Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2470
Currently Logged in: 204

Game Profile for Chadius on the Alliance Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: Twenty-fourth

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 1008#288
Top 10UnrankedN/A
Best 3$183,496,893#268
Attack Success96.28%#369
Pop Killed1,403,539#660

Countries on this server

66 422 SHAVEDMYHEADLIKEBRITNEY (#396) 140$6517 M  
65 63 Win the damn weekend (#407) 250$71,228,248 HG xLaFx
63 69 Iamdestruction (#435) 27,253$44,238,787 F LaF
62 24 I miss DAN (#313) 40$160,779,247 HG LaFxDD
61 39 Stand for HK (#250) 38$218,118,301 HG LaF
60 32 Busted destock (#416) 1075$171,593,131 HG LaF
43 340 coming back (#448) 399$26,661 M  
38 391 Chillin for another set (#392) 120$6286 M  
37 362 Mother Truckin Star Wars (#324) 3243$307,576 F  
36 77 Triple crown and coke (#345) 200$56,389,322 HG LaF
35 118 Some trees are old (#330) 100$75,013,088 HG LaFisWiN
34 144 We played like 3 stooges (#284) 16,866$51,796,592 H LaF
33 172 Here we go again (#467) 13,453$25,588,228 HG LaF
33 Cotopaxi (#180) 10,792$4,523,169 M LaF
32 106 LaF Porn Enforcer (#295) 26,157$86,594,456 HG LaF
31 246 Use the force next xmas (#173) 16,360$16,723,164 M  
30 286 LaF for glory (#194) 11,108$34,239,135 D LaF
29 365 back again and again (#1611) 2053$520,945 M LaF
29 Create a country (#1466) 6600$980,103 M  
29 and famine you have (#1331) 6701$937,941 M LaF
29 Espada number zero (#1188) 5237$687,289 M LaF
29 died for the family (#1010) 3595$371,187 M LaF
29 Tied down laffing (#669) 4682$708,264 T LaF
29 Eug Ingle LaF Tie Winning (#177) 5547$721,815 T LaF
28 459 lol The kill me like I care (#1130) 5097$681,883 C LaF
28 after years of struggle (#1117) 5404$1,004,765 R LaF
28 mother truckers (#1054) 9361$2,967,112 T LaF
28 Damn killed while stocking (#1049) 4447$1,792,161 R LaF
28 All hail Solid Snake (#186) 12,872$4,527,397 D LaF
27 131 Landkilled OOP lol (#548) 22,167$84,993,399 DG LaF
27 F U Joffrey Baratheon (#330) 0$1585 M LaF
26 253 Im on a boat (#730) 21,958$47,113,042 H LaF
26 Freaky deak (#512) 6690$1,205,144 T LaF
25 223 Imdreamingofawhitexmas (#192) 22,153$23,244,239 DG LaF
24 96 Candy man is on the prowl (#403) 13,658$69,678,023 HG LaF
23 156 A beautiful baby girl (#573) 24,512$64,978,374 H LaF
22 202 Killed while working out (#838) 15,283$18,810,704 H LaF
22 killed on Fathers day yay (#723) 5004$401,230 T LaF
22 Hao now brown cow (#325) 3840$508,583 M LaF
21 137 Goku has Dragon Ballz (#337) 22,295$56,381,631 HG LaF
20 163 J ingle all the way (#478) 12,599$108,696,815 HG LaF
19 130 Xin da master (#356) 24,245$87,459,602 H LaF
18 54 Hey Sexy Ladies (#503) 24,524$124,602,566 HG LaF
17 185 Reddit is my favorite app (#292) 12,625$79,204,849 DG LaF
16 163 Buy some carrots (#862) 20,218$33,535,650 H LaF
16 I ride my bike (#640) 4345$276,070 T LaF
15 572 Mutha trucker (#1309) 4750$529,650 M LaF
15 After years of struggle (#1196) 4916$688,145 I LaF
15 Tyrion Lannister (#438) 7463$6,401,537 D LaF
14 228 Milking in the Ocean with lotion (#52) 16,827$44,296,329 HG LaF
13 231 The meaning of life (#488) 18,171$56,619,473 H LaF
12 197 EVO not happy they need SEX (#170) 12,997$26,215,310 H LaF
11 166 A kick in the crotch (#641) 21,898$87,433,224 HG LaF
11 Jinjiang Hanlong Trade Co (#499) 100$4717 M  
10 799 Not again (#1594) 180$10,526 M NAxToon
10 Shut it down (#1554) 1462$150,502 T NAxToon
10 Van Wilder (#1439) 1707$396,516 TG NAxToon
10 So SoFt she LAFs at you (#1279) 1131$146,412 IG NAxToon
10 Orko (#1153) 2659$188,865 TG NAxToon
10 Snarf snarf (#1073) 3289$305,730 T NAxToon
10 Eric Cartman (#340) 3949$288,272 T NAxToon
9 213 I am NA Chadius (#564) 18,956$63,810,325 HG NAunited

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism