. Two countries agreeing to hit each other to both gain land, leads us to the conclusion that those two players should be playing Sim City. People who grab should be trying to maximise their country, not their rivals; it should be competitive. This is why SoF recognises the right of a country to manipulate SS/PS retals to 79.9%, so that the retaller is entitled to another grab when taking land:land. Therefore, our competitive grabbing is why we do not exchange grabs with our FDPs; only those with uNAP/PPs and no pacts.


While we have set terms with pacted alliances, we do not have any for unpacted and untags. If an unpacted alliance attacks us we expect them to accept our retal policy. If we attack an unpacted alliance, then we are happy to follow that alliances policy provided we find it reasonable. However, we will enforce our anti-landtrading/two-stepping policies on all alliances and are prepared to fight over it.

<u>Retal Policy</u>

- The retal policy for mid/bottomfeeds is 1:1 (escalating), while topfeeds are retalled land:land. A topfeed is defined as the defender having more than 125% the land of the attacker before the grab. There is a 72 hour retal window for land:land and a 48 hour retal window for escalating retals.

- Land:Land retals are considered over when the retalling alliance fails a retal, or reaches 80% of land:land. We consider it a fair practice if an alliance tries to maximise retals, by trying to get as close to 80% as possible (Using PS/SS if necessary) and taking a final retal. In the same way, we consider it fair play if the attacker tries to get the retaller to fail a retal. This is because we see grabbing as competitive.

- Missile attacks will be retaliated land:land or 2:1, whichever is greater.

- More than 4 attacks on a SoF country from an individual country in a single week will be grounds for a kill.

- Reparations are calculated as $27,500 per acre per week.

<u>Land-Trading and Self-Farming</u>

For the last two years, SoF has been trying to encourage grabbing between alliances in a way that isn't abusive (multiple exchanges in a day) and isn't 'friendly/mutual', which takes away the competitive element of the game (What we call 'landtrading'). SoF also believes that farming your own members, or taking retals for other members and then recycling the land is against the spirit of competitiveness. This is because SoF sees netgaining as both an alliance competition and an individual competition, and the latter is a unique factor, which should be preserved.

* Landtrading is defined by two countries exchanging hits between each other more than once within a 48 hour period. This is not to be mistaken with a RoR (Retal on a Retal), which are retaliated 2:1 and therefore the difference is apparent. However, any such inventive attempts to get around this, such as two alliances colluding to RoR, then switching the scenario in 48 hours (to gain land) is only too apparent and will be seen as land trading, just as any other type of mutually agreed landtrading is blatant.

* Self-farming is defined by any countries involved in any kind of intra-alliance grabbing (including 3rd party retals). Grabbing your own members, whether active or not is a cheap way of gaining an individual advantage. This includes letting another country retal and then grabbing that country (3rd party retals). Not only can that member not dissuade others from grabbing their land and not defend their land, but they can't even get it back themselves, hence being totally undeserving of that land.

- Countries that have participated in land trading or self-farming will be denied land:land retals for 48 hours after the violation. This means if topfed, that country is only eligible to take escalating retals (1:1, 2:3, 3:6). This policy evens up, and acts as a check, to the excessive land differences that countries abusing landtrading can achieve.


- SoF and x agree not to two-step each other. Two-stepping is when an alliance grabs an untagged player or another alliances' country, which has hit the other alliance three or more times, while being 'unprovoked'.

- The victimised alliance should get 4 hours to take retals on the offender. Any grabs on the offender before this timeframe is two stepping.

- A country is considered provoked only when it has been hit three or more times. Even if this is the case the attacks are only classified as unprovoked if they retaliate against the offender(s), and NOT another member of the offender's alliance.

- The alliance that has been two-stepped can take land:land or 1:1, whichever is greater, against the offender.


- WarDNH's are offered as an act of courtesy between pacted alliances, but not necessarily for unpacted alliances. SoF may refuse to acknowledge policing action for unpacted alliances under certain circumstances.

