Dec 23rd 2012, 13:22:40
I have for years investigated this. Here is the proof that h1w is the man behind most of the persons in LaF! Can you also see the pattern? DOWN WITH LAF HACKERS, CHEATERS, MULTIRUNNERS!!
h1w - h1
hao2 - h2
h20 - h2(2)
h3at - h3
h4x0rwanger - h4
Don Ha5h - h5
chaz - h6 (ch6z aka 6 ---> a turned around)
WHO IS H7???
Grinch - BOTH h8 and h9 his email include the numbers 8and9, and stonewalled at 3 population few sets ago (probably DB hacking) and also terrorist Here to steal the Christmas!
h10-17 are retired leaders? cHump? SolidsHake? xinHuan? cHief, cHadius, cHewi, skyHorse, Hxoap, Hurricane, macHwell, macHiawlli, stealtH, cHarles???
Hangar18 - h18
Don phx - hx where x ---> infinity he is all numbers after 18!!!!
This actually the proof that only i and hlw are the members of LaF and everything else is a computer simulation!! This is scary! and now i think we all need to join MD to save this game from LUCIFER 666!!!