Apr 22nd 2010, 17:29:06
Here is a little excerpt.
"The little-known group RevolutionMuslim.com posted a message on its website earlier this week warning creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker "that what they are doing is stupid and they will probably wind up like Theo Van Gogh for airing this show."
The website posted a graphic photo of Van Gogh, a Dutch filmmaker who was killed in 2004 by an Islamic militant over a movie he had made that accused Islam of condoning violence against women. It also posted a link to a news article with details of a mansion in Colorado that Parker and Stone apparently own.
Most Muslims consider any depiction of the founder of Islam as offensive."
I am all for the freedom of religion that, for the most part, we all share and receive.
When does it start becoming radical behavior?! When does Islam start becoming a radical religion?!
When Southpark censors their show for anything, that is FREAKING SCARY.