- Policing can be initiated via an AT message with confirmation from the warring alliance and the policing alliance.

- If SoF polices for an alliance, we will fully commit ourselves to the job whether it be taking retals, killing suiciders, dissuading outside interference, or declaring war. We expect the same from our police in return.

Edited By: Flamey on Jun 8th 2013, 13:29:13
See Original Post

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 2nd 2013, 17:23:13

I didn't read this. Too much words for this fluffty game. I declare war on you for typing too much!




Jun 2nd 2013, 17:33:50


BigRick Game profile


Jun 2nd 2013, 19:16:48

I briefly scanned it :-P
***Leader of DeathKnights***
Pink Elephant Tamer

TNTroXxor Game profile


Jun 2nd 2013, 19:42:13

Lay off the rum Flamey !
Originally posted by JJ23:
i havent been deleted since last set

locket Game profile


Jun 2nd 2013, 19:56:41

I got two sentences in

Marshal Game profile


Jun 2nd 2013, 19:56:54

no need to write 1000 words essays when posting to at.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 2nd 2013, 21:05:10

Typically stupid policy for the server. I refuse to recognize the concept of topfeeding. If you can't defend your land from a landgrab, then you just should not have it. And just because some inefficient player is in my scores list with twice my land is not my fault and it doesn't make it a topfeed, it makes him a TARGET!
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Nekked Game profile


Jun 2nd 2013, 21:17:11

they posted the because PG ran naked on their broads!

Taveren Game profile


Jun 2nd 2013, 21:22:26

Originally posted by Flamey:
<u>SoF Doctrine</u>

- Netgaining is both an individual and alliance competition; just as warring is...

- Furthermore netgaining should be competitive. Two countries agreeing to hit each other to both gain land...

Oh fluff, really? You mean those rankings under various NW catagories aren't just for fun? Next you're going to tell me we play games for fun and that message boards are for communicating. This eye opening piece of doctrine totally changed my view of the world. It's like I've been living in black and white for years and can see color for the first time!
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

Loc Game profile


Jun 2nd 2013, 21:27:48


archaic Game profile


Jun 2nd 2013, 21:45:56


Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

XiQter MD Game profile


Jun 2nd 2013, 21:48:55

summarize it in 3 words for me please

Taveren Game profile


Jun 2nd 2013, 21:49:44

semicolons are hard
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

archaic Game profile


Jun 2nd 2013, 21:49:56

Originally posted by XiQter MD:
summarize it in 3 words for me please

Sof can't grab
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Taveren Game profile


Jun 2nd 2013, 21:50:42

Originally posted by XiQter MD:
summarize it in 3 words for me please

Might equals right.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

hoop Game profile


Jun 2nd 2013, 22:00:03

If my scan is correct. SOF's leaders are basically saying they're not smart enough to understand the game, so they want to make it easier to understand? That said maybe sof needs and english speaker to write that so we can understand it?

Syko_Killa Game profile


Jun 2nd 2013, 22:05:41

Yeah I agree with requiem, that is just way to much to read maybe you can have someone, sum up you papers from now on flamey. Good God Man!
Do as I say, not as I do.

locket Game profile


Jun 2nd 2013, 22:31:41

"- Furthermore netgaining should be competitive. Two countries agreeing to hit each other to both gain land, leads us to the conclusion that those two players should be playing Sim City. People who grab should be trying to maximise their country, not their rivals; it should be competitive. This is why SoF recognises the right of a country to manipulate SS/PS retals to 79.9%, so that the retaller is entitled to another grab when taking land:land. Therefore, our competitive grabbing is why we do not exchange grabs with our FDPs; only those with uNAP/PPs and no pacts."

