Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2471
Currently Logged in: 204

Alliance Clan: Survival of the Fittest (SoF)

Twenty-fifth round: Dec 06, 2013 - Feb 04, 2014
Clan Standings
Membership Rank5 of 27
Total Networth Rank17 of 27
Average Networth Rank17 of 27
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
421 I win (#1089) 4535$3,580,521 IG
426 See you next set (#1093) 5353$3,216,187 IG
452 MrB (#1041) 4548$2,480,957 M
470 Mattman Forever (#1112) 4144$1,838,324 I
474 BuckeyesNoUCantWin1on1 (#1125) 3434$1,647,847 C
476 Iste (#1150) 3706$1,632,272 T
481 ding dong (#1144) 3118$1,592,727 T
484 Glaurung (#1079) 3798$1,541,878 T
487 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (#1068) 3731$1,523,621 M
490 Chekow (#1152) 3257$1,496,710 T
491 i refuse to stay dead (#1140) 1317$1,474,146 I
492 Donny gave Mdevol crabs (#1019) 1570$1,451,748 F
497 Pfft (#1196) 4523$1,364,293 M
498 bout time you offed me (#1121) 4270$1,340,851 R
499 MD loves the Rooster (#1132)  Game profile 4450$1,329,776 F
501 crischew (#1165) 4319$1,315,888 M
502 landkilled wtf (#1166)  Game profile 3715$1,303,795 T
506 The Nexus (#1123) 3032$1,281,490 C
508 You just got Jammed (#1000)  Game profile 2589$1,266,577 TG
510 last one this set (#1119) 3884$1,243,264 T
513 No Name (#1154) 3545$1,228,225 M
516 I am sick of this (#1008) 3838$1,213,737 T
517 m0m0 double standard (#1128) 4180$1,194,395 T
518 m0m0 2 restart or not 2 restart (#1167) 2451$1,177,343 T
520 Your mother cant wall for shit (#1057)  Game profile 0$1,170,992 T
521 md has small pricks (#1091)  Game profile 4270$1,156,601 M
522 MDswallowedmyjizz (#1149) 3320$1,155,649 T
523 md has smallest pricks (#1172)  Game profile 3924$1,145,970 T
524 m0m0ing (#1126) 3008$1,140,377 T
525 m0m0 last day (#1189) 5032$1,130,562 T
526 Can make it (#1148) 2893$1,114,920 T
527 MDSOL SUCKED MY DICK (#1182) 4865$1,112,290 C
528 IXRulesFromAllCorners (#1102)  Game profile 3161$1,110,625 T
529 TassKillinMachine (#1036) 3717$1,109,407 T
530 Donkey Punch 2 (#717) 3362$1,109,229 C
532 backforemoreagainagain (#1083) 6594$1,051,352 F
534 Ah Ah Ah (#1193) 4831$1,044,539 T
535 MD LOVES THE COoCK (#1188)  Game profile 4544$1,038,626 M
537 Getting old (#851) 3781$1,034,449 T
539 MyThirdSOwhat (#766) 3106$1,012,443 T
540 High Voltage (#1187) 4450$995,259 T
543 White RIver (#999) 3644$986,132 T
546 killing machine (#1106) 5581$959,304 T
548 MDSOL are penny stocks (#1074) 1915$951,930 F
550 Walling Kills My Restart (#1161) 2917$938,203 T
552 SOL ATE MDS DICK (#1130) 2013$914,455 C
553 md suck pricks (#1198)  Game profile 3899$898,033 T
554 Death by SNUSNU (#976)  Game profile 2183$873,842 T
557 White River (#1171) 3958$814,049 M
560 Humm (#947) 4363$720,112 M
561 Once more round the block (#1085)  Game profile 3435$668,925 T
563 Falling lnto lnfinity (#1169) 2494$661,440 I
576 brb2u (#759) 0$406,081 M
583 m0m0BaByTestaYes (#887) 2370$365,382 M
593 Return Again (#781) 2590$247,603 M
595 aponic (#1143) 1699$238,222 M

Ranked countries: 56 (Show all countries)

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