Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2461
Currently Logged in: 203

Alliance Clan: Survival of the Fittest 75 (75SoF75)

Twenty-fourth round: Oct 06, 2013 - Dec 05, 2013
Clan Standings
Membership Rank4 of 24
Total Networth Rank17 of 24
Average Networth Rank19 of 24
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
398 MDSOLRBUTTBUDDIES (#1274) 4658$1,591,725 HG
411 Bauer (#1242) 7256$1,037,801 MG
414 Holy Mountian x 3 (#1340)  Game profile 5644$981,362 RG
416 Forsaken (#1279) 5427$889,518 T
417 EYE EX ECUTIVE (#1225) 2092$818,165 C
422 Sof Will Never Die (#1324) 5297$775,990 IG
423 Humanitarians side with me (#1330) 5331$765,881 I
424 MD luvs MY DiCk (#1317) 4368$763,475 C
426 Holmen (#1304) 5053$748,927 T
429 MrB IIl (#1050) 5521$688,817 FG
438 I hate laptops (#983) 6256$613,354 T
439 Mr President (#1258)  Game profile 5202$594,527 CG
440 m0m0 mia Here we go again (#1284) 4240$592,721 T
442 MD is so afraid of me LOL (#1228) 2358$575,477 T
443 Wargodess (#1209) 4224$569,547 T
444 HG PaoLo NA (#1289) 4508$566,616 T
445 m0m0 made a country (#1112) 1324$553,022 I
446 75 SoFt TiTs (#1320) 4530$534,981 C
447 Worms Rule The World (#1325) 3959$517,059 T
449 m0m0 sr (#1178)  Game profile 3162$494,064 M
450 m0m0 suicidal maniac (#1264) 1361$490,382 T
451 0w0w (#1069) 1640$482,161 T
452 wombats out to kill (#1311) 2974$478,758 CG
454 Mattman Returns (#1276) 3022$473,786 I
455 kingcobraisinsofsosuckit (#1015)  Game profile 4348$473,315 M
456 SS (#1332) 4714$466,470 T
458 Boltar likes it when I spank him (#1043) 2257$460,111 T
459 75 turns and i died (#1058) 1503$456,194 I
460 wooptie doo (#1328)  Game profile 4647$451,612 M
462 Thou will be dead (#1169) 2472$448,160 I
464 Ridsect Awesome (#779)  Game profile 2111$439,375 T
467 Will work for SNUSNU (#1019)  Game profile 2836$417,822 T
468 Mongol Hordes (#1150) 1038$414,915 T
469 retirement is for tricks (#1036) 1130$406,687 T
470 m0m0s cant count to 75 (#1316) 1500$403,515 T
474 Killing machine (#1291) 3631$399,804 M
475 Schmooze (#1308) 4264$398,006 M
476 Paul walker is dead (#1307) 3738$395,940 T
478 didi m0m0 nono (#1105)  Game profile 1932$390,042 R
479 PkoiLaGuerreExiste (#1233) 2963$389,735 T
482 Patience is Mr Teal (#1302) 3643$371,699 C
489 m0m0dallovermdstitties (#1293) 3303$354,457 T
490 sof brat (#1322) 3359$349,760 RG
493 75 Dragons (#1301) 1797$336,451 T
494 The Death Dealers (#1130) 1907$331,190 I
495 BuckeyesLOLatSoL (#1162) 3359$330,347 M
499 LoW2 (#1087) 1969$319,794 T
502 NeverAngerTheOtter (#1167) 2583$302,843 M
503 my m0m0 (#1024) 1885$300,542 T
504 Oopsie (#966)  Game profile 1354$295,326 I
508 75 Garak (#771) 1153$289,840 T
511 m0m0s 75th restart this set (#1292)  Game profile 4083$281,124 F
512 75plus75plus75MoreHumpsForMrFord (#1186)  Game profile 2858$272,995 T
515 SoLandMD isnt a 1vs1 (#1049) 1507$263,241 M
527 Insert Name Here 5x75 (#1174) 1053$199,062 T
535 THIS IS BORE GREAT JUSTICEm0m0m0 (#1327) 814$157,775 TG
539 seventy fifth (#1028) 1047$140,673 T
548 EEVIL WAR MACHINE (#1131)  Game profile 0$113,155 T

Ranked countries: 58 (Show all countries)

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