Trading hits can and is done competitively despite a seeming friendliness in some of the hits. If I trade with someone I am not doing it so he finishes ahead of me. I am doing it so I finish ahead of them. It is quite easy to landtrade and still be competitive. What other choices are there for grabbing anyways? Either you bottomfeed which about 4-5 countries can do each set max. You topfeed which will get you killed. Or you hit people you know will be able to retal it and just try to do it while coming out ahead. I know which one I enjoy most and yet I still did it competitively.

archaic Game profile


Jun 2nd 2013, 23:27:12

Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Atryn Game profile


Jun 3rd 2013, 0:00:16

Wow, for all the "good of our allies" and "what's best for them" you then go on to tell them how you think the game should be played "your way"... Does any other alliance fill their pacts with all this fluff ideological crap? Does anyone just work on "terms" anymore... I don't do FA and I hope this is the exception not the rule...

Oh, to add... I just remembered what this reminds me of... you know that long Jerry Maguire "Mission Statement" that was 25 pages and he ran off a hundred and ten copies for everyone telling them they were all doing the business wrong and should be all touchy-feely, etc? The one that got him fired?

This feels like that.

Who had I become? Just another shark in a suit? Two days later at our corporate conference in Miami, a breakthrough. Breakdown? Breakthrough. I couldn't escape one simple thought: I hated myself. No, no, no, here's what it was: I hated my place in the world. I had so much to say and no one to listen. And then it happened. It was the oddest, most unexpected thing. I began writing what they call a mission statement. Not a memo, a mission statement. You know, a suggestion for the future of our company. A night like this doesn't come along very often. I seized it. What started out as one page became twenty-five. Suddenly, I was my father's son again. I was remembering the simple pleasures of this job, how I ended up here out of law school, the way a stadium sounds when one of my players performs well on the field. The way we are meant to protect them in health and in injury. With so many clients, we had forgotten what was important.

I wrote and wrote and wrote and wrote and I'm not even a writer. I was remembering even the words of the original sports agent, my mentor, the late great fluffie Fox who said: 'The key to this business is personal relationships.' Suddenly, it was all pretty clear. The answer was fewer clients. Less money. More attention. Caring for them, caring for ourselves and the games, too. Just starting our lives, really. Hey - I'll be the first to admit, what I was writing was somewhat touchy feely. I didn't care. I have lost the ability to bullfluff. It was the me I'd always wanted to be. I took it in a bag to a Copymat in the middle of the night and printed up a hundred and ten copies. Even the cover looked like The Catcher in the Rye. I entitled it 'The Things We Think and Do Not Say: The Future of Our Business.'...Everybody got a copy...I was 35. I had started my life.

Edited By: Atryn on Jun 3rd 2013, 0:05:42
See Original Post

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jun 3rd 2013, 0:58:58

I seen the words "PP"

Good trolling post Flamey.....
Now you got everyone riled up LMAO!

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Nekked Game profile


Jun 3rd 2013, 1:35:00

md a vacuum!



Jun 3rd 2013, 2:59:41

I approve of this message, and I am exempted from reading it.
Xyle - SoF



Jun 3rd 2013, 3:48:48


tellarion Game profile


Jun 3rd 2013, 4:43:38

My preferred pact is a whopping 3 sentences long, but apparently we can only sign that way with a small handful of alliances.

agusjo Game profile


Jun 3rd 2013, 5:13:28

Summary: you make a hit on SOF, then LAF will join in and farm you to dead.

Flamey Game profile


Jun 3rd 2013, 6:11:05

The terms here mirror our pacts to an extent and have been our policy for over two years. In fact we were the first alliance in modern EE to make it worthwhile grabbing other alliances and even uNAPs. After that other alliances made different policies, which would lead to the grabbing, which we see as lazy and abusive. The non-competitive grabbing pretty much refers to two people dropping defences and spam hitting each other. This has been nerfed by a lot by changes, but this policy really does have an effect. You'll see that in the ranking this set.

drdial Game profile


Jun 3rd 2013, 6:21:38


locket Game profile


Jun 3rd 2013, 7:09:33

Originally posted by Flamey:
The terms here mirror our pacts to an extent and have been our policy for over two years. In fact we were the first alliance in modern EE to make it worthwhile grabbing other alliances and even uNAPs. After that other alliances made different policies, which would lead to the grabbing, which we see as lazy and abusive. The non-competitive grabbing pretty much refers to two people dropping defences and spam hitting each other. This has been nerfed by a lot by changes, but this policy really does have an effect. You'll see that in the ranking this set.

