Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 26 - Mar 30
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2575
Currently Logged in: 175

Alliance Clan: The Omega (OMEGA)

Twenty-fifth round: Dec 06, 2013 - Feb 04, 2014
Clan Standings
Membership Rank4 of 27
Total Networth Rank1 of 27
Average Networth Rank2 of 27
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
3 The Quest for Shiva (#237)  Game profile 58,725$216,323,244 HG
7 Voltron Defender of the Universe (#107)  Game profile 25,375$178,326,016 DG
8 AfaikBlidCrestDontEverFinish1a (#87)  Game profile 43,029$177,309,277 HG
11 Singapore aiyoyo (#343) 48,872$165,235,329 CG
13 Stargate SG1 (#400)  Game profile 41,781$156,665,703 HG
15 Model T ALPHA (#286) 48,274$146,688,547 HG
18 Doedicurus (#207) 15,973$144,383,141 DG
19 The Empire (#275) 30,160$134,359,840 H
24 Merry Christmas and a Happy New (#298) 31,368$128,259,990 D
28 Sardonic Sarkastodon (#351) 34,275$121,310,944 H
31 ALPHAs eat Vegemite (#202) 34,931$117,161,686 HG
32 talkw3rds (#394) 28,172$117,088,362 HG
43 8675309 (#445) 32,376$112,185,622 HG
46 ALPHA Cossacks (#425) 29,926$109,577,224 HG
49 Tributes to Paul Walker (#352) 25,929$106,411,183 HG
52 Eggnog Mistletoe and Uncle Bob (#72) 18,180$103,422,030 HG
61 Wiggle wiggle wiggle (#569) 21,855$97,991,282 H
62 something something (#439)  Game profile 28,775$97,913,565 H
63 Insert Witty Country Name Here (#35) 29,279$97,512,687 HG
64 Galloping Glyptodons (#553)  Game profile 30,003$97,057,776 D
65 Hawkeye (#250)  Game profile 38,013$96,413,016 H
66 Neds Atomic Dustbin (#424) 26,663$95,826,777 H
76 Gallifrey Falls No More (#396) 37,526$89,272,417 T
78 Das (#188) 25,156$89,189,171 D
85 Curb your Omega (#551) 36,066$87,113,079 H
91 Bottom wo Nerae (#369) 20,574$84,757,840 DG
99 NCIS Earth Empires (#99) 26,635$82,756,372 D
101 Mufasacus Rebirthicus (#266)  Game profile 28,320$82,335,597 H
107 Pounding Mochi on the Moon (#615)  Game profile 21,583$77,682,123 HG
108 The Rings of Akhaten (#233)  Game profile 16,008$77,448,701 DG
118 dOgMiLk (#127)  Game profile 27,103$70,723,004 H
122 Gallifrey Lives (#139) 29,140$68,088,795 C
129 Revolutionary Omegan Guards (#42) 23,464$62,868,331 C
165 Bad Wolf (#447) 23,095$42,155,634 H
169 Battlestar Galactibumega (#463) 19,274$39,789,343 R
190 The Living Infinite (#303)  Game profile 21,698$32,633,249 D
194 WARLORDe (#540)  Game profile 15,655$32,112,638 D
231 Klincey (#378) 10,249$21,981,225 H
252 Silly Little Thing (#605) 23,428$18,094,174 R

Ranked countries: 39 (Show all countries)

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