Oct 21st 2019, 16:26:55
I'm the owner of country #427. The country name was created while I didn't know if I was playing this set or not. I decided not to play I think 2-3 days into the set. Alliance kinda bored me. A few friends from other servers were trying to convince me to play with them, it would be less boring I was told, so I half heatedly played my turns. #57 within a 36 hour period hit me about 8 times. Well now I just feel like having fun with him. I retaled with some AB's, as I was not prepared at all to do anything, my country was just cs's and farms.
(side note, The name 2nd go around has no caps in it, which bots have thier names capitalized. So don't try to say I thought it was a bot).
Second side note I have no intention of hitting anyone except the country who hit me and retaled my retals. I may destroy missles as a precaution, but I'll send a nice love note along with that just so you are clear.
Now that he retaled my retals, I'm going to give you all an offer.
I will take reps for the retal of retal, 4 k acres, and 400mil cash. I'm adding time and suffering into this, along with defamation of character. This also stays between me and #57 until others get involved.
IF you decide to kill me, and get others help... Well then you have made alliance more interesting for me. I may restart and come back, I may not. However, I will not hold your allies responsible if you need their help in the kills. THey are just doing what allies are supposed to.
Pay reps as stated above, or possibly deal all set with me. Your choice. 48 hours is your timeframe, I will not touch you again until then to get my reps. Any acts of hostility towards me breaks this deal. I already know your answer:)
This Post is mostly for fun, as I"m deciding if I'm going to self delete or not. This post could help decide.
Not a suicider, Just taking my retals. Would prefer reps.
PPPS I miss FA on AT.