No you wont. The policy did fluff all for this. Wars and nerfs caused this. A landtrader cant compete with a good techer now anyways so if you are trying to supposedly stand up for netters( You arent) then you can stop worrying about it. You say it is cooperative? Do you really think either party wants the other one to come out ahead? There are ways to trade and still try to come out ahead. Why is it a problem if two people want to work together for a common goal. Do they steal your ranking spots? Nope. Do they steals Lafs? Nope. They still lose to your good friends who actually know how to net.

As I said before you only have the three choices for grabbing. You either get retalled in two or you dont for the other and if you are getting retalled it will always be better for the netter to have kept his D a little lower than otherwise since outrunning it wouldnt work and would cost him more.

Murf Game profile


Jun 3rd 2013, 8:11:59

Lot of MD opinions on this daft thread

Fuji Game profile


Jun 3rd 2013, 8:22:09


Fuji Game profile


Jun 3rd 2013, 8:22:28

MD should have an opinion about the external policy of an alliance we've fought since November.

tellarion Game profile


Jun 3rd 2013, 10:22:57

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Flamey:
The terms here mirror our pacts to an extent and have been our policy for over two years. In fact we were the first alliance in modern EE to make it worthwhile grabbing other alliances and even uNAPs. After that other alliances made different policies, which would lead to the grabbing, which we see as lazy and abusive. The non-competitive grabbing pretty much refers to two people dropping defences and spam hitting each other. This has been nerfed by a lot by changes, but this policy really does have an effect. You'll see that in the ranking this set.

No you wont. The policy did fluff all for this. Wars and nerfs caused this. A landtrader cant compete with a good techer now anyways so if you are trying to supposedly stand up for netters( You arent) then you can stop worrying about it. You say it is cooperative? Do you really think either party wants the other one to come out ahead? There are ways to trade and still try to come out ahead. Why is it a problem if two people want to work together for a common goal. Do they steal your ranking spots? Nope. Do they steals Lafs? Nope. They still lose to your good friends who actually know how to net.

As I said before you only have the three choices for grabbing. You either get retalled in two or you dont for the other and if you are getting retalled it will always be better for the netter to have kept his D a little lower than otherwise since outrunning it wouldnt work and would cost him more.

Every single alliance we had some sort of landtrading policy with this set went to war. And even certain individuals that traded with us were made unable to trade anymore. If there's going to be any effect from your policy, it will be seen next set, not this set.

ZIP Game profile


Jun 3rd 2013, 12:41:22

I see l;l and topfeed - a cover for lack of ability and lazy play.

I truly don't think this game is dying at all, this server is - due to lame and restrictive political webs.

anyone not having fun like they used to? try another server and you will see the difference.

alliance sever is going down hill 4 sur

the game already comes with rules right? why do we need so many layers of rules or ways we have to play.

Details of the twenty-first round of Alliance
Multiple Countries
Multiple countries are not allowed.
Clans are allowed.
Turn Rate
Turns are given every 20 minutes.
Maximum Turns
Countries can hold a maximum of 120 (120) turns.
Time to Market
The minimum time for market goods to arrive on the market is 4 hours. The maximum time is 5 hours.
Time on Market
Unsold goods stay on the market for 48 hours.
Planned Strikes
A planned strike brigade is unavailable for 20 hours after launching.
Spyops per Day
A country can carry out a maximum of 50 spy operations per day.
Humanitarians protest if a country attempts to attack another country which is 12 times bigger or smaller than it.
The cost of GDI membership is $3 per acre.
Ingame Alliances
Ingame alliances are permitted.
Government Revision
The Government Revision number of this server is 3.
Major Change Set
The Major Change Set number of this server is 9.
This is not a tournament server.

