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Top Clans - Alliance

Next Reset Eleventh round: Aug 05, 2011 - Oct 04, 2011 Prev Reset
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Top 25 (out of 26) clans ranked by total networth
NameTagMembersTotal WorthAvg WorthGDI
EVOlution EVOlens 70 $8,694,096,755 $124,201,382
La Famiglia LaF 61 $7,666,635,961 $125,682,557
Paradigm Paradigm 62 $3,503,016,177 $56,500,261
The Monsters MONSTERS 36 $2,781,858,788 $77,273,855
TheOmega TheOmega 33 $2,582,722,254 $78,264,311
The Infernal Elite Infernal 32 $1,891,661,277 $59,114,415
Moral Decay MD 44 $1,733,848,867 $39,405,656
Rival Rival 31 $1,463,766,770 $47,218,283
La Cosa Nostra LCNostra 37 $1,431,693,881 $38,694,429
Sons of Liberty SOLdiers 66 $1,329,798,447 $20,148,461
Reservoir Dogs RD 13 $1,260,614,977 $96,970,383
RAGE RAGE 23 $1,204,860,903 $52,385,257
Sanctuary Sanct 29 $876,214,836 $30,214,305
Survival of the Fittest SOF 44 $818,508,936 $18,602,476
Infernal Council of Nations ICN 13 $373,952,557 $28,765,581
iMagNum iMagNum 27 $112,863,530 $4,180,131
Unknown KSF UKNKSF 8 $92,941,300 $9,294,130
Netters Anonymous NArcotic 34 $24,464,528 $719,545
Trash Trash 1 $12,269,052 $1,226,905
6paTBa c Mapca 2025 20 $11,543,555 $577,178
clan clan 1 $2,132,547 $213,255
Female Body Inspectors FBI 1 $1,906,323 $190,632
2-325 Swallows 1 $712,553 $71,255
Where is Wally? wally 1 $79,239 $7924
Star League SL 1 $4717 $472

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