Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2470
Currently Logged in: 204

Alliance Clan: EVOlution (EVOqz)

Fourteenth round: Feb 04, 2012 - Apr 04, 2012
Clan Standings
Membership Rank6 of 28
Total Networth Rank2 of 28
Average Networth Rank2 of 28
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
8 Evolutionarily Loving Lover (#562) 63,722$205,351,627 C
9 Hello Beer (#406) 26,345$204,570,625 HG
12 Gan Bei (#64) 63,108$196,865,571 HG
14 im sexy and i know it (#453) 28,995$191,223,189 DG
15 The hooly blisful martir (#247) 60,267$190,136,461 DG
19 one hit combo (#264) 23,542$179,275,420 DG
20 Ossevo (#196)  Game profile 32,510$168,864,116 HG
21 sleepy (#99) 34,277$168,371,937 HG
23 ron paul rEVOlution (#51) 40,275$164,628,235 HG
25 RED STORM (#190)  Game profile 41,221$161,910,115 D
27 Orcinus Orca (#183) 27,304$158,038,673 HG
34 my momma nets better than you (#105) 27,950$149,140,544 HG
35 Nom Nom Sauce (#301)  Game profile 29,212$147,526,992 HG
37 ooh somebody step on a duck (#329) 26,973$143,852,286 HG
38 Rosa Parks (#601) 42,553$142,122,262 HG
41 shockthemonkey (#169) 15,079$139,837,672 HG
48 Evolution is xxxRatED (#302)  Game profile 29,351$134,742,981 DG
49 Chaos Sanctuary (#639)  Game profile 28,624$134,685,850 DG
53 TrippleCrownAgain (#214)  Game profile 26,660$132,989,599 HG
54 Legend of Potato (#525) 12,716$131,348,153 HG
55 A fist full of dollars (#312) 38,301$130,465,892 DG
61 Land of the Kings (#612)  Game profile 32,413$128,183,610 DG
62 REawakeneD (#582)  Game profile 29,260$127,391,336 DG
63 Bertong Bakal (#411) 29,296$126,951,689 HG
71 DevICIoUS (#310) 29,428$121,375,254 DG
81 shaney (#210) 30,432$116,582,456 HG
82 Ron de vouz (#320) 29,296$116,471,266 HG
83 blacks awareness month (#269)  Game profile 21,450$116,417,669 HG
91 HelpForHeroes org uk (#61) 32,973$110,423,482 D
94 Evolution0ccupied (#472) 26,437$107,258,429 HG
96 REDBull (#443) 14,373$106,450,122 DG
99 cheers to breakfast beers (#296) 26,054$105,883,113 DG
119 I only Drinkalone or Withsomeone (#409) 27,629$95,924,795 HG
143 M i Z F k U (#572)  Game profile 22,052$84,632,129 H
153 GardenGnomeLiberationFront (#630) 24,065$79,226,814 HG
156 Society of Carnage (#563) 38,584$78,801,092 FG
159 Kiwi Express (#587) 29,193$78,166,232 DG
186 Town of the pig (#790)  Game profile 24,982$64,140,147 HG

Ranked countries: 38 (Show all countries)

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