Edited By: ZIP on Jun 3rd 2013, 12:48:42
See Original Post
fluff your 300 Spartans fool - i have 32 of the biggest fluffed mother fluffers made of titanium !!
A brigade from Blackstreetboyz (#91) has invaded your lands! Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away! Your military lost:1 Troops

Zahc Game profile


Jun 3rd 2013, 17:09:44

can someone give me the cliffnotes?
llort orp s`fos



Jun 3rd 2013, 17:50:20

Originally posted by Flamey:
The terms here mirror our pacts to an extent and have been our policy for over two years. In fact we were the first alliance in modern EE to make it worthwhile grabbing other alliances and even uNAPs. After that other alliances made different policies, which would lead to the grabbing, which we see as lazy and abusive. The non-competitive grabbing pretty much refers to two people dropping defences and spam hitting each other. This has been nerfed by a lot by changes, but this policy really does have an effect. You'll see that in the ranking this set.

Lazy and abusive......

Total Land Internally Farmed
Name Clan Grabbed
1 sof op nerf sof plz (#332) SoF 14,528a
2 Name it Zergling One (#211) SoF 13,898a
3 GO CANUCKS GO (#1014) 11,215a
4 EEVIL SHEEP (#1273) SoF 7,934a
5 Baby Noah FTW (#131) SoF 3,946a
6 communicasher (#59) EVOosso 3,770a
7 name him m0m0 (#38) SoF 3,479a
8 100ll0000l (#423) Infernal 3,378a
9 fluff HeaDs (#601) SoF 3,306a
10 www norml org (#1171) SoF 3,168a

7 of the top 10 lazy and abusive are soft

smlandau84 Game profile


Jun 3rd 2013, 17:53:18


archaic Game profile


Jun 3rd 2013, 18:46:00

So, flamey, are you guys going enforce your manifest destiny on your bff's in RD and Laf?

You do realize that a lot of those provisions leave sof open to being dominated by good grabbers?

So, is Sof all set to weather all of the Y2K computer stuff?
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Flamey Game profile


Jun 3rd 2013, 18:56:47

1) Yes.

2) We experienced a steep learning curve from Evo this reset.

Akula Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 3rd 2013, 18:57:52

not too sure what all this is about, Flamey
way too long, misses the attention span of all earthers except for ... suggestions ?
"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"


Flamey Game profile


Jun 3rd 2013, 19:00:27

Если люди смотрят на меня не в ту сторону, я буду стрелять ракетами на них.



Jun 3rd 2013, 19:21:09

your missiles will fall apart or get destroyed on launch.
galleri: fluff off marshal

archaic: FFS when Marshal has stood out as maybe the brightest person on the whole thread . . . fluff me, I'm going to go smoke a joint and reevaluate some fluff

sinistril: Oh snap, Marshal destroyed galleri. Thought I'd

NukEvil Game profile


Jun 3rd 2013, 19:27:01

Originally posted by Flamey:
...When Helmet formed SoF long ago, he founded the alliance upon 'Truth, Honour, Justice, Courage, Dedication and Community' To this day our doctrine is to continue these fine values.

This means you'll stop propping up alliances known for cheating, right?
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

archaic Game profile


Jun 3rd 2013, 19:28:25

Originally posted by Marshal1:
your missiles will fall apart or get destroyed on launch.

There's a little pill for that now. It keep your missile launching all night rong.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Kumander Otbol


Jun 4th 2013, 15:03:34

Originally posted by cypress:
no reason to start slacking just because they are getting FA

fluff them....we'll steamroll them even with the FA they are getting

Syko_Killa Game profile


Jun 4th 2013, 19:13:55

Do as I say, not as I do.



Jun 4th 2013, 19:17:23


Taveren Game profile


Jun 4th 2013, 20:35:18

Hodor hodor hodor
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

skitch Game profile


Jun 8th 2013, 19:15:48

translation: SoF now and forever will do whatever it wants and there is nothing you can do about it. Join or eventually perish at our hands (or I guess join one of our FDPs).